Wanted - Supportive and Motivational Friends

Hey guys!

I'm not technically new around here. I've been on and off here for a good five years but I can never seem to stick with it. Maybe having some really supportive and motivational friends could help me stick with it. So if you're that person, please, please, please add me so we can get this show on the road. Because I am so over this hating my body crap and not fitting into my clothes. Let's do this! I look forward to hearing from some awesome people.

Ayla Lee


  • jayheyjay
    jayheyjay Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Ayla!
    I'm in the same boat as you! I log back on, im good for a few weeks and then I lost interest!
    My friends arent so supportive or get sick to death of me asking questions or talking about stuff so MFP friends and support are always wanted!
  • sharon566359
    sharon566359 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi guys I'm a relative newbie at this too, feel free to add me, would be nice to have some new people to chat too about all things MFP related :smiley:
  • GothamVeggie
    GothamVeggie Posts: 87 Member
    I'm not technically new, but I'm new to the community aspect & I'm pretty serious about getting healthy again.
  • I'm newish well I have been on off for a couple years this is my longest strech I have had hoping it sticks. Feel free to add me I'm in the same boat as you.
  • Zotzot89
    Zotzot89 Posts: 1 Member
    I have just signed up today. Would also be great to make some friends through the MFP community to help me stay with it.
  • angrydads
    angrydads Posts: 162 Member
    Add me if
    You'd like, I'm a highly motivating individual and enjoy helping people along the way.
  • Lshona
    Lshona Posts: 393 Member
    Feel free to add me. Anyone can!
  • ghost2nv
    ghost2nv Posts: 2 Member
    Same boat.. but im really trying my best to keep it permanent..add me if u would like.. i have no problem helping out n getting help
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    I've been here for awhile as well and it does help to have supportive friends.
  • lalaleelou
    lalaleelou Posts: 35 Member
    The support here is so helpful. Feel free to add me.
  • razzyjazz
    razzyjazz Posts: 119 Member
    I'm in your same boat!! I have been in here on and off for many of years. I'm back and ready to lose these pounds.
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    Love sharing ideas. Anyone feel free to add me. I have lost the weight before, so I know it is possible. I actually enjoyed it before and learned to do it without depriving myself. Several years back I slowly slacked on my healthy habits and gained it back. So here I go again. I know what I need to do and am doing it.
  • MyStarsHollow
    MyStarsHollow Posts: 11 Member
    I'm soooo with you!
  • edup1975
    edup1975 Posts: 486 Member
    Been on MFP a while and it had paid off for me. Great support here. I have made the lifestyle change ! You can see the great success stories on here. Amazing stories!
    Everyone: add me if you like.
  • setaylor86080
    setaylor86080 Posts: 210 Member
    Feel free to add me!!! I love having friends that want to get to know me and care if I haven't logged on and if I am doing what I am suppose to be doing lol. I will be the same for you!!!!
  • Spears1354
    Spears1354 Posts: 223 Member
    please add me! Im new and have no clue how to add people but could use the support as well! We can do this!
  • lexealpu
    lexealpu Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • chrislise
    chrislise Posts: 12 Member
    Looking for support too! Just started MFP :s