Self Control and Eating Out..

Okay, I want to know how you all think because I have issues. I have to stay away from any fast food or resturants period. Here's my logic, if i go out to eat why would I get a salad? I can save my own 10-15 bucks and make a salad at home. If I go to any sit down or fast food joint I want to get something good. Hince why i rather starve than go out to eat because I just have no self control, and to be truthful.. I dont want to have any. I just dont see the point of going out to eat..spending money on something I know I dont want and still have this craving for something else. Waste of time, energy, and money. I know that if i want something.. I am going to get it..and the longer I wait..the worse off I get.. I.E. last night..been craving a steak from texas road house. I chose to not go this whole week. ...and straight showed out eating until I was sick..literally. I ate like 8 rolls...cheese fries..baked the whole steak..oh yea a salad..and a real coke.. SHAME!

Anywho.. as i rant on and on.. whats yall take on eating out?


  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Oh do I hear you! I only go out to eat once a month, and when I do, I go for it!
    Next Saturday I'm going to Texas Roadhouse too! The only thing I'll skip is the cheese fries, but I think I'll order the same thing you did!
  • Gojira74
    Gojira74 Posts: 57 Member
    While I prefer not to eat out, it is not always avoidable. I keep my Android phone with me and just order what will work for me. It also seems the you would be better off going in getting what you wanted, when you originally craved it, and then eating some of it and saving the rest for later. I bring home left overs constantly.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    limit yourself eating out just as you do for eating at home. Next time skip the rolls and cheese fries and just eat the steak and salad! Who ever said steak was bad!?! lol
  • TammyLanham
    TammyLanham Posts: 109 Member
    I've decided to swear off of fast food - BAD experience (it's on the blog:

    I just don't eat out all that much, like you said - I can stay at home, fix a healthier alternative and save the money. If we do eat out, it's for a special occasion or with friends. Keep going girl... you can do it!
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    Oh do I hear you! I only go out to eat once a month, and when I do, I go for it!
    Next Saturday I'm going to Texas Roadhouse too! The only thing I'll skip is the cheese fries, but I think I'll order the same thing you did!

    Whats so sad is.. I dont feel guilty.. I feel more mad at myself bc had I gone the first day I prob would have still ordered the steak..but all the other stuff prob not. Its a shame to work so hard and then mess up so bad..and just not care.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    why torture yourself? you can eat out, and choose something other than a slad to eat. just plan it, look stuff up online first. many restaurants have nutrition listed online. and, if the place you are going to does not have any info, they should at least have a menu, telling you what all is included with your meal, and you can do your diary entry before going so you know exactly what your meal will be. one of my fav places to go is a pasta/pizza place. they do have a lighter choices menu, but i usually get a baked 7 cheese ravioli, with a bolognese sauce. yes, i eat the full order, including the piece of garlic toast they include with it. is it low cal? not really, but i make sure it can fit into my diary.

    the second you start to think of things being bad for you, if you are anything like me, you will start to crave them. so, don't think of it as bad. think of it as something yummy you may need to do a little work for. anything worth working for can't be a bad thing right?
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    I have worked in restaurants for 30 years. I rarely eat in them because most things are horribly calorie-laden. I always bring a bag of my own food to work. Everyone, including some customers, know that I can't eat restaurant food and maintain my weight. The two worst things to eat, IMHO, is restaurant food and processed food. :flowerforyou:
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    why torture yourself? you can eat out, and choose something other than a slad to eat. just plan it, look stuff up online first. many restaurants have nutrition listed online. and, if the place you are going to does not have any info, they should at least have a menu, telling you what all is included with your meal, and you can do your diary entry before going so you know exactly what your meal will be. one of my fav places to go is a pasta/pizza place. they do have a lighter choices menu, but i usually get a baked 7 cheese ravioli, with a bolognese sauce. yes, i eat the full order, including the piece of garlic toast they include with it. is it low cal? not really, but i make sure it can fit into my diary.

    the second you start to think of things being bad for you, if you are anything like me, you will start to crave them. so, don't think of it as bad. think of it as something yummy you may need to do a little work for. anything worth working for can't be a bad thing right?

    YOU ARE VERRRY right.. why? Oh why shall i torture myself? Im an emotional eater... This past week I just couldnt find energy to care. To make dinners or to do anything. Boo.. i hate excuses .. so i wont make one.. hince why ill just say... I didnt care..
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i eat out.. when i feel like it... though it is more of a challenge now that i choose to eat in a healthier manner for sure..but it is certainly doable.
    Tonight i ate out at an indian buffet and it fit my plan fine *S*
    Last night i ended up at a vietnamese restaurant and had my favourite noodle bowl... also fit my plan just fine *S*

    i eat pasta at a pasta restaurant whenever i feel like it...
    it's all about planning.. and i 'plan' to eat this way for the rest of my life, so why would i deprive or torture myself now?

    i try to balance everything though.. it is not usual for me to eat out 2 nights in a row *L* but life happens..and i choose to make it work... and btw.. i never order salad in a restuarant (unless is a tiny lil side green salad) as quite frankly i am not a salad person, and i rarely have them at home either *S*

    all seems to be working fine for me *S*.. just make your choices hun.
    who is in control afterall.. you? or the food?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I go out to eat a lot. I'm usually pretty good at make good choice, but sometimes the best choice at a restaurant really isn't all that great (I remember the time I discovered that Applebee's can make a grilled chicken breast have 1000+ calories),
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    all things in moderation.

    if you must go to a restaurant plan it and be sure to workout before or after you go.

    since this is a lifestyle change you do have time to learn how to balance it all out, sometimes we all will just binge but thats just life.

    all i can say is plan ahead, work off those calories and keep it moving.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    Girl!!! I eat out all of the time!! And I do what the other poster does.....I will look at the website before I go and plan for the dinner, so I know what to eat for I love me some Steak!! I will order a 6 oz steak, brocolli and no bread....I am enjoying the steak but no carbs. So my big rule normally is to stick with meat and veggies when I got to restaurants like that!! I used to order the blooming onion or the cheese fries, but now, it is meat and veggies only. If I want a glass of wine, I plan for it. Or I will eat popcorn when I get home. It is so hard at first!! I know and remember well!! But once you see results, it is so worth it!! I know you can do it!! :happy:
  • You just told my life story I have THE worst time with eating out!
  • shellybsn
    shellybsn Posts: 57 Member
    I find that eating out and /or fast food are not entirely avoidable. And I don't always want to avoid it--it can be a wonderful social activity. However, if I know ahead of time, I look up their website and try and make some informed decisions. If I can't look or there is no website, I try and guess at some healthy choices or plan my calories for the day with some room to spare. Maybe by denying yourself dine out food entirely, it makes it that more desireable and you compulsively overeat. I tend to do that with anything I "ban" from my diet. Life is about moderation and since this is a lifetime eating plan, chances are I'll have to eat out at some point in the next 50+ years.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I try to avoid fast food because it's all high sodium junk even the so called healthier ones. I'm not saying I never eat at them. I have been out and about and run into to dunkin donuts and gotten an egg and cheese crossaint when it was that or starve, but for the most part I simply don't do it. If it's not the salt, it's the artificial colorings and chemicals in the food I can't control and I simply don't do well with them.

    Eating in restaurants on the other hand is an entirely different thing. I have a fairly busy social life and a large part of that involves eating out. There is a diner I eat at 1 - 2 x's a week, not to mentioned meeting friends for lunch/dinner/drinks, etc.... When planning my menus I try to keep that in mind. To my way of think it doesn't always mean a salad, although if I am eating dinner I will almost always choose a salad as my appetizer. I get really specific about it as well. I request no cheese/croutons & ask for dressing on the side, preferably oil/vinegar. I then choose a sensible entree, and depending on the place a sensible dessert. I typically request seltzer with lime as my beverage.

    In short I have trained myself to think how to eat out. and stay within my goals. This is a lifestyle change for me and knowing this is a big part of my everyday life I knew I had to learn how to handle social occasions or it wouldn't work. Case in point was a cook out I went to today. I knew a cookout could be deadly and I decided to bring most of my food. I still socialized. I still had a beer, I just stopped at one. I had a bit of the desserts then ate fruit. I juiced my own beverage and then drank water. I managed to stay under my calories and all my macros except sugar and I'm not worried about that since it's a one off for me. It can be done, it just takes some planning.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I think the key to eating out is to plan ahead. We eat out pretty regularly, and I just make sure I research the nutritional information, plan what I want in advance, log it before we go and make sure I have the calories. Often I find that I don't even eat everything I planned for, and I think that is because I know I can if I want to. For example for Father's Day we went to Outback Steakhouse. I planned on a 6 ounce sirloin prepared without butter and a lobster tail grilled without butter, and a side of beans and mashed potatoes. I factored in one piece of bread with butter. By doing my research on the website I learned that I could ask for everything prepared light, which meant without any added butter. That whole meal was about 700 calories. When I started eating, I was full, so only ate half the potatoes and the entire meal ended up being about 567 calories. That is about what I usually eat for dinner. It was over my sodium, so I just made sure I kept the waitress busy filling up my water glass. I try to only go to restaraunts where I can find the nutritional information. I know for me, eating out is a social occasion I am not willing to give up, so I just figure out how to make it work. By planning everything I want beforehand I can go, order and enjoy myself with my family and friends without guilt.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Okay, I want to know how you all think because I have issues. I have to stay away from any fast food or resturants period. Here's my logic, if i go out to eat why would I get a salad? I can save my own 10-15 bucks and make a salad at home. If I go to any sit down or fast food joint I want to get something good. Hince why i rather starve than go out to eat because I just have no self control, and to be truthful.. I dont want to have any. I just dont see the point of going out to eat..spending money on something I know I dont want and still have this craving for something else. Waste of time, energy, and money. I know that if i want something.. I am going to get it..and the longer I wait..the worse off I get.. I.E. last night..been craving a steak from texas road house. I chose to not go this whole week. ...and straight showed out eating until I was sick..literally. I ate like 8 rolls...cheese fries..baked the whole steak..oh yea a salad..and a real coke.. SHAME!

    Anywho.. as i rant on and on.. whats yall take on eating out?

    Next time go to the steak house. The steak & baked potato w/ a side of veg (no butter) would actually be a healthy meal. I don;t necessarily believe in the "everything in moderation" theory, but anything you can eat without binging on, simply look for a healthy alternative to it. I have a friend who loves burgers. She still want them, but now eats them with half the bread and no mayo and it fits in her meal plan.
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    it is ok to eat out and not get just a salad, but i preplan my meals when i go out so i get a reasonable amount of calories...and you just gotta be careful to not eat so much bread!
  • Starrr126
    Starrr126 Posts: 90 Member
    I eat out, probably a few times a week and I am still losing weight. I also don't eat salad when I go out for the same logic. If I'm paying I want something special. What I do on those day is making sure I work out more. if that means an extra hour on the treadmill, then I do it. This won't work for everyone, but it works for me.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I would rather cook and eat at home. I feel like when I eat out no matter what I choose it's going to be higher in calories than what I would make at home and I have to skip my little snacks.

    But as the others have said you cannot always avoid it. If you have family and friends you're gonna have to go out at some point lol. I try to make the best choice possible. But I whole heartedly believe if you are craving something do not avoid it. You will end up going over board! I still eat cake at a party sometimes, other times I skip it but if I want it I WILL!