Anyone starting Whole30?

I'm starting Whole 30 soon and was wondering if anyone else was thinking of doing it?

The reasons why I have decided to do whole30:

-I have Psoriatic arthritis, I was diagnosed with this when I was 22 ( I'm almost 28). It has been hard to manage with medicine and the medicine is extremely expensive!

-I want to get my sugar monster under control. I crave sugar 24/7. I have a chocolate dipped biscotti everyday for breakfast for petes sake!

- I had gastric bypass 7.5 years ago. My lowest weight was 135 last summer. I am currently 156 and that's a little scary for me. I would love to get back down to my goal!

if anyone wants to join me I would love to have some buddies!


  • helen_demun
    helen_demun Posts: 33 Member
    Yes! I'm starting it with 2 of my friends on Monday!! One of them is gluten, soy and dairy free due to illness so it'll be great!! Feel free to add me /)
  • liftingmysterygirl
    I'm starting tomorrow! I also have a hard time controlling sugar. My weight is also around the same, and I need to get that in check! Adding you, because I think we'll get along!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    @Loves2snack, since you have a medical issue, have you talked to your ruemetologist about diet/way of eating to best manage your pain? You might be able to get a referral to a rigistered dietician who specializes in arthritis.

    As for weight loss, that will happen with a calorie deficit. It sounds like you don't have much to lose, so esy does it!
  • Grankakes
    Grankakes Posts: 128 Member
    i'm actually starting whole30 today. need to lose about 100 pounds. going to take it 1 day at a time with whole30's help! please add me. maybe we can start a group!
  • gonetothedogs19
    gonetothedogs19 Posts: 325 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    @Loves2snack, since you have a medical issue, have you talked to your ruemetologist about diet/way of eating to best manage your pain? You might be able to get a referral to a rigistered dietician who specializes in arthritis.

    As for weight loss, that will happen with a calorie deficit. It sounds like you don't have much to lose, so esy does it!

    Along with your calorie deficit, you might as well eat healthy. And reducing your sugar consumption is the best thing you can do for your health. Good luck. It's not easy breaking the sugar habit.
  • losergood2011
    losergood2011 Posts: 172 Member
    Whole 30 is great I just finished a round of FMD and am breaking for a week. Then it's back to whole 30 for me.
  • semisweetsmile
    semisweetsmile Posts: 13 Member
    I'm with you on reducing my sugar intake .. I actually tend to overdo it with the fruit and ice cream.. And the occasional chocolate. There's a recent NYT article about how the sugar industry paid scientists to focus the blame for heart disease more on saturated fat!! So sugar is worse for you than what everyone thought ...
  • gonetothedogs19
    gonetothedogs19 Posts: 325 Member
    I'm with you on reducing my sugar intake .. I actually tend to overdo it with the fruit and ice cream.. And the occasional chocolate. There's a recent NYT article about how the sugar industry paid scientists to focus the blame for heart disease more on saturated fat!! So sugar is worse for you than what everyone thought ...

    That's right. There are reports all over the web concerning the fraudulent sugar industry. They are no different than when the tobacco industry denied (though sometime in the 90's), that cigarettes were bad for you.
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    I am on day 13. I have done 3 more in the past. Two of which I completed and one of which I lasted 28 days and had an accidental run in with sugar. Since it was not my first one, I decided that that amount of time was fine for me. This one I am also going to have a planned cheat. My birthday is at the end of the month and I will be out of town celebrating not only my birthday, but also my boyfriend's niece's birthday. Since my goal this time around is really just to lose weight (which is not the goal of the program and if it is your first time, I highly recommend sticking exactly to the rules), I am weighing myself and logging my food. But if it is your first time, I really do recommend seeing the program through, exactly as it is written and do a true reintroduction. Let me know how it goes! I can help you guys if you have any questions.
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    Grankakes wrote: »
    i'm actually starting whole30 today. need to lose about 100 pounds. going to take it 1 day at a time with whole30's help! please add me. maybe we can start a group!
    I would love to do this together! Maybe we can start a group!
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    How's everyone doing ( that started) so far? I started yesterday! Although I had to have just one more chocolate dipped
  • JenNoel
    JenNoel Posts: 8 Member
    I'm on day 2 and the cravings for sugar are really starting to kick in. I am determined to stick this out. I eat so much sugar, processed foods and love my daily craft beer. I know that the first week is the worst part and I know once I get through this detox I should start to feel a lot better next week.
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    JenNoel wrote: »
    I'm on day 2 and the cravings for sugar are really starting to kick in. I am determined to stick this out. I eat so much sugar, processed foods and love my daily craft beer. I know that the first week is the worst part and I know once I get through this detox I should start to feel a lot better next week.

    Way to go! I am going to link you the timeline, if you have not already seen it. It can be pretty accurate, especially if you have been eating a lot of sugar or processed foods. I love it because it helps me not get discouraged. The first two weeks can be pretty rough, but the reward is completely worth it!
  • Kate4030
    Kate4030 Posts: 18 Member
    I started on the 11th. I, surprisingly, haven't had any major cravings and have felt pretty darn good (which is weird since I ate like crap before!) I would love to have people to talk to about it, share meal ideas, keep me accountable.
  • Grankakes
    Grankakes Posts: 128 Member
    aliem wrote: »
    I am on day 13. I have done 3 more in the past. Two of which I completed and one of which I lasted 28 days and had an accidental run in with sugar. Since it was not my first one, I decided that that amount of time was fine for me. This one I am also going to have a planned cheat. My birthday is at the end of the month and I will be out of town celebrating not only my birthday, but also my boyfriend's niece's birthday. Since my goal this time around is really just to lose weight (which is not the goal of the program and if it is your first time, I highly recommend sticking exactly to the rules), I am weighing myself and logging my food. But if it is your first time, I really do recommend seeing the program through, exactly as it is written and do a true reintroduction. Let me know how it goes! I can help you guys if you have any questions.

    i'm on day 3 of my first time. i plan to complete this one. have a couple of days break and then do it again. that should put me close to thanksgiving. then i'm going to try to stick with 'real' food and eat my fav's sparingly. then i'll go back on the plan until close to christmas. and then start over again january 1. i know its not a perfect plan, but when you have 100 pounds to lose, any plan is better than no plan.
  • Grankakes
    Grankakes Posts: 128 Member
    JenNoel wrote: »
    I'm on day 2 and the cravings for sugar are really starting to kick in. I am determined to stick this out. I eat so much sugar, processed foods and love my daily craft beer. I know that the first week is the worst part and I know once I get through this detox I should start to feel a lot better next week.

    i'm on day 3. the first 2 weren't that bad. but i'm getting that grouchy rotten feeling coming on. i'm hoping to feel better by next week too.
  • dunkut
    dunkut Posts: 50 Member
    Ha days 4 and 5 are the worst, talk about wanting to kill someone! I love whole30 and follow the program 95% of the time in normal life. I have completed one and it was great! I just don't have the allergies and issues most use it for, it did teach me a lot about self control.
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    Grankakes wrote: »
    aliem wrote: »
    I am on day 13. I have done 3 more in the past. Two of which I completed and one of which I lasted 28 days and had an accidental run in with sugar. Since it was not my first one, I decided that that amount of time was fine for me. This one I am also going to have a planned cheat. My birthday is at the end of the month and I will be out of town celebrating not only my birthday, but also my boyfriend's niece's birthday. Since my goal this time around is really just to lose weight (which is not the goal of the program and if it is your first time, I highly recommend sticking exactly to the rules), I am weighing myself and logging my food. But if it is your first time, I really do recommend seeing the program through, exactly as it is written and do a true reintroduction. Let me know how it goes! I can help you guys if you have any questions.

    i'm on day 3 of my first time. i plan to complete this one. have a couple of days break and then do it again. that should put me close to thanksgiving. then i'm going to try to stick with 'real' food and eat my fav's sparingly. then i'll go back on the plan until close to christmas. and then start over again january 1. i know its not a perfect plan, but when you have 100 pounds to lose, any plan is better than no plan.

    No! That sounds like a great plan! Hopefully in a week or two you will start to get the "Tiger Blood" and be super energized. Just remember that it definitely gets tough! Around day 10 or so, without fail, I want to quit and eat things I don't even like! It definitely gets easier though! Good luck!
  • JenNoel
    JenNoel Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, I am on day 5 and grouchy and sluggish and trying to talk myself out of quitting. I know that by next week I will start to feel better.
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    JenNoel wrote: »
    Yes, I am on day 5 and grouchy and sluggish and trying to talk myself out of quitting. I know that by next week I will start to feel better.

    You can do it! It is hard to push through, but it gets better! Plus, if you stick with it, you will learn so much about what goes into your food and your own body!