What should my daily NET goal be?? - Considering that MFP sa

Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
So after inputting all of my information MFP gave me the default goal of eating 1,200 calories a day...
The problem with this is that when i eat this amount i dont loose any weight..
And i know i have a pretty ****ty diet, but even the weeks where i just ate like salad and managed to resist all forms of fast food i somehow put on a little weight...
So i came to the conclusion that i need to eat more...

So i went onto MFP custom goal changer and i discovered something that i think is a little interesting....

According to MFP if i want to loose 1 pound a week (Recommended by MFP) i have to make sure my daily NET calories are only 1,180. Which i could proberlly do if i manged to stay away from kfc and mcdonalds for the day..

If i want to loose 1 1/2 pounds a week i have to make sure my daily NET calories are only 930.
And if i want to loose 2 pounds a week (Which honestly i would prefer), i have to make sure my daily NET calories are only 680!!

So i dont know what to do, i would prefer to loose 2 pounds a week, but i couldnt only eat a NET of 680 calories... I would either have to starve or exercise for hours and hours each day...
So what do you guys think i should be setting my MFP daily NET goal for??

when i have said before some people say MFP wouldnt tell me this, so i will post the picture so you can see ->>..


EDIT: Re-did the pictures so you can see all of it..


  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Youre not supposed to eat under 1200 net a day... if it says to eat under then that means it's not healthy for you to lose weight that fast. that happened with me. you can't rush weight loss. stick to 1200 a day MINIMUM. you wont lose as fast but it will be way healthier for you and you'll be less likely to gain it all back...

    you say you have a sh*tty diet, so maybe try fixing that. your macros effect your weight loss. the more sugar and bad fats in your diet, the less weight you'll lose... discipline yourself to eat 1200 calories of healthy food and you'll see results...
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    My current Net goal is 930 calories, the one in the middle.. But i have yet to reach this goal, every day i seem to be floating around the 1,200 net calorie mark lol.
  • AmberYZ
    AmberYZ Posts: 23 Member
    Slow down and lose 1 pound a week instead. Rushing weight loss won't do you any good in the long term. I took a quick scan through your food diary and it seems regulating your meals so that you can eat at reasonable times and eat balanced meals is the best thing you can do right now. If you treat your body properly it'll respond accordingly. :)
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    How tall are you and what do you weigh now?
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    My current Net goal is 930 calories, the one in the middle.. But i have yet to reach this goal, every day i seem to be floating around the 1,200 net calorie mark lol.

    like i said... its unhealthy for someone of your size to lose 2 pounds a week. eating under 1200 calories a day is a good way to starve yourself... stick to 1200 a day minimum. you'll keep the weight off without hurting your body. you have to be patient with this stuff :) i always tell myself, it didnt come on overnight so it wont come off overnight...i had to recently change my goals to 1/2 a pound a week to break my plateau and i'm back on track...