the fifties

I decided to fight back my weight increasing ...I can't give up because my age


  • delboy604
    delboy604 Posts: 116 Member
    Good on you. Keep up the fight!!
  • P13C35
    P13C35 Posts: 38 Member
    47 here and back on program. My metabolism is in need of a tune up at my age, and from Meds. I decided I was on a quick road to diabetes if I kept w unhealthy routine. Back on the horse feeling old. Keep up the fight, but have fun w short goals. I have a big picture happy weight, but set my ideal weight in stages to make achievements more spectacular seeming to me. I sometimes just am happy w water intake over soda or something. Maybe cuz older, but breaking the big pic of overall total weight to smaller steps has helped me reach goals easier.
  • joprotherough
    joprotherough Posts: 39 Member
    I have found my metabolism has changed - but also I have lost a lot of motivation. With a full time job, kids, older parents, dog, house etc I tend to come on about page 4 of my to-do list. I also struggle to find fitness classes suitable for someone in their fifties that is just starting to try and regain some of what has been lost. And finally - if it wasn't for the health concerns and inability to climb trees I would no longer care one iota what I look like.

    So - I am fititng more exercise in by walking a lot (the dog loves that), doing power-housework (kinda), gardening etc plus swimming now and then. If a challenge comes up I will definitely go for it as that will help. I just need to get properly started and get to the point where someone (anyone!) notices a difference - that will also help!
  • Dp16
    Dp16 Posts: 1 Member
    Good Morning All, I am 51 and in January of this year I was diagnosed with diabetes. It was really bad. My A1C was 10 and my blood sugar was in the 600 hundreds. I spent a week in the hospital and had to have insulin shots 4 times per day plus oral medications. My doctors stated that I was close going into a diabetic coma. The crazy thing is that prior to January my A1C was in the normal range. But, I had prior to January gained at least 30 pound to my already obese size. I am so happy and thankful for this app. It literally saved my life. After getting out of the hospital I joined my fitness pal, and have consistently logged on and changed my life style. I am down 57.5 pounds and no longer on any medications. My A1C is 5.6. I still need to lose another 60 pounds and I am working hard to do it. I do not feel like I did always being on a diet. I have changed my thinking to its a life style change so that I can live to see my children get married and have kids. I want to be the best me that I can be and that is being healthy!!!!So for all those who think that can't do a life change! I am living proof you can do!!!! Stay encourage! I hope you all will support and encourage me too!
  • JulieSHelms
    JulieSHelms Posts: 821 Member
    I am 50 and found this to be a good age to start--ok, I wish I had done it 20 years ago. But I'm recently an empty nester so have been able to focus on me and my needs in a way I couldn't with the kids in the house. I'm 80 lbs down, 40 to go. I was pre-diabetic and the last dr. visit I was told I kicked it and was no longer at risk.