Is your diet boring?



  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I have go-to meals, but I always have had those. My diet isn't boring at all. I've lost 91lbs and while I do pay close attention to my nutritional needs, I basically eat whatever I want. I cannot tell you how much ice cream, pizza, hot wings, steak, wine have been in my life. Great meals out, great meals in.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,146 Member
    Boring is in the eye of the beholder. What it may be boring for some people it may be delicious for somebody else. It is all according to our taste buds and preferences.

    Some people choose to eat the same food all the time as a way to control calories, cravings and/or binges; others with more controlled eating habits, prefer to have a variety of foods on hand and try different things. Some people like to cook a lot and have a preference for recipes with more or fancy ingredients and with more preparation time. I prefer simple recipes with few ingredients that can be prepared in less time.

    I can eat homemade soups and salads for lunch all the time (different recipes, of course) and some people may consider that "boring," but for me is convenient and delicious. We are all different.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Nope not boring while losing, not boring in maintenance. Also not repetitive. Almost always healthy.

    Some recent dinners we've had (in no particular order):

    Lightened up lasagna (high fiber pasta, lean meat, reduced fat cheese)
    Shrimp and broccoli stir fry
    Grilled salmon with roasted broccoli, garlic and carrots
    Spaghetti tossed with grilled chicken and fresh garden vegetables in a light cream sauce
    Chicken marsala - over a mix of whole grains and chia seeds
    Nachos - seasoned ground venison, black beans, onions, hot peppers, guacamole
    Chicken grilled outside, beans in a spicy bbq sauce and fresh collard greens cooked with garlic and olive oil
    Blackened catfish, fresh collard greens cooked with garlic and olive oil and pickled beets
    Kabobs - venison tenderloin chunks, red potatoes, assorted hot peppers from the garden and onion
    Chicken wings and raw veggies

    Tonight we are doing turkey breasts and brussel sprounts on the grill.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    This is a real question -- for those of you who are actively losing weight and have stuck with it for a long your diet boring? Are you eating the same things over and over? I feel like I get stuck because I can healthy for a little while and then I get super bored of the same foods all the time. I try to find new healthy recipes and try new foods but I always end up getting bored and then giving up for a giant bowl of spaghetti.

    I have a couple of different friends who are both in amazing shape and spend a lot of time on their overall health but I see them eating the same things all the time.

    Is this the habit of a healthy person? Do I need to just get on board with the boredom?

    Not at all...variety is the spice of life...

    And there's nothing inherently unhealthy about a bowl of spaghetti either...had some the other night.

    I also have a couple of friends who spend a lot of time on their health and their fitness...they do pretty much eat the same things routinely...largely due to their inability to cook and/or lack of interest in cooking and preparing meals.

    In all fairness a "bowl of spaghetti" for me is generally about 3x the size it should be, drenched in butter (like enough to leave a serious puddle at the bottom) and then covered in half a block of cheese.

    See, that to me actually sounds boring, kind of bland.

    How I like pasta (and am happy with a serving size or less) is with a meat sauce made with tomatoes, lots of vegetables (onions, peppers, and garlic, of course, but also whatever else I have on hand -- often zucchini or cauliflower or broccoli or simply some greens), and of course lean ground beef. A little olive oil to start it off. Or even more often, since faster, I use whatever vegetables I have on hand, plus mushrooms, and sautee them in olive oil. Then I toss in the lean meat or other protein I want to use (smoked salmon is good and something I always have on hand, but shrimp, other fish, chicken, beef, whatever, sometimes even tempeh or seitan or beans (although I'd prepare that differently). Depending on the mix of ingredients used, I may add some pinenuts or a sprinkle of strong-tasting cheese or olives.

    I find this really delicious and endlessly variable.

    There are other meals I love and repeat a lot (basic salmon plus veg (usually 2-3) plus starch or roasted chicken in place of the salmon), but I find them not boring at all, and as you can see there are moving parts (I try to eat seasonally, so that keeps it interesting). If I do pork chops I often include sauerkraut and apples and onions. I play around with different Asian salad mixes (I like lean beef as part of this, as it goes well with a spicy dressing), tons of different things. When I get boring -- and I sometimes do -- it's more because I make something and am using it up or have limited time to cook so just whip up whatever is on hand in my refrigerator. (Worst case, an omelet for dinner can be nice.)
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    honestly yeah sometimes, but that might have something to do with my Chef brain. I get bored of food REALLY easily and often get stuck in a culinary rut if you will.

    I also find myself having mental tantrums over not being able to eat what I want sometimes. I eat a low carb diet, although I'm not opposed to "cheating", I am very sensitive to gluten. I miss a nice crusty piece of bread, but I know that eating said bread is going to cause me severe stomach cramps so I probably shouldn't partake in that bread.

    I would say that is why my diet is boring at times. I also don't eat packaged foods so it limits on the go options. Top that off with I tend to buy whats cheap/in season it can get dull sometimes, but again that is probably more due to the fact I live more north.

    I'm sure that was of NO help but there you go LOL
  • RebeccaNaegle
    RebeccaNaegle Posts: 236 Member
    My diet is not boring at all. I eat plenty of variety and can fit in pretty much anything I want in moderation.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Definitely not boring. I do eat repetitively throughout the week, but that's because I live alone and most recipes I make aren't easy to make for less than four. So dinner one night will be lunch for the next couple of days, etc.

    If you're bored, try exploring other cultures' food.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited September 2016
    honestly yeah sometimes, but that might have something to do with my Chef brain. I get bored of food REALLY easily and often get stuck in a culinary rut if you will.

    I also find myself having mental tantrums over not being able to eat what I want sometimes. I eat a low carb diet, although I'm not opposed to "cheating", I am very sensitive to gluten. I miss a nice crusty piece of bread, but I know that eating said bread is going to cause me severe stomach cramps so I probably shouldn't partake in that bread.

    I would say that is why my diet is boring at times. I also don't eat packaged foods so it limits on the go options. Top that off with I tend to buy whats cheap/in season it can get dull sometimes, but again that is probably more due to the fact I live more north.

    I'm sure that was of NO help but there you go LOL

    Interesting to see someone describe their own diet as boring!

    But it has to have a lot to do with attitude. I cook most of my meals form scratch, and I love the variety and versatility I get from that. I also buy cheap ingredients and what's in season, but foods in season are at its peak of ripeness an deliciousness and varies with, well, season.

    (I have to take into consideration when I get excited about the food I eat, that I've lived for 25 years alternating between diet foods and junk foods. Real, normal food and not worrying feels like I've died and gone to heaven :D )

    I also live in Norway. You can get further north, but not much :p
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    If you're bored, try exploring other cultures' food.

    This is a good suggestion. When I'm feeling in a rut and have time, I look through cookbooks for ideas, and that's one go-to.
  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 357 Member
    I eat very healthy and clean for the most part, but I don't think what I eat is boring. I love to cook and use a lot of infused olive oils, different vinegars, herbs, spices and seasonings. Or I just look at menus and pick out something that sounds really good and make my own version - looking at where I can swap healthier options. Fat free greek yogurt for sour cream, no added sugar marinara sauce, baked potato fries, cauliflower mashed potatos, ezekiel bread french toast, protein pancakes. I don't have a grill, but use my George Foreman grill all the time. I'm always on the lookout for different sauces or marinades. My portion sizes are huge, I get pretty creative in my meals, and I don't get bored with what I eat. What works for me is knowing my portion sizes of my go-to proteins, carbs, and fats, and the combining them creatively to make all kinds of meals.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Nope, because chocolate.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Boring food isn't a requirement.

    I'm just lazy and generally don't care that much.

    -does it taste alright?
    -does it fit my calories?
    -does it keep me satisfied for awhile?
    -is it easy?

    Hit all the above and I'm in. I do tend to go in phases though. I might eat basically the same thing for a certain meal or snack for months and then finally get worn out with it and switch to something else.

    BTW, you can have basically the same thing and just make it a little different by using a different protein/seasoning/sauce/etc.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    I eat the same things almost every day because it's convenient, predictable, meets my nutrition goals and tastes good. When I travel I'll mix things up and eat something different.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    If you think about it, most people eat the same things and rotate them with the occasional different meal, be it on a diet or off a diet. You just feel it more when you are on a diet because you focus on food more when you are on a diet. Trying to eat out of character for you might also contribute to the boredom because many of your favorite foods are off the table.

    I try to make effort not to let my diet veer too far from how I used to eat before. Of course modifications need to be made because my previous diet had too many calories which wouldn't work for weight loss, so I control that by altering the quantity or the frequency of higher calorie foods.

    I totally understand what you mean when you say you look for recipes then just end up going back to the same dishes. I love trying new foods and recipes. I have tens of cookbooks and thousands of recipes and I don't mind cooking. After trying a couple of recipes I find myself going back to my good old routine of some kind of grain with some kind of vegetables or beans with sauce, the same old variations and flavors rotated, then I catch the recipe bug again and try a couple of other new recipes, repeat.

    I don't think of it as boring, it's just how I always tend to eat. Realizing that, coupled with not changing my diet drastically, helped me stop trying too hard not to get bored. I just needed to relax and eat whatever I felt like eating, even if it was weetabix for dinner for the 6th day in a row. If it's what I want it's what I want, I don't need to bend over backwards and turn my diet into a pinterest board.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I eat whatever I want as long as it fits my calories and macros. Not bored at all. Been maintaining since 2011. I eat a variety of different things and like to try new stuff, too, when it comes to making dinner. But for other meals it's just easier (more convenient) to stay with some of my old standbys for breakfast and lunch. So for those meals you'd see a lot of repetitive, "boring" eating. But I definitely switch it up and have fun with dinner. Maybe that's what you're seeing when you say your fit friends are eating the same boring stuff over and over? :)
  • SlavaZone
    SlavaZone Posts: 2 Member
    Some of the snacks can get repetitive, but each week I try to buy different things to keep my diet varied. There are thousands of fruits and vegetables and grains and legumes and nuts and herbs and spices offered at the grocery store, and there's millions of recipes out there, so healthy definitely doesn't have to be boring! :)

    Follow as many healthy food blogs as possible, or sign up for meal plans. The Happy Herbivore does weekly meal plans that always vary, and Joe Cross (guy from Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead) has free meal plans; Forks Over Knives always has recipes; etc. There are so many to follow out there. :) Another thing you could do is go to the produce section of the grocery store and try things you've never eaten before. Or pick a theme for the week, like Asian or Hispanic food, and find as many recipes as possible under that theme, so you can re-use similar bulk groceries but still have varying flavor profiles. Just a few seconds of research will reveal that cultural food is much more broad than traditionally thought! :P Or use Pinterest, it's my favorite resource! I can pin all the recipes I find to go back to. While there are a few favorites that the hubby and I occasionally repeat, and snacks sometimes are repeated, main meals are always different!

    I definitely occasionally miss less healthy options, but those are just cravings which can easily be curbed with healthier alternatives (banana nice cream or smoothies in replacement of ice cream; popcorn lightly oiled/buttered and salted instead of chips/crackers/theater popcorn; peaches or nectarines heated in the microwave with cinnamon instead of pie/candy/sweets; baked potato in the microwave w/ organic ketchup instead of chips or fries; etc.). And "cheating" occasionally isn't a bad thing as long as you don't eat enough to make your stomach hurt. :P

    In summary, if you find your diet boring, turn to the internet and healthy food blogs for inspiration! :)
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I fill the majority of my diet with whole single ingredient foods then with the remainder, generally 100-400 calories I fill with whatever I feel like, be it a bowl of Icecream, cereal, or a muffin. Can't force yourself to eat something you don't enjoy
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    I shop at Costco so I do tend to rotate a lot of the same foods - because I have a lot of it! I don't find it boring though. I enjoy what I eat. It can taste a little different with a few changes (spices, cheese, sauces).
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    Not really. This is my Sept meal plan:

    9/8: Broiled turkey sandwiches
    9/9: Steak Pizza
    9/10: Goat cheese, lentil, bulgur rolls
    9/11: Goat cheese, lentil, bulgur rolls
    9/12: Ribollita w/ciabatta
    9/13: Ribollita w/ciabatta
    9/14: Chana masala w/naan
    9/15: Moroccan spiced chickpea and sweet potato stew w/bulgur
    9/16: Steak Pizza
    9/17: Zucchini lasagna w/ciabatta
    9/18: Zucchini lasagna w/ciabatta
    9/19: Zucchini lasagna w/ciabatta
    9/20: Vegetarian chili w/cornbread
    9/21: Vegetarian chili w/cornbread
    9/22: Broiled turkey sandwiches
    9/23: Chicken fingers w/oven baked sweet potato fries
    9/24: Grape tomato/romano/basil panini
    9/25: Shepherd’s Pie w/horseradish mashed potatoes
    9/26: Moroccan spiced chickpea and sweet potato stew w/bulgur
    9/27: Falafel w/pita bread
    9/28: Russischer Hackfleischtopf w/bulgur
    9/29: Chana masala w/naan
    9/30: Fish tacos
    10/01: Baked cod w/spinach and baked potato
    10/02: Black bean and bulgur burgers w/chips
    10/03: Ribollita w/ciabatta
    10/04: Lentil Bolognese w/ciabatta
    10/05: Vegetarian chili w/cornbread
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    My diet might be boring to others but I like to eat simply. Lots of grilled meat and raw veggies/fruits and eggs. Very easy to prepare.