Losing all motivation...

I've now been on MFP a little over 3 weeks. In that time period I've lost almost 3 lbs, and then proceeded to gain it all back. Because of that I'm so unmotivated now. It's just taken me so long to lose weight that when I dropped 3 lbs in the first week and a half I was ecstatic! And now I'm just bummed.

I don't know what else to do. I know that I blew my calories last weekend, and that caused a 1 lb gain, but 1 lb I could try and knock off. Now, up 2 lbs more (which I can only attribute to a couple beers and wine because my calorie goals have been met), I feel like I'm just floundering. I even had to take my ticker back to 0 lbs lost because I'm exactly where I started.

Does anyone have any adivce? I need help to get over this. I'm not happy with my weight and I really want to be 130 lbs by my birthday in 2 months. I'm just tired of struggling when this has been a constant effort for 7 months now.


  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    I don't really have any sound advice, I'm just starting myself. But, DON'T GIVE UP! You can definitely do it :) Everyone has set backs at some point, but you just gotta keep with it. I know you will get to your goal :)
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Just don't get down on yourself! Weight is common to fluctuate. Just really watch what you're eating and maybe cut out alcohol for time being? Or once a week? And you just have to push yourself to work out. If the gym isn't for you, look for classes or even exercise video games! That's what I'm going to do. But trust me I know what you're going through because I've tried to lose weight so many times without success..
  • vcreinert
    vcreinert Posts: 83
    Hate to say this, but when you are really ready you will stay on it. Its a personal decision. No one an make you do it. When you are sick and tire of of being sick and tired you will do it. You just aren't there yet.

    You've heard all this before, but its very true.

    I was off it and on it and off it and on it. Finally just said to myself...yes I want to lose the weight I'm tired of being on a diet. So I've stuck with it. Its OK to have a day once in awhile when you go over your daily limit; but it shouldn't be a habit. If I have a family event and go off of it; i make sure I stay away from sugar and alcohol. And I go right back on it.

    I've lost 20 lbs and my husband has lost 35. It was more motivated than I was at first so his came off in one attempt.
  • Finney88
    Finney88 Posts: 46 Member
    I did the "sick and tired" thing at Christmas, because since then I've lost and kept off 10 lbs. But since April I've been stuck at 139.4 lbs. I stay motivated when I watch that number changing...but as soon as it goes up I get so disheartened. I exercise at least 4x a week, sometimes more, and always burn at least 300 calories. I rarely eat more than my 1200 a day, but the two weekends I've slipped have just totally thrown me. I am so sick of seeing 139.4 on that scale, but it's like, no matter how long I stay on the elliptical, or make sure my food diary is perfect, it doesn't stop.
  • darlenewanamaker
    darlenewanamaker Posts: 162 Member
    I go through that esp. @ that time, hang in there and try your best to work it.. even if it's 20mins 30mins walk the dog, walk up and down the stairs whatever it take I have to most days tallk myself into getting out of bed and doing some fitness, once I start I just want to push myself longer and harder ,, Good luck i wish you all the best
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    I know how you feel about being frustrated it took me 4 weeks to lose .5 lbs but if you stick with it * you can do it * I'm at 7 lbs loss now & it has been hell but weather it be 1/2 pound or more. just don't quit & try to cut down on the beers & wine it will help you not gain ( empty calories ) all in moderation !!
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    One thing for sure... only you can do it... but, if you lose motivation and you DON'T do it, nothing will happen and you most likely won't be down to 130 by your birthday in 2 months.

    Keep your head up, EAT, make sure you are eating your exercise calories. Don't let a set back SET YOU BACK. Otherwise, there's nothing to do except wait to have the weight again.