Third time's the charm, I hope.

Third time making a MyFitnessPal account.... countless times I've tried to get back on the horse and I've failed.

When I first started my journey with MyFitnessPal in 2012, I lost about 35 pounds. I was dedicated to logging every single bite, and staying within my calorie limit was a game that I was determined to win. I made a group of friends on the forums, and participated a fair amount. And then in the summer.... i just fell apart. I made a group of friends that loved going out to eat and drink, and cook delicious food. Combined with my godmother becoming gravely ill and passing away and the town feeding my family a ridiculous amount of delicious food.... I saw myself using the app less and less. Soon enough, the weight came creeping back onto my frame.

I moved to North Carolina a few months later to be with a man who wasn't right for me, and my health suffered because I felt compelled to value his health and wellness above mine. It was all just bad, bad, bad..... emotionally eating, not eating at all, working 10 hour days on my feet, never stopping to relax on the weekend, and binge eating due to stress. I've since ended that toxic relationship and am in transition to a new job in a new state with my dog-daughter by my side. We're crashing at my parents house for as long as it takes, and we're both uncomfortable without a space to call ours. But the way I see it, I am taking the initiative to change just about everything else in my life for the better, but left my health out of the equation once again. I don't want to finally be happy with everything else in my life except the body I live in.

So, here I am again. The end of day 2, and I've overeaten my calories on my first two days back. Already feeling discouraged (I have my calories set to about 1800 by the way).... I just hope that I can stick with this enough to feel the progress from the inside out and keep myself motivated.

If there's anyone else out there who wants to be my friend on here and join me, I'd really love that.

By the way.... here's a picture of my dog Annabel. She just makes me so happy and I keep telling her we're going to find a home and make ourselves a new, positive life. She's coming with me on walks around the neighborhood and is my biggest fan.



  • mjfox61
    mjfox61 Posts: 44 Member
    That is a beautiful dog.
    Don't let the first few days get your down. Take your time and get your body used to eating healthier. Going "cold turkey" into a healthy lifestyle can really jolt your system and have some negative affects on your mood as you feel like you are starving each day. In my experience at least :)
    I just got back on here too. I'm a big pop drinker so right now I'm just concentrating on moving from pop to lemon water and cutting down on fast food. Might seem like a small step (actually it probably is lol) but I feel the positive affects of it already and next up is eating more of that green stuff :neutral:
    Stay positive, your goal is well within reach...
  • ItsyBitsy246
    ItsyBitsy246 Posts: 307 Member
    Just keep going! Wishing you the best for your new life and the new you. :) Adorable dog, btw. You're a Poe fan I take it?
  • TheBelAndDanielle
    It was many and many a year ago,
    In a kingdom by the sea,
    That a maiden there lived whom you may know
    By the name of Annabel Lee;
    And this maiden she lived with no other thought
    Than to love and be loved by me.

    Yes, my Annabel Lee was named for Poe!
  • ItsyBitsy246
    ItsyBitsy246 Posts: 307 Member
    edited September 2016
    Nice. Thought so. Love Poe.
  • emiliem9958
    emiliem9958 Posts: 11 Member
    You can do it!! I totally know the struggle of being in a place where food is the main way of connection/socializing for people and it's really hard, but kudos to you for being willing to get at it again. You have a beautiful puppy, and I'm sure you'll find the strength to power through!
  • niallcavanagh
    niallcavanagh Posts: 29 Member
    Beautiful dog! Don't let two days get you down. I think the key is a gradual improvement with a few small changes in the right direction, like eating every 3 hours (so your body doesn't go into starvation mode), eating more protein (so you feel fuller) and cutting down on carbs. I got a polar7 monitor so I get an electronic pat on the back every time I walk my dog!
  • stewratz
    stewratz Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome back! This is also my third time (at least) jumping back in to the swing of things on MFP, and I also had a rough couple of days, but I am about a week in now and things are already leveling out. You got this!
  • stewratz
    stewratz Posts: 14 Member
    And by the way, your dog is gorgeous. I have a dog son, Patton. He also has some lbs to lose, so we have been helping each other along :smiley:
  • kpforyou
    kpforyou Posts: 56 Member
    This is an amazing first post, I appreciate your honesty. I'd love to be friends and help each other through this! This is also my third time on here, and I also feel like I'm trying to take the right steps to change my life for the better. You can do it! We can do it!
  • amysuemartin718
    amysuemartin718 Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome back! This is my 2nd time around too. Lost 40lbs and gained it back plus some. Due to health reasons I got serious again and I'm down 28lbs with more to go. I too call this "my numbers game" and I'm determined to get to the magic number and win!! I sent you a friend request, let's do this!