How often do you weight yourself?



  • MaybeLed
    MaybeLed Posts: 250 Member
    edited September 2016
    ogtmama wrote: »
    tomteboda wrote: »
    Well, I weigh myself daily.

    But I weight myself about 3 days a week when I do my physical therapy strength exercises on my ankles and hips.

    British I suspect? They use weight instead of weigh (I think).

    Nope, Weigh is a verb and Weight is a noun, certainly in the UK, It's probably just a typo.

    As long as we don't have to get on to lose/loose.....
  • lisahile1
    lisahile1 Posts: 3 Member
    Every friday morning.
  • juliebowman4
    juliebowman4 Posts: 784 Member
    A couple of times a week
    Daily was just too....too....
    like a roller coaster. Mon morning I'd be excited to see I was down a pound only to step on Tuesday morning a have it say I was up 3 pounds
  • 321BooM
    321BooM Posts: 25 Member
    I weigh myself every morning as I need to do it to keep myself accountable!
  • daleis49
    daleis49 Posts: 6 Member
    Every morning.
  • Tiffminus30
    Tiffminus30 Posts: 7 Member
    Every day, but I'm switching over to once per week because I felt it was becoming an obsession (for me).
  • Grankakes
    Grankakes Posts: 128 Member
    i just started whole30 last week and it suggests not weighing for the full 30 days. its really really really hard not to step on that scale when i walk past it! when i get to a more maintenance phase, i'll probably go back to daily
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Daily. If I did every week I would get sad because I retain METRIC %#@& TONS of water on my cycle. I weigh daily so I can watch that water fall off and see my loss while laughing maniacally:)
  • JJBerk
    JJBerk Posts: 7 Member
    Fresh off the potty, buck naked, just before shower, every morning. My smart scale synch's to MFP every time. At this stage, where every single thing I do counts, it's all a numbers game for me. It keeps me going, though some mornings with gains make for a rough day. One day at a time!