In such a rut!

I find that the longer I continue my lifestyle change the HUNGRIER and HUNGRIER I get! I way over-ate yesterday, but actually felt full and fully satisfied (and extremely guilty) for the first time in 6 weeks!

Most of this week has just been off for some reason or another.

Thank goodness for exercise or I'd be waaay over all of the time.

Please help me get out of this bad place! What do y'all do to clear yourself from a self-destructive rut?!

ETA: I drink upwards of 140 oz of water per day... I think I'm just self-sabotaging. But I like the idea of changing to .5 lb weightloss...


  • Ajontheguitar
    Depends on the day. When I'm at work it's REALLY hard not to want to eat, so I honestly go to my facebook and look at recent pictures of me that I don't like. I know negative re-enforcement is a bad thing, but it then tends to just strenghten my resolve to keep going! Also, I find a few foods that are low in calories that I can trick myself into feeling like it's cheating (when really it's healthy snacking) and I feel better.

    Also, chugging a bottle of water helps!
  • lgwhizz
    lgwhizz Posts: 65
    Sorry im not going to be much help but i do know how you feel! i have had a week like yours seems, but have not even exercised any of it away. it seems like everything went out the window. Keep thinking i will get back on it, then the next day comes and i do something to ruin it.

    Maybe we can motivate each other? Im trying to think of the very reasons i started this and that i still have a way to go so need to get my *kitten* in gear and stay motivated!

    Hope tomorrow is a better day for you xxx
  • yeahfatty
    yeahfatty Posts: 228 Member
    i used to over-eat a looot but then i changed my setting from 2 pounds to .5 pound a week because i figured ehh it's still losing .. & now i manage just fine... still end up losing A LOT more than .5 pound a week too due to exercise. (:
  • wwhite94
    wwhite94 Posts: 176 Member
    are you drinking plenty of water. Of if you like tea Brisk makes a no calorie lemon tea . Tea helps supress hunger feelings
  • Ajontheguitar
    I also come on here now and realize it's fantastic motivation to keep going.
  • PA21
    PA21 Posts: 95 Member
    Maybe watch your menstrual cycle and see if it correlates. I know when it's around my lady time I get ravenous. Disgustingly. Ravenous. I prepare by making HUGE suppers (healthy ones) and eating the leftovers for lunch instead of my regular 1 carb-2 veg/fruit-2 protein. Combo. Lifesaver. It might also be your not giving your body what it NEEDS which is usually protein.
  • WowieGarcia
    I have weeks like that every month, two weeks before my TOM. I don't even fight it anymore. If I feel like eating a whole bag of chips I just do it. No sense fighting myself and be cranky. I just work out harder.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Consistent water would help. Not letting meals go over 600 calories per meal should help too. Good protein so keep that up.

    Some days have a good amount of junk type food so even though calories are within goals they are not good calories and that type of food will make you hungry. Remember Carbs are just sugars and when they wear off you will be hungry again.

    Get used to this level at the right amounts and then work on decreasing calories slowly and increasing the exercise. You just water to keep up the water, protein and fiber so you stay full and don't crave the other foods!

    Best of Luck!
  • nikkidee1983
    I get like this too. And for me it is especially hard once a month when all I want is chocolate and sweets. So I have found that if I keep things like Andes mints (4 = 100 cals) or the new newtons fruit thins (3 =140cals) in the house they satisfy my sweet tooth without ridiculous calories. And, if I want something more I just do some exercise and earn myself some calories.