I think it is working

Hi everyone!
just wanted to share that I think I have actually lost (well it is not a lot) some weight. I've been (something I shouldn't really be doing) weighing myself everyday without seeing results. It was driving me nuts! So, I went a few days without weighing (that drove me nuts too lol). After that I starting weighing myself again (daily) a few days in a row I'm at the same weight of 3 pounds less then when I starting paying attention to my calorie intake. That is a good thing, right?


because I am eating the same amount of calories (or pretty darn close) would that be my reason for weight increase at the end of the day? Weighing myself before I go to bed. The same three pounds that I seem to be loosing, haunts me back at the end of the day if I weigh myself then.

Which weight is more accurate? Morning weight? or Evening weight?
My assumtion is the morning weight because that is when you are you lowest with an empty belly?


  • Erica92627
    Hi everyone!
    just wanted to share that I think I have actually lost (well it is not a lot) some weight. I've been (something I shouldn't really be doing) weighing myself everyday without seeing results. It was driving me nuts! So, I went a few days without weighing (that drove me nuts too lol). After that I starting weighing myself again (daily) a few days in a row I'm at the same weight of 3 pounds less then when I starting paying attention to my calorie intake. That is a good thing, right?


    because I am eating the same amount of calories (or pretty darn close) would that be my reason for weight increase at the end of the day? Weighing myself before I go to bed. The same three pounds that I seem to be loosing, haunts me back at the end of the day if I weigh myself then.

    Which weight is more accurate? Morning weight? or Evening weight?
    My assumtion is the morning weight because that is when you are you lowest with an empty belly?
  • babyhippo
    I always weigh myself in the morning. I also strip down to just undergarments (:noway: not a pretty site) because some of my clothes weigh more than others. I actually have some warm fluffy pjs that weigh almost 2 pound.

    I don't weigh myself at night. by then you have entire day's worth of food and 8 cups of water in your tummy.
  • katharinejuliano_2010
    Well here is my philosophy... I am not quite sure which one is MORE accurate, but weighing yourself daily is always INaccurate because you can fluctuate up to 5lbs in a day, without actually having gained that weight. So it is probably going to affect the amount of weight you do lose, because being mentally confident is a big part of it.

    So this is what I do. I weight myself on Monday mornings (accurate or not, it usually makes me feel good!) And then after 7 days I see the amount of weight I've lost. Otherwise, if I weigh myself daily (or even multiple times a day) I see increases and then decreases and then a jump of 3lbs and then I just get frustrated...

    I know it drives you crazy, but waiting to weigh yourself will probably make you feel that much better when you do see the weight you've lost in a week.... Hang in there!
  • lizburnsyb
    Yeah, I'm pretty confused about all that too. Sometimes I think I haven't lost any weight at all and other times I seem to have dropped 5 lbs. It's driving me crazy!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I think being consistent is the key with weighing in. If you want to weigh yourself at night before you go to bed...be consistent. Don't drink/eat too much before bedtime and wear the same clothes.

    As for me...I weigh myself every Monday Morning in my skivvies after I have gone to the washroom :smile:
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I would shoot for morning weigh in.
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    I personally weigh myself at the gym with my clothes on. I want to know what I weigh clothed so that when I go to the doctor and I get on their scale I am not horrified that I weigh more than naked at home. I usually weigh myself everyday before working out just because I want to, but I will only record my weight on this site when it has said the same thing for at least 2 days in a row.
  • TheNettis
    TheNettis Posts: 22 Member
    I find myself wanting to step on the scale like every other day and yeah, it does drive me crazy too. But I suffer through it and do it every Friday before I leave the gym with my gym clothes on.

    Tomorrow is my weigh day and Im nervous but having patience really does pay off when you finally see your results. Plus its less confusing :tongue:
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    I personally weigh myself at the gym with my clothes on. I want to know what I weigh clothed so that when I go to the doctor and I get on their scale I am not horrified that I weigh more than naked at home. I usually weigh myself everyday before working out just because I want to, but I will only record my weight on this site when it has said the same thing for at least 2 days in a row.

    I've started this method as well (thanks kistinbee!) I weight myself every day, if it's the same two days in a row I record it. I actually find it interesting to track how my weigh fluctutates and to then associate it with either what I ate the day before, how much I exercised or what time of the month it is... you do start to see some interesting patterns which I would miss if i only weighed myself once a week. So, far, while it is dissappointing when the scale doesn't move, it's never de-motiviating. I'm pretty well on my new course and don't think the scale will effect my resolve. I can understand though how some people would not want to weigh themselves every day because it can really throw you off track when you work hard and don't see immediate results.

    I weigh myself at the gym, after working out, with no clothes on, this is usually around 1pm every day.
  • jnuttsing
    Is this Tony?
  • tinathinplease
    just chiming in on this discussion. I started weighing myself every morning NAKED! AURGGG!!!
    It does something to me as far as getting my mind in the right place as far as what my eating goals are that day. I either lose a little or I'm consistantly the same, but it helps my motivation for some reason.
    Just saying what is working for me right now.
  • clwilliams222
    i dont weigh myself, i dont think that i will until i actually can fit into the size pants that i want to fit into (9-12, depending on the brand) cause im doing alot of weight training as well as cardio and i know that my weight probably wont change by much if 'm replacing it with muscle...and ive done this before and it was really discouraging (which might have been why i put the weight back on and now am trying to lose it again) but yea i'm just going by how my clothes fit me, and so far i'm almost having to buy new clothes cause they're getting to big for me! for me, having to buy more clothes is much more exciting to me than seeing a weight difference on the scale
  • Erica92627
    not tony here. LOL i had not thought of that. Spelled backwards. Female here. :smile:

    Y not

    I thought Y not do something for myself this year
    Y not make a change for the better
    Ynot use the name instead of why not lol