peanut butter everyday

I've been eating 2 Tbsp daily for weeks now and I don't believe it's caused any problems with my weight loss_it's something i look forward to/enjoy.I rely on it for fats and it fits in my calorie budget.But I sometimes find myself feeling guilty about eating it and I have to convince myself there's no harm being done!_does anyone else feel this way when eating PB or any other foods that could possibly be perceived as fattening,you eat within your calories?


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    Eating peanut butter every day would make me feel awful!!

    But I do eat nutella just about every day. :)
  • jvanessa89
    jvanessa89 Posts: 332 Member
    edited September 2016
    You shouldn't feel bad. I've lost almost 100 pounds in the past year and I may not eat it EVERY single day but I eat it quite often. I like Justin's Classic Peanut Butter on toasted Ezekial flax bread with cinnamon on top or on a banana with cinnamon. yum!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I don't like peanut butter enough to eat it every day, it's just a very occasional craving. With that said, I do have various higher calorie foods that I eat often, like homemade ice cream in the summer (homemade just because I have a machine, like making it, and like experimenting with flavors that go beyond what is cheaply commercially available). It has not prevented me from losing more than 90 pounds. It takes time to overcome the "bad food" mentality, so don't worry. You will get there eventually.
  • eluvscats
    eluvscats Posts: 54 Member
    I've been having peanut butter with an apple lately on maybe 5/7 days last week. Yummy! No guilt, no shame, just a yummy snack that is satisfying and fits into my calorie goals, etc. :)
  • Spiderpug
    Spiderpug Posts: 159 Member
    Oooh yum - I wouldn't be able to not eat the whole jar in one day so I don't buy it :neutral:
  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 79 Member
    I would not feel bad at all eating 2 tbsp a day.... my problem would be not sticking to that serving! I love peanut butter! But no, I don't ever feel bad eating good fats if I'm not going nuts with the serving size.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    edited September 2016
    If eating a little peanut butter every day is your worst food crime, I'd say you're doing ok there. Might even think about dialing back the old food conscience a little. I eat 1-2 oz of almonds every day btw, those Blue Diamond flavored ones rock severely.
  • segf28
    segf28 Posts: 1 Member
    I think you're good and I do the same! :) I usually eat it as a morning snack because it keeps me feeling full through the day.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I use PB almost every day as well since i have to take my vitamin d supplement with a source of fat. otherwise i eat very very little fat!
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    I've been eating 2 Tbsp daily for weeks now and I don't believe it's caused any problems with my weight loss_it's something i look forward to/enjoy.I rely on it for fats and it fits in my calorie budget.But I sometimes find myself feeling guilty about eating it and I have to convince myself there's no harm being done!_does anyone else feel this way when eating PB or any other foods that could possibly be perceived as fattening,you eat within your calories?

    I eat peanut butter many days per week. Peanut butter is actually one of fat sources you will see very frequently recommended on balanced diets as it has a lot of benefits.

    Bottomline is, if it fits your calorie and macro budget then go for it. No need to feel guilty or anything!
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    If it helps you stick to your plan and you can fit it into your calorie budget then it's something that works for you. Fattening is an overall dietary issue not one item.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    you should feel bad for not eating it more often
  • sonic_corset
    sonic_corset Posts: 15 Member
    not peanut butter original, but PB2 i have almost every day. :) it fits in my calorie allotment. no shame.
  • JoshuaMcAllister
    JoshuaMcAllister Posts: 500 Member
    Why not if you enjoy it and it fits your macros. Just be sure to log it properly though, a tablespoon of PB is on average 30g which for my brand equates to 187cal and 15g of fat. Start to log incorrectly and it may just begin to effect your weight loss.
  • chapiano
    chapiano Posts: 331 Member
    edited September 2016
    Peanut butter is really good for you! The fats are mainly good fats your body needs. Look for organic 100% peanut brands. Avoid reduced fat PB, all they do is remove some of the healthy fats and replace with sugar
  • Derpy_Hooves
    Derpy_Hooves Posts: 234 Member
    I loooove peanutbutter and don't see anything wrong with it. I buy the organic-nothing-added stuff and yes it's high in fat/calories, but so what? Just log it and enoy.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    As a recovering bulimic, the one thing I cannot allow myself to do is feel guilty about eating anything. I don't eat PB every day, but I eat it lots of days. I also eat flavored cream cheese on my bagels and have had coworkers say "How do you lose weight eating that?" My reply is, "I eat less of it than I want."

    If it fits in your calories and macros, eat I and enjoy it. This is a lifestyle change, not a short term diet.
  • Misterhyd3
    Misterhyd3 Posts: 138 Member
    I LOVE peanut butter! I wish I had a life time supply