


  • Liz890
    Liz890 Posts: 73 Member
    Liz890 wrote: »
    I have completed the month 1 Insanity workouts!! :) Feeling pretty great for making it through all those workouts. I was hoping the workouts would get eaiser as I got stronger but that didn't really happen ... the workouts challenged me every single time. Now onto Recovery week.

    I am really nervous for month 2 workouts. I suspect their are plenty of new jump moves. I'm always afraid I'll hurt my knees if I push myself too much and can't land a jump move softly. I am looking forward to a new workout routine though ... month 1 was getting pretty repetitive.

    Month 2 is definitely tougher, not necessarily because of more difficult moves but because the volume increases. You will do three different blocks of exercises instead of two, and IIRC each move is 45s instead of 30.

    If you're worried about injury you can always do a modifier when getting tired. They started getting smart in Max 30 and put a person off to the side showing a modifier all the time. Unfortunately they don't do that in the original, so you may have to get a bit creative.

    At first I took a lot of small breaks in month 1 so i'm hoping i can get by in month 2 with a few extra breaks. Sounds like I will need them if the moves last longer and their is an additional block. Modifying is a great suggestion too, I may need to do that as well! I have never done max 30 ... I'll have to research that one, maybe I will try it next.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Liz890 wrote: »

    At first I took a lot of small breaks in month 1 so i'm hoping i can get by in month 2 with a few extra breaks. Sounds like I will need them if the moves last longer and their is an additional block. Modifying is a great suggestion too, I may need to do that as well! I have never done max 30 ... I'll have to research that one, maybe I will try it next.

    That is my plan too Liz to get onto the Max 30 but depending where I get too after month 2, I might do the second month over again.

    Last night was Pure Cardio and then Insane Abs for me. I'm getting to the point where half way through the first workout I have to take my shirt off because it is just drenched. I definitely see a vast improvement on my cardio since the beginning. Also I believe this was the third time that I did the Insane Abs. I was sweating like crazy which didn't happen the first two times. The difference now is I am able to do many more of the exercises and actually get my heart rate up. I can feel my body slowly getting tired but have no plan on stopping any time soon.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    I'm on week 2 of month 2 max 30. I love Insanity! Its how I reached my goals last time and I know it will get me there again.
  • Liz890
    Liz890 Posts: 73 Member
    50extra wrote: »
    Liz890 wrote: »

    At first I took a lot of small breaks in month 1 so i'm hoping i can get by in month 2 with a few extra breaks. Sounds like I will need them if the moves last longer and their is an additional block. Modifying is a great suggestion too, I may need to do that as well! I have never done max 30 ... I'll have to research that one, maybe I will try it next.

    That is my plan too Liz to get onto the Max 30 but depending where I get too after month 2, I might do the second month over again.

    Last night was Pure Cardio and then Insane Abs for me. I'm getting to the point where half way through the first workout I have to take my shirt off because it is just drenched. I definitely see a vast improvement on my cardio since the beginning. Also I believe this was the third time that I did the Insane Abs. I was sweating like crazy which didn't happen the first two times. The difference now is I am able to do many more of the exercises and actually get my heart rate up. I can feel my body slowly getting tired but have no plan on stopping any time soon.

    My cardio abilities are improving as well. I remember how hard it was just to get through the warm-up on day one. I have done other Beachbody programs in the past but I have never dripped sweat like this before. I'm a little concerned that my heart rate might not be going down during those 30 second breaks ... I need a 20 min break to bring it down lol. I should probably invest in a heart rate monitor at some point. Shaun T always mentions to make sure your heart rate is in a safe zone ... I'm hoping if mine wasn't in a safe zone I would feel it!?
  • grapaj
    grapaj Posts: 136 Member
    I have the program but never opened it :o . I hit the gym 3x a week for heavy lifting but need to incorporate some HIIT type cardio. I could go to the gym but since I have these dvd's gathering dust I could just do it at home.................
    Has anyone just thrown in some Insanity 2x a week, and if so, which workout should I pick?
  • mcbluesky
    mcbluesky Posts: 92 Member
    Cardio Power and Resistance this morning. Day 8. The workouts are very challenging, but I am still enjoying them. Pure Cardio tomorrow. Good stuff. Thanks to those posting. Really helps me stay focused, and progressing.
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    grapaj wrote: »
    I have the program but never opened it :o . I hit the gym 3x a week for heavy lifting but need to incorporate some HIIT type cardio. I could go to the gym but since I have these dvd's gathering dust I could just do it at home.................
    Has anyone just thrown in some Insanity 2x a week, and if so, which workout should I pick?

    I have mixed in Insanity, Max 30, and The Asylum with strength training. I did each program in its entirety in order, just not every day.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Last night way day 24 for me and man am I ever looking forward to cardio recovery now. My knees are starting to get a bit tender and I need recovery week to get here sooner rather than later. They aren't hurt but they are sore and tired from all the abuse.

    As of this morning I have lost 7.8 pounds since I started. Over the month of September I have eaten an average of about 2100 gross calories per day.

    I am still very impressed with the program and think it would be a great way for anyone to lose weight.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • Liz890
    Liz890 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm still working through the recovery week. It's slower paced but still challenging. Difficulties with shin splints continues. I'm down 11 lbs and feeling a lot stronger. Hoping to take some progress pictures soon as I think this is about the half-way point.
  • kraigiark
    kraigiark Posts: 27 Member
    Just wanna jump in here and say that I did Insanity at the beginning of my weight loss journey and lost 50lbs! I've done the program twice over now and Max30 as well. It's awesome. Can't say enough great things about the program!!

    Keep it up everyone!
  • Liz890
    Liz890 Posts: 73 Member
    kraigiark wrote: »
    Just wanna jump in here and say that I did Insanity at the beginning of my weight loss journey and lost 50lbs! I've done the program twice over now and Max30 as well. It's awesome. Can't say enough great things about the program!!

    Keep it up everyone!

    Wow, amazing results! I'm thinking about doing Max30 next.
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    kraigiark wrote: »
    Just wanna jump in here and say that I did Insanity at the beginning of my weight loss journey and lost 50lbs! I've done the program twice over now and Max30 as well. It's awesome. Can't say enough great things about the program!!

    Keep it up everyone!

    Way to go. I've done them both. I'm currently doing The Asylum 1 and 2 in a hybrid with the original Insanity. It might be even harder than the others. I would highly recommend it!
  • Liz890
    Liz890 Posts: 73 Member
    Well I fell off the wagon during recovery week. Missed 3 workouts but I feel recovered now lol.

    Trying to get back into it this week. Its been really nice switching to month 2 DVDs ... I needed the change. I was really losing interest towards the end of month 1. Hoping the month 2 workouts will create a little excitement and help me to keep going!

    How is everyone else doing?