


  • Liz890
    Liz890 Posts: 73 Member
    An increase of 55 switch kicks??!! I'm so impressed! Those are some really nice gains :)
  • Nena8_8
    Nena8_8 Posts: 23 Member
    50extra wrote: »
    @Nena8_8 great work, did you have good losses in the first month as well? Or did you just really start seeing them in the second month?

    I started noticing towards the middle of the first month.
  • aerial102
    aerial102 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm doing Insanity. I just started today actually.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Liz890 wrote: »
    An increase of 55 switch kicks??!! I'm so impressed! Those are some really nice gains :)

    Yeah the first time I tried them I was just so gassed I couldn't keep jumping. This time I made it until the 50 second mark or so. The gains on my next test won't be near as sexy to look at.
    aerial102 wrote: »
    I'm doing Insanity. I just started today actually.

    Aerial, that's great news! I don't know if you have ever done a Shaun T workout before but they are awesome and very intense. I didn't think I was making any progress until I did that fit test last night, for once, I am very happy that I was wrong! Check in here and let us know how you make out with the program as you go through it.
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    50extra wrote: »
    Ok so I just had my fit test at the beginning of week 3 and am ecstatic with my results.

    Type Week 1 Week 3 Change
    Switch Kicks 52 107 +55
    Power Jacks 27 35 +12
    Power Knees 52 65 +13
    Power Jumps 20 25 +5
    Globe Jumps 7 10 +3
    Suicide Jumps 12 15 +3
    Pushup Jacks 15 19 +4
    Low Plank Obliques 30 43 +13

    I love this program!

    Woo hoo! Amazing results!!! Keep it up!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    So I have been preaching this Insanity program to anyone that reads my news feed for the last two weeks. Quite often I get the "I've been thinking about doing it but am not sure yet" comment. Today was my weigh in day and I logged a 4 lb loss. That's a loss over 1 week! It's the biggest weekly loss that I have had since I started MFP in January. The crazy thing about it is I am eating at 2000 calories a day and I used to only eat at 1490(as per MFP) and I still didn't lose like that doing T25 and riding my bike every night.

    If someone reads this thread that is contemplating starting Insanity, do it. It is hard, to the point of being brutal. Yes it's hard on the knees, its hard on the feet, it's hard on the ankles. Christ, I even find its hard on the lower back. But clearly, it's hard on fat too!

    In the 17 days that I have been doing Insanity I am down 5.8lbs. This includes a 3 day stretch where I ate like complete crap and one of those nights I got drunk at a party. However, I still did my workouts, just my diet was off. Insanity literally is melting the fat from my body.

    One last thing, I am not a Beachbody coach, I will never be a Beachbody coach and I will never drink a single shakeology unless it is given to me for free. I have no ties to the company and 100% disagree with their marketing tactics. What I do want to say though, is the Beachbody workouts are GREAT! They do exactly what they say they are going to do, all you have to do is dedicate the time and effort that they ask for each day and you will have results.

    All that being said. I am now on day 18 - Cardio Recovery. I finally have the momentum moving in the right direction so after my Recovery workout I plan on doing Cardio Abs AND if my body hasn't fallen apart by that point, I will throw in T25 Alpha Cardio just to get that extra burn.

    I hope some of the others who have posted here in the past start to chime in on how their Insanity journey is going. I would love to hear from you.
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    Wow these are amazing results!!! 4 lbs down in one week is plainly AMAZING! Plus I loved your fit test results, that's some serious progress!

    However I have to say that 1490 for T25 and bike sounds a bit low and that could be the reason why you did not lose as much with T25. I'm only saying this because I am eating anywhere 1600-1800 every day and dropped 2.2 lbs this week with T25 and some Cize or Zumba blend in for extra cardio.

    That being said, I can't begin to explain how much I am looking forward to graduating from T25 and starting Insanity. I am one of these people who were thinking about it but wasn't sure and your unbiased feedback through these first days of doing the program really has given me a push to go for it!

    Keep up the good work! Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the program goes for you and maybe some progress photos along the way! :smile:

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    I definitely was still losing weight while doing T25 and biking, there's no denying that. But never once did I come close to 4 pounds in one week. I had my calories set by MFP to 1490 and I had to eat back around 50% of my exercise calories or else I would have starved. I was losing right at the 2lbs a week when I stuck to the program this way.

    Now I am eating 2000 calories a day, most of which 1700-1800 I eat by 5pm then have an apple and some nuts after my workout. Maybe a protein shake if I feel like it and am losing weight very quickly. I have no intentions on this rate of weight loss continuing but I will definitely take it for now.

    I did take a progress photo after I completed week two but my midsection looked the same and my arms actually looked smaller and less toned then my starting photo so that one stays in my private vault :smile: I do plan on posting a progress photo after week 4 or maybe after recovery week if there is a noticeable difference.

    How far into T25 are you? I really wish that I could have continued past Alpha but let life get in the way all three times I did it.
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    What I meant about T25 and the calories you eat is that maybe you needed a bit more to lose a bit more. Just speculating of course. This week I upped my calories from 1500-1600 to 1600-1800 per day and without changing the intensity or duration of my exercises I lost more! :smile:

    I just started week 3 of Alpha, all workouts feel a bit easier than the first time I did them (even Full Body Circuit, I don't dread it anymore, I just dread the last week that I'll have to do it 3 times! hehehe). I did not measure on this weekend, I'll just measure on the next and then at the end of the program but I do see my hands, legs and tummy slimming down and toning. I want to do Beta before Insanity, I watched a bit of the videos and seem interesting!

    Congratulations again for the great results! I'm so hyped like I'm the one doing Insanity haha!

  • Sandysphat
    Sandysphat Posts: 215 Member
    Hi guys I do t25, but Sunday morning I felt like mixing it up so I did insanity ploy cardio , wow I forgot how hard it was, couldn't finish I was done...
  • Sandysphat
    Sandysphat Posts: 215 Member
    After T 25 I will try insanity again , but I will be good at T25 gamma first, good luck guys,✌
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    olymp1a wrote: »
    What I meant about T25 and the calories you eat is that maybe you needed a bit more to lose a bit more. Just speculating of course. This week I upped my calories from 1500-1600 to 1600-1800 per day and without changing the intensity or duration of my exercises I lost more! :smile:

    I just started week 3 of Alpha, all workouts feel a bit easier than the first time I did them (even Full Body Circuit, I don't dread it anymore, I just dread the last week that I'll have to do it 3 times! hehehe). I did not measure on this weekend, I'll just measure on the next and then at the end of the program but I do see my hands, legs and tummy slimming down and toning. I want to do Beta before Insanity, I watched a bit of the videos and seem interesting!

    Congratulations again for the great results! I'm so hyped like I'm the one doing Insanity haha!

    Great job getting into week 3 of Alpha T25. I think you have a great plan with sticking to the T25 program and then moving on from there. Being almost done week three of T25 I really wish I continued onto Beta and Gamma T25 first. I quit every time after Alpha so I never really got the results I was hoping for. Nothing wrong with the program, it was 100% my fault.
    Sandysphat wrote: »
    Hi guys I do t25, but Sunday morning I felt like mixing it up so I did insanity ploy cardio , wow I forgot how hard it was, couldn't finish I was done...

    Yeah Insanity and T25 are definitely two different programs although they look the same. I have done a couple T25 workouts mixed in with Insanity and they are still extremely challenging. Keep up the good work on T25.

    Last night for me was the Cardio Recovery workout. I honestly hate it because it doesn't make me sweat like the other videos do. It also pisses me off because I can't do a minute of slow squats, followed by a minute of squat holds, followed by a minute of squat thrusts. And I am even worse on the lunges.

    I had big plans to do either cardio abs or a T25 workout after the recovery disc but let myself come up with excuses, the top ones being, I'm tired, I had a *kitten* day at work, and I have to cook tonight. I wish I would have manned up and just did something else. In my head it doesn't even feel like a workout unless my shirt is soaked right through.

    I can't wait for tonight so I can have Shaun T show me how weak and out of shape I am again!

    Keep killin' it!
  • mcbluesky
    mcbluesky Posts: 92 Member
    Day 6 Plyo Cardio. Still sore. Still pushing through. Doing it, which is the most important point. As hard as the workouts are, I do look forward to them. Especially now that I know what is coming. Now that is Insanity.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    If your body is anything like mine you will stop being sore in week two. I'd love to say the workouts get easier but they don't. I find that the fitter I get, the more moves I can do therefor the harder the workout.

    I had Cardio Power & Resistance tonight. Completed it and was soaking wet. Sat down for a minute and literally said out loud to myself "No more f*cking excuses" got up and nailed off T25 Speed 1.0. It's amazing the built up aggression I had after two brutal days at work. On the good side, I'm much calmer now!
  • mcbluesky
    mcbluesky Posts: 92 Member
    50 Extra - you are the man. T25 Speed after Cardio Power & Resistance. Wow. At this point, it is all I can do to drag myself to the shower after Insanity Workout. Calm is good.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    @mcbluesky I am doing what I can to get the workouts in over the next week. I work a rotational shift in Siberia and when I am over here I can focus strictly on work, and working out. No kids to take care of, no friends to hang out with, nothing other than work and fitness. I have been trying to change my health and fitness level since the start of the year and I have a real nasty habit of going home and falling into my old routine. I need to get as much out of this shift as absolutely possible before I go home. If I can get close to my goal weight, it might just give me that motivation I need to keep pushing through my month at home.

    That being said, last night was the Plyometric Cardio Circuit. It was tough but I got through it and then attempted to put in T25 Beta Speed 2.0. It was the first time that I tried a Beta disc and man, Speed 2.0 is no joke and is much harder than 1.0. I actually picked it because I thought it would be an easy workout to follow up the Insanity one with. I was able to do about 10 minutes with decent speed and form, the next 10 minutes were embarrassing and then I quit at the 20 minute mark as the bottoms of my feet were starting to rub raw and blister.

    Tonight's the real fun workout from month 1. It's Pure Cardio and then Insane Abs. I have watched the Cardio Abs workout and it has nothing on Insane Abs so I will keep doing Insane.

    Hope everyone else on this page is still making their way through the workouts. Please chime in and let us know how its going.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I am currently doing 30 day shred, once complete I plan to start Insanity starting October.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    @Dhathri Sounds great. I haven't ever seen the 30 day shred workouts, how are they?
  • Liz890
    Liz890 Posts: 73 Member
    I have completed the month 1 Insanity workouts!! :) Feeling pretty great for making it through all those workouts. I was hoping the workouts would get eaiser as I got stronger but that didn't really happen ... the workouts challenged me every single time. Now onto Recovery week.

    I am really nervous for month 2 workouts. I suspect their are plenty of new jump moves. I'm always afraid I'll hurt my knees if I push myself too much and can't land a jump move softly. I am looking forward to a new workout routine though ... month 1 was getting pretty repetitive.
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    Liz890 wrote: »
    I have completed the month 1 Insanity workouts!! :) Feeling pretty great for making it through all those workouts. I was hoping the workouts would get eaiser as I got stronger but that didn't really happen ... the workouts challenged me every single time. Now onto Recovery week.

    I am really nervous for month 2 workouts. I suspect their are plenty of new jump moves. I'm always afraid I'll hurt my knees if I push myself too much and can't land a jump move softly. I am looking forward to a new workout routine though ... month 1 was getting pretty repetitive.

    Month 2 is definitely tougher, not necessarily because of more difficult moves but because the volume increases. You will do three different blocks of exercises instead of two, and IIRC each move is 45s instead of 30.

    If you're worried about injury you can always do a modifier when getting tired. They started getting smart in Max 30 and put a person off to the side showing a modifier all the time. Unfortunately they don't do that in the original, so you may have to get a bit creative.