Looking for KETO friends. Dukan, Atkins ok too.

Been on here for a month and a half. Still not having success making friends. Not sure I'm doing it right. Be my friend and everybody can add everyone who is trying this method. I'm insulin resistant so also doing intermittent fasting. Lost 16 lbs so far.


  • Hey Skeeter. Just starting back on the Keto diet. Did it for about three weeks and saw great results. Just got tired of logging my food lol first time using the "community" section of MyFitnessPal hopefully hearing from others will help me stay on track.
  • amandasue352
    amandasue352 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys, I've been doing keto for the first time. I'm starting week 7 and I've lost 15 pounds so far. So exited! I've never used this section either. I'm doing really well on this diet so far but have had 2 somewhat negetive side effects, have you had any? Mine was greasy face and I'd break out in a rash in the evening (face), but it seems fine now. Still have a bit of greasy face going on though. And the breath thing, although it does confirm I'm in ketosis so I'll take it.
  • klaak
    klaak Posts: 47 Member
    Hey y'all :) I'd love to connect with Keto friends too. I just started last Monday, so it's been a week! Doing well keeping track of my macros and trying to stick to a 1200 calorie diet (I'm only 5'2" so I would usually stay at about 1000-1200 calories anyway depending on how much I exercise. And my diet was balanced, lower carb, gluten free, whole foods, organic as much as possible). I'm using the Keto strips to measure ketosis at this point and looks like i'm there since Fri/Saturday. I've lost about 2 lbs so far, which is much better success than anything else I have been doing for YEARS. Even with a whole food, organic diet and lots of HIIT cardio and weightlifting I was only gaining and getting fatter :(
    How about you guys? Are you staying to a certain calorie level?
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Been keto-ing for three years now. Feel free to add.
  • RaptorMommy
    RaptorMommy Posts: 31 Member
    Looking into Keto. Interested to surround myself with friends who do so I can decide if it's right for me. A little bit intimidated by it, but I read all about the benefits. If you're looking for support, and potentially a fellow Keto-person, friend me!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If you're looking for community, check out this group.
    Not many Dukan folks but lots of low carbers of all varieties. Slow carbers too.

  • phoebe42193
    phoebe42193 Posts: 1 Member
    Dukan folk right here! Let me know if you have any questions. :) I've had loads of success with it... Been on it for about a month now. Lost close to 13 pounds now. I'm not a huge person either to begin with, had a high normal BMI, teetering on overweight if that tells you anything.... so I think the weight loss came off a lot faster than I expected.