Anyone on Medifast? Wonderslim?

I am back on MFP and most of my old friends are no longer logging in. I'd like to build a new network of Medifast or Wonderslim users to help me stay on track! It's much easier to stay committed with other people using a similar method of weightloss. I'v enever used wonder slim but I understand it to be similar. I used Medifast in 2012 and lost a lot and then went back to my old ways. It all crept back on and I am ready to get rid of it again and forever this time.


  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    What is medifast or wonderslim?
  • jennie_jean
    jennie_jean Posts: 12 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi. @Incredible_Shrinking_Jenn I just started Medifast yesterday. Honestly, I'm not feeling so well today. I have a head ache and feel kind of out of it. BUT they say that's normal and to just keep going which is exactly what I intend to do. So far the Dutch chocolate shake and brownie were good. The Parmesan cheese puffs had a "burned" taste to them but I still ate them. This will definitely take some getting used to but I've tried everything else and just can't seem to drop the weight. My friend has been on it for 3 1/2 months and lost 40 pounds and she had tried a ton of different things to lose the weight also. After hearing her story and seeing her results I decided to give it a go. I've been told the first few days are the hardest and then you start to feel great. I'd love to be on your team and compare notes! I'm so excited to get healthy!!
  • jennlynns92
    jennlynns92 Posts: 1 Member
    I am back on Medifast starting today! :) Good luck on your journey!
  • xjchic98
    xjchic98 Posts: 85 Member
    I've never heard of either of these. What are they?
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    800-1000 calories/day???? That sounds awful.
  • nitenic
    nitenic Posts: 4 Member
    I just started Medifast this past Sunday. I would love a support network. Feel free to send me a message or add me as a friend.
  • theclaw900
    theclaw900 Posts: 321 Member
    I'm on my third week of Medifast. A friend in my BNI group is a TSFL coach so I thought I'd try it. I'm relatively new around here (sort of), apologies for now intro at this time but I'll get around to it soon.
  • 40tmw
    40tmw Posts: 17 Member
    I am on Medifast (TSFL). I lost 50 lbs. in 2015 and kept it off for a year. This summer, weight started creeping back on with some added stress in my life. I gained back 20. I decided to get back on the plan now; it is a lot easier to lose 20 than 50 again! However, I am finding it much harder to stay on plan this time. I am motivated, but my body is fighting it much more this time around. I have lost 5 since 9/1, so I am on the right track - but again, could use the support. My husband did the plan with me last time, but I am solo this time. Hoping to say good-bye to this weight by the holidays! Keep it up everyone!
  • lab_goddess
    lab_goddess Posts: 170 Member
    I am starting my second week of medifast and would love to connect with others following this plan as well!
  • momhull23
    momhull23 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on Medifast since May and have dropped 54 lbs so far!! I love the program!! I am new to this app and community though
  • theclaw900
    theclaw900 Posts: 321 Member
    momhull23 wrote: »
    I have been on Medifast since May and have dropped 54 lbs so far!! I love the program!! I am new to this app and community though

    Fantastic! Welcome Momhull23. That's great results. I'm new to this app and community too. Might be a good place.

  • theclaw900
    theclaw900 Posts: 321 Member
    The one good thing about Medifast is that it's easier to get drunk! No calories in the diet, then a cocktail. BOOM!
  • Ciws70
    Ciws70 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi guys -anyone still out there? I'm not sure how many grams to put into MFP to track it for the Medifast plan? I ordered the food and will start this weekend, so trying to get ready. I see the mixed reviews on Medifast and the negative feedback by many MFP users - what is your experience? Thanks!
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    edited October 2016
    I was on Medifast back in 1988 (can't remember if it was Medifast or Optifast) at the suggestion of my ex-wife and I lost a lot of weight - fast. It was available through doctors only at the time, and required frequent doctor visits and monitoring of liver enzymes.

    It all came back on within a year or two. The reason is: they took a disease approach to weight loss, and once the weight was off the "tumor" had been excised and they were done with me. My aftercare/maintenance consisted of a single typed page of suggestions -- I was on my own after that.

    I've found over the decades that losing weight isn't that hard. Keeping it off long term is. I'd advise anyone who decides to go this route to understand that quick fixes don't work -- start planning for how you're going to maintain from day one. Else you will be back where you started from in a couple of years. I personally wouldn't touch a program like Medifast again -- even if it were offered to me at no charge.

    If you click on Groups up above and search for Medifast, there are a few groups people have started on the subject.