How do you prevent Binging



  • kathrynkatana
    kathrynkatana Posts: 90 Member
    Hot tea helps. If I really seem to be wanting something, I tell myself to drink a whole thing of water and see if I still want it. I'm still at the point that I sometimes confuse hungry with thirst, so this method seems to really be working for me. I think reminders might be useful. Good luck.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    Say to myself if I just wait 20-30 min the craving will probably pass.
    If it doesn't, eat something healthy and wait another 20-30 min.
    If I still want to binge... to be honest... I usually do. But at least 60% of the time the first two steps actually work, which is 60% less overeating than I'd have done otherwise...
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    It really depends on the situation. I have several "triggers" so I deal with each one differently. If it's hormonal, I'll often have just enough to satisfy the urge, then I can move on. If it's emotional like stress or something else I try and talk myself through that with a cup of tea. Distraction by calling a friend works sometimes too. Lately I'm finding if I don't eat small meals throughout the day I lose all control right about the time I'm putting dinner together....and the pit is bottomless and mindless. So eating often and eating protein is important. I don't keep "binge foods" in the house either but I will find something if I'm hell-bent on it. Just keeping trying to conquer. If you have a bad day acknowledge and move on. Work on finding YOUR triggers so you can minimize the damage. Good luck!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hi there i have (maybe) found a secret and it has worked for me (so far)!

    keep sugar free polos(only 80 cals for the whole pack).. (mints)in your pocket or close by at all me if you keep one in your mouth when you feel the binge and suck it and as soon as you have finished that stick another one in keep going til the binge has gone(normally around 15 mins), you will find it REALLY does help...

    or if you are haveing a really good week and have a weak moment..... do some exersice(what ever it is) butt kicking,or will find your adrenaline(cant spell)! will take over and you wont want any naughtys!

    good luck
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    Also this wont work for people limiting their sodium, but for people who don't have problems with it, when I crave crisps etc, just eating the salt (despite the strength of the taste) often satisfies me. Crisps it turns out were just carriers for the salt that was what I really wanted.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I am a binger lol. I binge on low cal foods >.< there are 20 calorie popsicles I got at the dollar store that really help :D

    also stuff such as celery, tomatoes, carrots, and brocolli...

    and frozen fruit. :) I hope this helps!!!
  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    Eat small portions regularly, that way you are never hungry.
  • Make sure I exercise enough so I can not only get foods I enjoy but I can eat all day. The feeling of being able to 'eat whenever I want' is comforting to my urges.
    I also have my food day split into more categories to ensure lots of snacking aka "Breakfast, Midmorning Snack, Lunch, Afternoon Snack, Dinner, Late Night snack" so I feel like I always have something to look forward to.
    Snacking type items (where you gets lots of bites for little calories) also help me. Like a 3/4 cups of Cheerios (which you can eat real slow!) are only 110 calories.

    If there is something I want, in moderation, I always tell myself not to worry cause I can earn it through exercise if I want. I do that often! I also put something treat-like to look forward to at the end of the day. I have my boyfriend remind me, when I'm considering mindlessly grabbing for more of something plain, that I always still have that treat to look forward to! I always fill my late night section with those.

    I also eat Brach's cinnamon sugar-free candies. Three of them for 35 calories and the cinnamon really helps curve the cravings. I still have bad days, of course, but these methods certainly help keep me on track! I can even now have my 'binge foods' in the house.
    Best of luck on your journey!
  • Cup or tea, helps bring down some of the hunger you think you are haveing, and if you are hungery it well deadin the hunger pains a little till you can make something that is healthy.
  • sswift76
    sswift76 Posts: 37 Member
    A couple of things I have tried that worked for me: Brush your teeth!! You won't want sweets with a minty taste in your mouth. You can also suck on sugar free peppermints or chew minty gum. And I keep a picture of myself at the weight I want to can clip a pic out of a magazine (a real person, not celebrity! lol) or something like that. Good Luck!!
  • I pray and ask God for help as well. I can't do it without my Lord and savior
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I pray daily and ask God for his help with my food choices

    I do the same, I pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster every day.... it doesn't help much though as He often encourages me to eat more spaghetti.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I pray daily and ask God for his help with my food choices

    I do the same, I pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster every day.... it doesn't help much though as He often encourages me to eat more spaghetti.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    Dont restrict your food in take. this shouldnt leave you starving and there fore no binging. But there are all kings of things call a freind, go for a walk. If you are craving something sweet I drink sweeten flovered fruit drinks. Or a piece of sugar free hard candy.