Guess 3 things about the person above you from their profile pic



  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    pbandwine wrote: »
    DWBalboa wrote: »
    She likes peanut butter.
    Likes wine.
    and loves coffee.

    Nailed it.

    Works in IT
    Hates kale, but eats it anyway
    Ran a half marathon in 1:32

    Two out of three ain't bad. (also a great song!)

    I actually like kale. ;-)


    Shes actually a secret agent.
    She's a great dancer.
    She's the pin up girl in 26 countries.
  • GlowSands
    GlowSands Posts: 5 Member
    Laughs a lot
    Enjoys life
  • Tempest07
    Tempest07 Posts: 256 Member
    Loves America
    Fitness model
    Likes shrimp
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    edited October 2016
    Loves to workout

    Isn't American ???

    Also likes shrimp
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    Easy going
    Great personality
    Like to go out for a night on the town with friends every once in awhile.
  • TypingToaster
    TypingToaster Posts: 4,110 Member
    Wants to own a Model T
    Puts together model airplanes
    Flys model airplanes in competitions
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    Is sweet as pie
    Is pure as the driven snow
    Watches Dallas re runs
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    Loves to laugh
    Is very creative
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Friendly :)

    In Love :heart:

    Very Happy! :smiley:
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
    Dances by herself
    Dances in the dark
    Likes the movie dances with wolves
  • TypingToaster
    TypingToaster Posts: 4,110 Member
    Loves it when it is a windy day
    If the wind is high enough, tries to see if it can make them fly away
    Wants to try it with a hurricane
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Loves purple
    Only eats white foods
    Always wears odd socks
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    The bbq grill is his domain...nobody else goes near it
    Secretly cried his eyes out watching Steel Magnolias
    Has a dozen pairs of jeans in his closet but only ever wears two of them
  • - Takes 7 selfies a day, and they are all fire hot
    - Wears heels in bed
    - Could probably beat me up if she really wanted to
  • Fitwarrior7_Round_2
    Fitwarrior7_Round_2 Posts: 453 Member
    - Has the cheeky expression on his face because he just farted and nobody smells it yet
    - Owns some form of abercrombie clothing
    - loves cougars
  • - spends 3 hours a day getting his beard in point
    - part owner of a hair wax company
    - also loves cougars!
  • Notthegirl4u
    Notthegirl4u Posts: 711 Member
    -likes to try to hypnotize women with his brown puppy dog eyes
    -has a chapstick fetish
    -wears boat shoes
  • khd75
    khd75 Posts: 843 Member
    She likes to be hypnotize...
    Always keeps a chap stick
    Look for boat shoes while walking on the street
  • -likes to try to hypnotize women with his brown puppy dog eyes
    -has a chapstick fetish
    -wears boat shoes

    Yes, no, and you cant ride a motorcycle without socks
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    Makes puppets out of his orphaned socks
    Only uses Carmex on his chapped lips
    Knows how to hypnotize dogs just by staring at them long enough