Every 2 to 3 hours



  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I have no quarrel with you, or your premise, or even, for that matter, the study that you have cited..........except that you have not provided a link to a study, you've provided a link to an abstract, and it's hardly the same. Without being able to read this 18 year old study, I don't know anything really about it's premise, or the methodology, other than the fact that it was a 14 day study, and for 12 of those 14 days, the participants were left at home, unsupervised, presumably to eat whenever and whatever they wanted......of course we all know they stayed right on the protocol every minute, right? LOL

    I can't HAVE an opinion about the validity of any study without actually reading it, and far too often on this site, members toss out links to "back up" their point of view, when those studies are in the form of abstracts, or clips from magazines, lay press, youtube videos, infomercials and the like. I am not likely to spend $500 to subscribe to a journal just to read one study in its entirety. I think everyone is entitled to their opinions about eating and nutrition, but they're just that.........opinions.........even when backed up by an 18 year old abstract from the Netherlands done with 10 male participants. Peace.

    Hey bro,

    If for some reason oldness of the study in your mind affects the validity of it, try this one on for size:

    If you dont care enough to register for the entire study (free) that is not my problem, nor does it lessen the validity of said study.

    Another- an extensive review of several studies on the same matter. (Although this was published in 1997, so perhaps it doesn't meet your "criteria" for being valid scholarship?)


    The fact of the matter is, meal frequency and timing having any effect on metabolism has been debunked multiple times over the years in a variety of valid, peer-reviewed studies, not to mention thousands and thousands of anecdotal cases. Peace.

    Here's an analysis of the second study cited, for those who want an "interpreted" version.


    Bottom line: Many people may find that increased meal frequency works for them -- for what whatever reason. There is nothing wrong with that approach. However, as you clearly point out, there is no scientific basis for asserting -- as too many people do-- that increased meal frequency should be the "preferred" approach or that it "increases metabolism".
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    And that's why you won't lose weight.

    Have you ever done intermittent fasting for a prolonged period of time (months, years, etc)? If you haven't you shouldn't really be commenting and pulling these armchair quarterback comments out of thin air. It is VERY effective.

    My post wasn't specifically to jump on YOU but it grinds my gears when people just throw these comments out as fact when they probably haven't ever done intermittent fasting.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I usually eat breakfast, lunch, an afternoon snack, dinner and a treat after dinner if I have calories left. I tried eating smaller meals a little closer together and I wasn't satisfied and ended up eating more. I have read about it being better than to eat more calories earlier in the day, but I find that I am hungriest at dinner. I was never a breakfast eater before this, and I could routinely go until lunch late in the afternoon with nothing, so I may adjust as time goes on. I think it is important to listen to your body and find what works for you.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    And that's why you won't lose weight.

    Have you ever done intermittent fasting for a prolonged period of time (months, years, etc)? If you haven't you shouldn't really be commenting and pulling these armchair quarterback comments out of thin air. It is VERY effective.

    My post wasn't specifically to jump on YOU but it grinds my gears when people just throw these comments out as fact when they probably haven't ever done intermittent fasting.

    I agree, but also point out that the opposite holds true--those who follow personal programs like IF and use their anecdotal experience to assert that it is a "better" method or that everyone should be doing it. (Not implying that you were doing that, just a general "grinds my gears" comment).
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    And that's why you won't lose weight.

    Have you ever done intermittent fasting for a prolonged period of time (months, years, etc)? If you haven't you shouldn't really be commenting and pulling these armchair quarterback comments out of thin air. It is VERY effective.

    My post wasn't specifically to jump on YOU but it grinds my gears when people just throw these comments out as fact when they probably haven't ever done intermittent fasting.

    I agree, but also point out that the opposite holds true--those who follow personal programs like IF and use their anecdotal experience to assert that it is a "better" method or that everyone should be doing it. (Not implying that you were doing that, just a general "grinds my gears" comment).

    I agree. More than one way to "skin a cat" (not literally, I'm a cat lover).

    There isn't a "one size fits all" program for everyone. I do IF and eat Paleo but it's not for everyone. Some can do the '5-6 meals, every 2-3 hours" which just left me hungry, wanting more. To each their own and good luck to everyone, with whatever they choose.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    No I don't because when I do I have a hard time stopping and feel hungry all the time. I eat three meals a day usually 4-5 hours apart and a big snack at night if I have left over calories. In the end do what works for you to keep your hunger under control.
  • cocobeenie
    cocobeenie Posts: 98
    Yes, I eat six small meals about 2-3 hours apart. I'm originally a grazer so this works for me because I am cinstantly eating. You can scope my food diary to see how I usually do it.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I eat every 2-3 hours. Sometimes I will skip my afternoon snack. If I don't eat that often I get headaches, naseous, and dizzy.
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    I eat every 2-3 hours because I want to stoke the metabolic fire.

    j/k, meal-timing is irrelevant. :laugh: I do two meals: The first of the day post-workout (in the evening) and the second and last before I go to bed. I've done it both ways. Having food around every 2-3 hours -- which, for those of us who work, essentially requires having food around 24/7 -- makes it far more likely and tempting to overeat.