I haven't gone #2 in almost 2 weeks... (TMI warning)

ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
So what do I do about it? I have a really high tolerance when it comes to laxatives (both stimulant and otherwise), I can take up to 3 doses without any affects at all. So since laxatives don't work for me, I've tried eating a particular sandwich at work (fast food) that always gets "things" moving uncomfortably fast. Nothing.

I put this in food because I'm to the point where I really can't eat any more. I threw up a little earlier tonight (not violently, or like I was ill, just like a burp with food in it). Every so often I feel kind of hungry, but still feel full at the same time. I've gained 6 pounds in the past two weeks. I've gotten out of the habit of keeping my food diary because of a really crappy work situation along with this week having been finals week, but my diet hasn't significantly changed (at least not up until yesterday when I decided to start eating hell sandwiches).

Do I still worry about calories? Do I go back to logging my food? I know that won't affect the situation directly, but.... Do I keep at the loosing weight food approach, or do I just not worry about it at all until what goes in can come back out again? I still work out 3 times a week (never have logged that, I don't eat back my exercise calories)

I'm not asking for medical opinions, I don't have cash and won't be seeing a doctor, what I'm asking about is behavior.

Do I still track foods? What calorie level do I try for if I do? Do I keep up with the hell chicken and hope it kicks in? Do I start running a ridiculous amount and hop for runner's trots? I know this is just temporary, most things are, but its a temporary I haven't had before, and its the dealing with it that I'm a little stuck on.


  • Lollyvoddy
    Lollyvoddy Posts: 194 Member
    Girl, beg, borrow or steal the cash because you need to see a doctor!
  • change_happens
    usually a big old bowls of cheerios does it for me. pizza always puts everything on hold for me. but i would keep working out, it will help move things along. drink lots of water and keep logging everything. of course, logging won't mean you will lose anything, but at least you will see your eating habits.

    i would stick with the calories designed for your body and weight loss. you can find that information online.

    in the meantime, make a doc appointment and get to a doc if you can. emergency room is there.
  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    i work in healthcare(there isnt a thing called "TMI" :)) but coffee always gets me going.no joke i drink coffee and within like 10 mins i HAVE to go :)
  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    thats of course you cant afford going to the doctor.also water helps lots :)but im sure ur good at that!
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Get to the doctor! Start eating fruit and salad and stop eating chicken sandwiches. Get yourself some bananas prunes and kill the junk food.
  • 38Gigi38
    38Gigi38 Posts: 115 Member
    I suggest some prune juice because it is a natural laxative, but 2 weeks is dangerous. I really think you should see a doctor too.
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    It would be good to know what your diet consists of. I took a look and like you said you haven't been logging for the past week or two. But before that, there did not seem to be many veggies.

    Let us know what your usual diet is because that can have a significant impact on bathroom issues.

    And as Hay1978 says I would say that you seriously need to consider seeing a Doctor ......
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    It would be good to know what your diet consists of. I took a look and like you said you haven't been logging for the past week or two. But before that, there did not seem to be many veggies.

    Let us know what your usual diet is because that can have a significant impact on bathroom issues.

    And as Hay1978 says I would say that you seriously need to consider seeing a Doctor ......

    Breakfast is usually an odd combination of whatever sugar and protein I can grab quick. I'm iron deficient anemic, so if I haven't eaten right before bed, I'm not the brightest bulb in the room. And I work nights, so I usually haven't gotten anywhere near enough sleep before my son wakes up and decided mommy needs to be up too. So it might be a banana if we have more than one (son MUST have a banana in the morning), or fruit if its cheap. Luna bars until I run out, oatmeal if I have a clean bowl. (Organization at home is not my strong point)

    Lunch is usually a sandwich or whatever I can through together from the pantry. Usually chicken dishes with rice or pasta. The only vegetable's I've got in the house right now are a 5 lb bag of mixed vegetables in the freezer. Usually a cup of that with lunch or dinner, if I'm eating dinner at home.

    Most of my dinners are at work though. And on a $0.53 budget, there's only 2 possibilities- Jr. burger, or hell-wich. Usually I go Jr burger on a wheat bun. Busy nights when I know I'm not going to get to sit down and eat I spend a little extra to have a shake that I can drink as I have a few seconds.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    when your number 2 builds up and comes out your mouth I am sure the bowl blockage will be present......go as normal if you wont do anything about it...
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    when your number 2 builds up and comes out your mouth I am sure the bowl blockage will be present......go as normal if you wont do anything about it...
    Do you know a Dr. who'll take a 4 cent check? No? I didn't think so. Go be a smart *kitten* somewhere else.
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    sadly, she may not be far from the truth if something doesn't give soon. Grapes are another excellent natural laxitive(not that I can spell). But I would work on finding a way to the dr before you end up in much much worse shape.
  • Purple_Lurple
    Purple_Lurple Posts: 42 Member
    Probably TMI back at you, but it sounds like your 'burp with food in it' is a warning sign. If you don't go to the toilet for a long time, the waste has to go somewhere. If it can't go down it *will* come up, and eventually what comes up won't be what you've just eaten, it will be, for want of a better word, poo.
    That is really dangerous for your health. I agree with "beg, borrow or steal and get yourself to a doctor".
    In the interim, maybe something like orange or tomato juice will help?
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    A few suggestions:

    Cassia pods! Look them up--they are great.

    Try eating only fruits and veggies for a couple of days. When I ate all raw fruits and veggies for a while I was especially "regular", and my sister cured her chronic constipation by switching to a raw food diet.

    Try prunes and/or prune juice.

    When I drink a few glasses of wine or have a few alcoholic drinks the next day I will definitely go... a lot. Def TMI there.

    If all else fails, check to see if there are any health clinics in your area that offer financial aid!
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    Would an at-home colon cleanse work? Maybe you could do a water enema or drink a Epsom salt solution to get things moving.

    Check numbers one and two below:

    Since money is tight, maybe try the Epsom salts? It's number 2 on the list and it apparently takes effect in about an hour to an hour and a half. You can get them from a pharmacy or a drugstore like CVS or WalGreens.
    And I'm pretty sure you can get an enema kit from the same places.

    Best of luck
  • nmescalera
    nmescalera Posts: 233 Member
    You really do need to get to a dr. If you become nausus or start having bad pain in your ab that does not stop you need to get to the ER. Not being able to go the the bathroom is not a good thing. what happens is the bactieria in the stool gets in to your body. My husband was in the hospital not even a month ago because of a blockage. And yes..... it will come out of your mouth and im not trying to be rude or ugly. thats what happens. it has to come out one way or another. thast why the first thing that a dr is going to ask you is if you are nausous or if you have thrown up. you can also feel on your stomach. if there is a really hard spot that is preally tender.... that could be where the blockage is. if you are able to find that spot so may be able to massage it out. it doesnt usually work but if you have no other choices its worth a try.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    ok. Try:
    Hot water with lemon and leaning your back against some type of heat.
    Like said before eat grapes, and drink prune juice.
    Are your ankles swollen? This used to happen to a mate of mine and she would literally do all this.
    Drink coffee in the morning just to get it kick started or caffeine of some sort.
    I'm having a bit of trouble at the moment and it's stopping me want to eat, I'm trying all the above and I've gotta say I do feel a little better this morning. I've realised I have eaten too many eggs and it's just bound me all up ~(sorry I know that's disgusting!)
    Failing that you could try a really hot curry??

    As for your diary, yeah log everything still because you might find it is one food doing it and also it keeps everything else regular (!). Do try gentle exercise but I know how uncomfortable you might be.
    And as always drink loads of water
    Good luck
  • DragonSkip
    DragonSkip Posts: 59 Member
    I have used coffee in the past and it only works for me if it's regular, decaff while it tastes the same to me will not make me go. I always put a little milk and sugar in mine if I have to go, but I'm lactose intolerant. They are right about going to the doctor, a bowel perforation is a medical emergency and if you're starting to throw stuff back up you are probably getting close. Any public emergency room (a facility that takes medicare or medicaid) can't turn you away if you are medically unstable even if you don't have any money. I have also heard that the 10 day cleanse includes a sea salt water mix that will make you go fast.

    If you are full, or feel uncomfortable eating don't force yourself to it, it won't have anywhere to go :(
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    As for your diary, yeah log everything still because you might find it is one food doing it and also it keeps everything else regular (!). Do try gentle exercise but I know how uncomfortable you might be.
    And as always drink loads of water
    Good luck

    That's actually what's been weirding me out about this, I'm not really uncomfortable. I'm not having cramps at all, sometimes I start to have a feeling like I have to go, but to a minimum, I'm barely feeling it. I go to the bathroom, and nothing happens.
  • nursekj
    nursekj Posts: 100 Member
    You need to get a bowel prep from a pharmacy and go to a doctor as you can die of a bowel obstruction...worry about the money later, can you go to a hospital?
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    You need to get a bowel prep from a pharmacy and go to a doctor as you can die of a bowel obstruction...worry about the money later, can you go to a hospital?

    I could, but both of the area hospitals, the doctor will see you and just tell you to go see you're doctor in the morning. Unless you're bleeding or something's broken, its just a waste of $400.