Good Post-baby Exercises?

I had a c-section and it hurts quite a bit to do abdomen related exercises and I'd likento find a way to rebuild the muscle. If my incision doesn't hurt it causes it to be physically hard to do any kind of sitting up motion. I use to be able to do quite a few sit ups withing 1 minute. My record being 60+ but now I literally could not do one full sit up. I could do plenty of crunches but nothing else that required my lower stomach.


  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    What has your doctor advised?
  • eymiraista
    eymiraista Posts: 1 Member
    Hi u can try Leslie sansone. Powerwalk. U can find her on youtube. Very effective.
  • julie_broadhead
    julie_broadhead Posts: 178 Member
    If it doesn't hurt, do some light walking. It helps to strengthen and stretch your pelvic floor. Avoid doing any type of sit ups or abdominal exercises right now. When you get up from laying down, roll to your side then get up. At your post partem check up ask your care giver to check you for diastasis recti. Please wait till you are cleared to do anything more than light walking.