September (2016) Running Challenge



  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 Thanks, I am fairly lucky to live where I am with the amazing valley.
    Banff is about a 9 hour drive South of me. They have a really nice Marathon / HM / 10k event there running on trails around Town and the Golf Course. You know what the site lines are like being cupped in that Bowl surrounded by the amazing peaks. I hope you had a chance to head North along Hwy 93 up to the Ice Field and Jasper. Some great day hikes that will let you get right to the Top of the Peaks in the area. No Rock Climbing gear required - just common sense and follow the well worn trail.

    We didn't make it to Jasper that trip, but we plan to next time! The running with those temps in July was amazing! (Coming from 100+/90% humidity Florida!)
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @kristinegift - and other people who run in the dark... I've been using knuckle lights the past two years and love them. However, the past month or so they keep running through batteries so fast, it's ridiculous. It's like they won't turn off properly (you think it's off and then later realize it turned back on). And then they suddenly wouldn't turn on. I think it may be because I sweat on them so much, I guess. I saw they now sell them with rechargeable batteries but when I read reviews they weren't that great.

    Anyway, I've been using this:

    for my back light (on flash mode). So I decided to order another one and just clip it on the front of my pants.
    It worked GREAT this morning. It is rechargeable and the light is so bright you really can't look into it. It uses a magnet to attach and and I've never had it fall off my pants - but I wear tight capris to run. If you wear shorts that aren't tight fitting I don't know that it would stay on as good.

  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    9/1 - 1 hr walking, not all at once
    9/2 - 4 mi run, 35 min strength
    9/3 - 2.5 mi walk
    9/4-9/10 - NOTHING. Huge break.
    9/11 - 3 mi run, 2 miles walking
    9/12 - 45 min Fitness Blender lower body strength/HIIT workout, 3 mi walk after dinner
    9/13 - 1 hr indoor cardio/upper body
    9/14 - .5 mi walk/3mi run/.3 cool down = 3.8 miles
    9/15 - Rest day
    9/16 - 3 mi run, 2 mile walk = 5 miles
    9/17 - 3.25 mi walk
    9/18 - Rest day

    Goal: Not be in pain

    Totally overslept and missed Sunday morning run. Then we got really worried about our dog last night (he has back problems) so I needed to spend this morning watching him and decide if he needed a vet visit or not. He is fine thankfully but I'm falling behind on exercise.

    Thanks for all the suggestions for led and reflective gear! Wish I could tag you all. I definitely need to order something soon.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    I hate feeling tired in the middle of the day when I had a rest day yesterday, and my run today was a mile shorter than my normal Monday runs....I hate Tapering off....I'm pretty sure the tiredness is all psychological.....because I want to go run too......
  • dowelahmed
    dowelahmed Posts: 26 Member
    Another week, another reason to do some running! A rather cold and windy Saturday meant I was taking it relatively easy on the parkrun, but I was still within a minute of my PB and it looks good for the upcoming 5K run this Saturday organised in the Olympic Park. I reckon I can up my pace, some more speed runs should help that but the noticeable drop in temperature will mean thicker layers now!

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    My 2¢ on various topics I'm catching up on here:

    Tapering length - for me it depends on how my body feels. If I feel good, shorter taper. If I feel run down from the training, longer taper.

    PR Definitions: For race overall time PR's I always use the advertised distance and the chip time (when available). If no chip time is available, I use my GPS watch time but the advertised course distance. I haven't settled on a definitions for pace PR's, though I tend towards using my GPS recorded paces which factor in the longer actual run distance. The only non-race PR's I really consider is distance, so easily determined from my GPS. In the end it's based on what's important to you.

    Electrolytes: I don't bother with supplemental electrolytes unless it's a particularly hot day or a particularly long run. For my 11 mile run Sunday I rehydrated with beer. not sure what that has in it for electrolytes.

    Cramping, hydrating and electrolytes - What I've been reading in a few sources is that the conventional wisdom that cramping is a result of not enough hydration or electrolytes is not actually proven. Some of the articles I've read are here and here, both with references.

    8 more pages to go...
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    edited September 2016
    9/01 ..... 3.2
    9/02 ........... Rest
    9/03 ..... 3.3
    9/04 ........... Rest
    9/05 ........... Hiked 6 miles
    9/06 ........... Walked 6 miles with a friend
    9/07 ..... 2.3 Easy run then walked, DOMS was a little much to ignore
    9/08 ........... Rest
    9/09 ........... Rest
    9/10 ..... 3.2 With DD. She walked a little more than last time but I am still happy with what she put in.
    9/11 ..... 5.0 With DH. I was a little surprised with the pace: felt easy at ~10:30 min/mile, it was usually 11-12 for me
    9/12 ........... Rest
    9/13 ..... 3.1 With DH again. It was later at night and we wanted to get it done. We ended up running more like a tempo speed. I threw in a fast (for me) finish thinking, I probably wouldn't be able to run fast for next few weeks after the blood donation...
    9/14 ........... Rest - donated blood today. Will focus on having more iron rich food and hope the run tomorrow would not be too much of a suffering...
    9/15 ..... 3.1 Ran too fast in the beginning. I need to work on slowing down again...
    9/16 ........... Rest from running. Did some bodyweight strength training again, finally :sweat_smile:
    9/17 ..... 3.3 Family/Group run
    9/18 ..... 2.4 Wanted to run 5~6 miles but my legs (mostly left leg) felt really tight which I assumed was from the strength training on Friday and possibly a lot of standing the day before. Half way through, DH wanted to stop and I gladly agreed...
    9/19 ........... Rest/perhaps strength train again...

    Total Miles: 28.9


    @_nikkiwolf_ Thank you for pointing that out! I didn't look at that. I was running with my 7 y.o. and had to stop twice to tie her shoelaces. I don't think it took 4 minutes. Perhaps, during the walking breaks, we were too slow for Strava to count as moving :)

    @katharmonic Congrats on the PRs. Sorry that it was not a good race for you but there is always another one... wait, you already have one coming :) Good luck in 3 weeks!

    @MobyCarp I am sorry that it was not your day. Like many have said, you are an inspiration. Hope your legs recover quickly so you can run off the bad day :)
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Everyone here is so inspirational, even if you didn't have the best race day.............I'm inspired.

    Really busy here and we're leaving Wed for CO. Our daughter is getting married this weekend in Estes Park. And of course we got slammed at work at the same time. I missed one short run last week and will miss a couple of runs this week but I'm getting one in tomorrow morning. Hoping to do some hiking at least while there and maybe one run.

    09/01 – Unplanned Rest Day but swam 45 minutes this afternoon (too hot here to run)
    09/02 – 3 miles – Pretty slow pace but faster than last run and AVG HR only 139
    09/03 – 1.3 miles around basketball court at gym + 90 min strength training
    09/04 – 4 miles, middle two faster, AVG HR 148
    09/05 – Party Day
    09/06 – 3.26 miles – AVG HR 149……….one hill
    09/07 – 90 minutes of strength training
    09/08 – Rest day
    09/09 – 3.3 miles – AVG HR 146, HIGH HR 160 during hill run
    09/10 – 1.3 miles after strength training
    09/11 – 4.16 mile run – Ran middle 2 miles at tempo – AVG HR 147
    09/12 – 95 min strength training
    09/13 – 3.52 mile recovery run – AVG HR 142 – two hills
    09/14 – 90 min strength training
    09/15 – Rest Day
    09/16 – 3.53 mile run – Fastest pace on horse trail yet – AVG HR 145
    09/17 – Unplanned Rest Day – had to work
    09/18 – 4.35 miles – Ran middle 2 at tempo – AVG HR 148
    09/19 – 90 min strength training


    Have a great running week!
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    Thanks everyone for the congrats on my HM, both here and on Strava. There were too many to mention but every one made me smile :) I saw this yesterday and thought of you guys...


    That's true. Runners that I do know just call me a "low mileage hobby jogger"
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member


  • jringer1
    jringer1 Posts: 1,230 Member


    Slow and steady just like the turtle :)
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited September 2016
    @katharmonic Great job on finishing your first half marathon! On a flat course in colder, less humid weather, I'm sure you can beat that PR without problems.

    @Orphia and @louubelle16 Congratulations on your HM PRs! Amazing races, both of you!

    @MobyCarp I'm sorry to read about your DNF. After 25 miles in 3:40 (what an awesome finish time that would have been!), that must be so frustrating. I hope you recover quickly.

    I don't think I'll make my goal this month. Stupid cold! I cut both my runs on the weekend down to half the planned distance, after taking Friday as a complete rest day, and today as well. I feel ~95% fine, I'm just trying to do the sensible thing and taking it slow, but not running today was really hard. It was cool and sunny, would have perfect running weather...
    I used the "easy slow running" on yesterday as an opportunity to explore a little forest that I've never run into; I wasn't going to go fast, so I figured I might as well get a little lost and slog through some mud ;) . Somebody told me the trail dead-ends at a golf club. As it turns out, there's actually a fair amount of running on both narrow&overgrown as well as wider forest trails you can do in that little grove. At one point, my chosen trail let to a little creek. After some hesitation, I was brave enough to attempt to leap to the other side, and I'm proud to day that I made it! Of course, less than 100 metres after that is where the trail ended, so I had to turn right back around and jump back. Only that time, I slipped on the muddy bank and landed in the middle of the little steam. Master of trail running, that's me! :D
    My dear Saucony Cortanas passed the 600km mark during that run. It's kind of fitting, really - I just looked back to the first run I did with them, I ended up ankle-deep in cold water as well.

    These are the evil river; and a photo of my nice shoes somewhere around their jubilee distance (looking clean and shiny after their recent bath):

  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    @AdrianChr92 just tell them you are a "low mileage hobby runner", joggers find dead bodies and you haven't found one yet.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ sorry to hear about your cold! Also, that forest run looks great!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    9/19 - rest day. Traveling home from New Jersey. Sorry I missed you @stoshew71 lol
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member


    I've been running! All caught up my log.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    9/1: 4.3 miles
    9/2: Rest day
    9/3: 9.4 miles
    9/4: 5.7 miles
    9/5: 6 miles
    9/6: 6 miles
    9/7: 4 miles
    9/8: 3.2 miles with the Thursday crew!
    9/9: Rest day
    9/10: 5.3 miles
    9/11: 13.1 - Via HM
    9/12: 3 miles with the Coffee Crew!
    9/13: 7.9 miles
    9/14: 4.3 miles run commute home
    9/15: 7.3 miles run commute to work
    ........: 6.2 miles with the Thursday crew!
    9/16: Rest day
    9/17: 8.1 miles with the Saturday crew!
    9/18: 11.3 miles (am) + 4.7 miles (pm)
    9/19: 6.1 miles

    AFter feeling so weird and tired yesterday, I decided to sleep in today and run later instead of go to my 6 am group run... and when I woke up at 7 to a total deluge of rain, I did not regret that decision at all! I texted a teammate around 3 pm asking if she wanted to run around 5:30 and then WHAM BAM! I had a running buddy! We ran and chatted and I kept wishing it wasn't a hundred million percent humidity, because then I could have worn shorts with pockets big enough for my phone and taken pictures, because the path we were running was beautiful. Maybe next time! ;)


    Upcoming Races:
    9/11 LVHN Via Half-Marathon DONE!
    10/8: Coe College Homecoming 5k
    10/16: Halloween Half-Marathon
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon