working out vs starvation mode

kabini Posts: 9
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I work out every single day and usually burn between 700-1000 calories during my workouts (over 1 hour of straight cardio stuff) So, I was just wondering if the calories you burn by exercising count in the "starvation mode" thing. I know this site counts them...but I was just wondering. I typically eat fairly normally....around 1400-1500 calories a day, but with my exercise if you subtract the calories I burn it puts me WAY below what the site recommends. Any advice on this would be appreciated! :flowerforyou:


  • So, I work out every single day and usually burn between 700-1000 calories during my workouts (over 1 hour of straight cardio stuff) So, I was just wondering if the calories you burn by exercising count in the "starvation mode" thing. I know this site counts them...but I was just wondering. I typically eat fairly normally....around 1400-1500 calories a day, but with my exercise if you subtract the calories I burn it puts me WAY below what the site recommends. Any advice on this would be appreciated! :flowerforyou:
  • you should be eating the calories that you burn. so if you burn 500 calories you have those calories to consume as well.
  • Thats what I don't understand either! Let me know if you figure it out:smile:

  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    you should be eating the calories that you burn. so if you burn 500 calories you have those calories to consume as well.

    I understand the theory behind this, but not all diets have you eat extra calories for exercising. How do people lose weight n them? also, what happened to the old "calories in calories burned" formula. Will a couple hundred calories really make a big diff? If so why is it that you can also get diff. calorie reccomendations from diff places.

    PS NOt "attacking" your answer, I just really don't understand this either. I don't ever add in the calories earned from exercising. (Of course, I'm NOT losing weight either:ohwell: )
  • I'm in the same boat you are...with my workouts I burn around 1000-1200 daily...and I never come anywhere close to consuming those calories plus the 1500 I'm supposed to be netting daily for my 500 calorie deficit. I think in order to keep the metabolism going as strong as have to be as close as you can to getting your net calorie goal daily.
    For some of us that means eating double what we usually do! I struggle with it, I never come anywhere close.
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    Ok, here I go again. Does anyone else find it strange that OVEREATING is what got most of us here, yet we are all struggling eating "ENOUGH" calories now. It just doesn't make sense to me. THe temptation when I'm not losing is to cut my calories back. It's just so hard for me to believe that eating MORE could help. Is there anyone out there who can testify to the fact that eating more calorie helped you lose weight? I'm desperate to get off of the 8 month long plateau.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    Okay i am totally with you guys!! I haven't lost a single pound (in fact i think i have gained a few) since christmas....which is when i got a treadmill, so i have been going to the gym and running EVERY day, it is SO discouraging!! My workouts have gotten much more intense, and i read everything about eating the extra cal. so i did and still didn't lose anything! Plus i felt sick because i was eating like 2500 cal!!! I eat totally healthy, fresh foods 99% of the time so what gives????
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    AAAAAAAAAAHHH! Someone help us please!!!!:sad:
  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
    If you're only burning a couple hundred calories while working out, it's not going to make a huge difference if you don't eat them, but when you're burning 700 -1000 calories a day, you should definitely be eating some of them, at the very least.

    Take into consideration that the site gives you a 500 calorie deficit already, meaning the calories it tells you to eat before exercise calories is already 500 under what you need to maintain your weight. Add to that the 700-1000 calories you're burning, that's 1200 - 1500 less than you need, which could definitely put your body into starvation mode.

    I'd reccomend that you eat so you don't feel hungry. Don't force yourself to eat them all if you're not hungry, but definitely try to eat some of those calories you're burning off, you'll still be putting a lot less calories in than you need/are putting out. You'll still lose a lot of weight, but without it being risky.

    Hope that's helpful.:smile:
  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    I'm feeling the same frustration! Prior to Jan 5th I would guesstimate my caloric intake to have been around 2300+, and I was walking 3 times per week for 30 minutes and 1-2 days of strength training.
    Now I consume 1400-1900 calories per day and burn about 300 calories 5 days, 700-1000 2 days.
    I am doing both intense cardio and strength training. I do consume some of the "extra" calories, but not all that they recommend, because so many other diet plans say I should aim for around 1500 with a high activity level. I have not lost weight. I don't know what to do!
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    This site offers you general guidelines to losing weight in a healthy manner and it should be consider just that, "a guideline." so I have to disagree with eating to the limit accumulated to the level you work out to achieve a balance in your health.

    It's been my personal experience that you eat to the level you originally targeted prior to working out. You only add a little more calories to your intake if you find yourself hungry between meals.

    If you eat only to the level you originally targeted (prior to working out) depending on your body fat you should see the weight drop off pretty steadily and it won't be "starvation" providing your not making yourself exist past the hunger pains.

    I'll use myself as a prime example. I started getting my act together on the 2nd of Jan with a goal of getting myself from 235.5 pounds back down to 180. My calorie goal was set to lose no more than 2lbs each week my daily calorie intake is supposed to be 1570 before exercising and with exercise I'm supposed to eat to 2100 calories. Very few times have I felt hungry between my eating plan schedule and I spread it out over the day and in between meals. I've managed to drop nearly 25lbs since I started, much more than 2lbs a week, by doing this and I can only assume that my body fat was a lot higher than I even realized.

    The computer program has twice now asked me if I wanted to alter my goals and habits and I've declined.... so far.

    I sincerely believe that the key to success here is to manage your calorie intake based on your body's demand for food and not because a computer program tells you to eat more.
  • thanks for the info, i guess it does make sense, i was eating because i had the extra calories, no because i was hungry. i thought hey i have 200 calories yet that i could have......hmmm...what should i eat. i think im going to change my thought process and see what happens.
  • Wow! SOOO many people with the same question ;) So, from what I gather, the b est thing to do is just eat normal, and only when I'm HUNGRY (not to force myself to eat the extra calories). I mean, seriously, for someone burning 1000/day exercising, they'd have to eat burger king for virtually every meal to consume the number of calories suggested! (not literally, but you know what I mean). So I guess I'll just keep doing like I'm doing. I mean, I am losing weight (15 pounds since Jan 8) but I just want to make sure I'm doing it the right way! :tongue:
  • what are you doing to loose 15 pounds?
  • Well my daily goal is around 1660 daily but I am eating my 3 meals and 3 snacks and I have not mananged to eat the complete 1660 yet and I have not even began to work out. I have saw some progress but along with the calorie counting I am following the South Beach regimen to make sure my body is getting what it needs.

    But for thoes of you who are confused about this whole calorie thing just drink a protien shake or bar to make sure you do not go into starvation mode. Like many posted it does not make since to burn them just to eat them because the goal is to loose the weight to consume less calories.
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    hello all

    Just to mention this other thing i have noticed, when i work out on my stationary bike for 40 min it tells me i burned off 220 calories, however this site tells me that i should have burned off more then 3X than amount. Now could it be that the amount of calories burned showed here are more then what they actualy are ?

    what have been dividing by at least 2 the amount of calories that the site is saying that i am burning, for the bike and for other activities as well. i have been eating those calories for the most part and have lost over 8 pounds since jan 1st.

    who knows. i think the best thing is to try different thing and see what works best for you in the long term. good luck all !!
  • In response to May_marie, I would try other websites, as the myfitness pal asks you nothing about how fast you are going. you are obviously going to burn a lot more if you are going at a 4.5 mph speed for 40 min vs a 2.5 mph speed. Do a google search for "calories burned" or something like that. There is a site by the "LiveStrong" foundation that you put in your weight and how long you did it and it shows you based on varying speeds how much you should have burned off. I am about 200 pounds and 1 hour at a 5 mph jogging pace on the elliptical burns almost 800 calories (that's about 185-190 strides per minute), but slowing it down to even 170 or 175 takes that number down to like 650 because your heart rate never gets up fast enough to make it considered cardio. Anyways, what I did was find at least 3 of these calculators and ask them the same question (as in how hard for how long you worked out) and average it out between the three (unless one of them has a number WAY off from the others). Also, make sure the machine is letting you put in your weight before you start. the calories burned differs a LOT by what may seem like a small amount of weight
  • hello all

    Just to mention this other thing i have noticed, when i work out on my stationary bike for 40 min it tells me i burned off 220 calories, however this site tells me that i should have burned off more then 3X than amount. Now could it be that the amount of calories burned showed here are more then what they actualy are ?

    what have been dividing by at least 2 the amount of calories that the site is saying that i am burning, for the bike and for other activities as well. i have been eating those calories for the most part and have lost over 8 pounds since jan 1st.

    who knows. i think the best thing is to try different thing and see what works best for you in the long term. good luck all !!
    Maybe you weren't reaching your target heart rate while on the bike?
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    You only get the starvation message if you eat UNDER your minimum calories...i.e. 1200 calories. If you eat 1100, you get the message. If you eat 1200, you don't get the message.

    If you eat 1200 and burn 1200, you don't get the message.

    If you eat 1100 and burn 700, you get the message :tongue:
  • garimac
    garimac Posts: 174
    If i only burn 300 calories a day I do not eat me extra calories.
    And when i do go over 300 calories i eat some of my extra calories but never all
    I also eat my extra calories by uping my prtion size to say 6 oz of fish from 4 oz
    or extra veggies or some fruit.
    I think if you are burning tons of calories you really need some extra protien
    I think if you are at your target weight you can eat all your extra calories.

    Thats what i do and i have been loosing 2 pound a week.
    Good luck
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