Looking for motivation/support and offering

Hey my name is Brittany I am 22 years old. I'm new to this app/site so bear with me as I share a little about myself and my journey I am currently on. My starting weight was 498lbs but I currently weigh 427 lbs and my goal weight is 150 lbs that is a long ways away but I know I can and have to do this. It's been a tough struggle but I am managing with minor bumps in the road and slip ups but every day I try harder. I have been big all my life from the time I was 15 months old and I know that I'm not getting any younger so I have to do this no matter how hard it gets. I have a wonderful boyfriend going through the same and he has motivated me and helped me so much the past 4 months we been together. I also have my mom and dad as well. I am going to get the gastric bypass surgery and I wanted to keep track of my food intake therefore I found this and I'm so glad I did it's been great. Anyways enough of me going on about me I would to hear some of your stories and hopefully make new friends as I continue my journey. Thanks for reading.


  • bbwprincess2016
    Thanks so much
  • mandee201023
    mandee201023 Posts: 42 Member
    That's so awesome that you've already lost that much weight! Hopefully being on here will help you continue your journey. Just remember to never quit and never give up. I would love to offer you any motivation or tips you need. Just let me know!
  • theclaw900
    theclaw900 Posts: 321 Member
    @bbwprincess2016 That's 15% of your bodyweight. That's a great accomplishment. You should be proud of your progress. I've known folks who have "cut themselves in half" and more so I know it's possible. Keep at it.

    Best regards,
  • peggyyaeger9
    peggyyaeger9 Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations on losing that amount of weight already! Having support along the way is so important. My husband and I are working at it together and it really helps. I wish you great success on your fitness journey!