
coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
I really don't feel like I eat this much. I have no idea what is wrong with me. As I stuff my face, I tell myself I should not be eating like this. I'm getting severely depressed and really having a hard time getting up off my couch. I'm such a sad pathetic person.



  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I think your problem is the fact that you think you are a sad pathetic person! This is not the case, you need to start thinking that you ARE worth it, because you ARE. You CAN do it.
  • hrigsby
    hrigsby Posts: 31
    Now that you have said how you are feeling, you need to make a choice not to let that control you and make a change for yourself and your child. I had those days about not wanting to get out of bed. Finally my husband had to tell me to suck it up and do something about it. If I didn't want to be over weight and over eating I needed to choose not too. It is a daily struggle and I will be praying for you that you come out of this before you are too depressed, because YES you are worth it.
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    Ok, it's obvious things are really getting on top of you. If you try to suddenly be this "perfect person" you think you're supposed to be, it won't work. In reality, there are no perfect people.

    Instead, try to think of one thing you could do, every day this week, to make you feel better about yourself. Log the food, but don't beat yourself up if you make mistakes. Maybe you could promise that you will go out for a walk every day, OR eat more fruit/veg OR cook something from scratch. Notice I said OR not AND. If you try to do all of them at once you will most likely get overwhelmed. If you make that one change in your habits this week, next week you can try something else.

    Meanwhile, please don't beat yourself up over 1 bad day. 1 day does not have to mean a bad week, month or year. Tomorrow is always a new day.
  • TashaP2011
    TashaP2011 Posts: 142 Member
    You are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for. Why do you bother with this site? It has worked for so many people and can work for you too if you let it. Please don't give up. Please take care of yourself. You can do it!

    Take a few moments to look at success stories of other people that started out where you are now. Look at their diaries and take motivation from them - it is a gift they are more than happy to offer.
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    Little steps one at a time. Take it easy on yourself. The hardest step is the first and you've already made that. So many of our problems are our relationship to food, the way we think about it and the way we eat it.

    This all takes time, the more you get up and move around the easier it will become, it take 21 days for soemthing to start to form as a habit. The more you excercise the more the bosy will start to release the chemicals that make you feel good, the more good food you put into your body the better it will feel.

    I know from experience that it does not happen over night.

    You must change the way you are giving yourself a hard time. You are worth it, you are worth it for your children and your family. You are certainly not pathetic because you have reached out.

    Take a deep breath and relax. Know that you are worth it.
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    I'm with szczepj. Looking at your profile, you did nothing but put yourself down! You need to find something good about yourself (and there has to be something, so don't argue with me!) and focus on your positive points.

    Second, it sounds A LOT like you are eating for emotional reasons. You must stop that! You can't solve an emotional problem with a physical solution any more than you fix a broken leg by watching a comedy movie. Find a better way to deal with your emotions (if necessary, get counseling).

    You CAN do this, if you want to. You just have to stop getting in your own way.
  • As long as you keep telling yourself all these negative things, you're going to keep believing them and continue to eat unhealthy. You can justify eating 3,183 by telling yourself you're a "sad pathetic person". I can promise you that no one thinks that, except YOU. Especially HERE. You made it through step one and you're here and signed kudos for that! Now is the time to get in the mindset that what you're about to start is a journey, not a race. If you're anything like me, you want results 1 minute after you exercise, or after you get a salad instead of a burger. It's going to be a hard road and you're going to have bumps, bad days, and days you just want to give up. Here is the place to go and get support. Talk to someone. Read some posts and get motivated again. If you have 1 bad meal in a day, don't just tell yourself you're a failure and don't give up the rest of the day. Set goals. Small ones. It'll keep you motivated too. The main thing you have to change is your thoughts and feelings about yourself. You need to do an overhaul on that before anything and I promise the rest will come. You'll believe anything you tell yourself, so why not use those thoughts for good things? No one likes to feel bad about themselves, so it's time to make a change.
  • Oh my gosh! Don't say you are sad and pathetic.. don't you ever say that. It's simply not true. It's just not true.

    The first thing you need to know is that every single day is a brand new day, so if you feel you didn't meet your goals today it's ok. You have tommorow to fix it. Without struggles we would never learn to be stronger.

    I wish you the best and only the best.. :flowerforyou:
  • punk_mama
    punk_mama Posts: 93
    I know it hard but if you want it you can achieve anything.
    One thing I do to not eat junk is not buy junk. It weird not having a kitchen full of sweets but I feel like I can't resist so if it's not here I cant eat it.
    Start with small changes Then it won't feel like a marathon. Things i changed are If I feel like ice-cream I eat a skinny cow. I use thin buns for sandwiches and mustard instead of mayo. Egg White are my friend at breakfast and I eat veggies all day. If your used to eating fast food don't stop all together at first just choose the grilled chicken sandwich no cheese/bacon/mayo Ect Any thing you take away is extra calories and it adds up. My diary is viewable if you wanna take a look for ideas. I am not perfect I go over sometimes I am human.

    Take a walk with your son. Start with everyother day get used to an evening walk and then you'll probably want to do it every night.

    You might want to concidering talking to a doctor about how you are feeling about your self. If a doctor is not possible talk to anyone. Look up natural depression remedies on the internet. St. Johns wort could be your friend.

    If your not sleeping enough that could be a huge factor why you eat so much. Meletonin works great for me.

    Good luck on you journey. The key is small steps!! You can do this!!!!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    I had my days where I felt like this, too. I logged all my calories and was like what in the world? Here's what I realized...

    1. I was trying to make too many changes way too fast. I would get hungry, have cravings and pig out. Once I learned it was one step at a time I did soooo much better.
    2. There's always tomorrow. That's why I started the day by day thread. Everything will be ok. You have to stop beating yourself up though.

  • Poniesarepretty
    Poniesarepretty Posts: 77 Member
    Awww honey-take a deep breath and let the negativity go. It looks like you have a beautiful kiddo- just think about him/her when you thnk so negativly about yourself, because you mean the world to others and you just dont realize it. i used to have horrible self esteem issues and i still struggle with it on occasion but you know what got me to reealize it was all in my head? my kids, my family, and most of all logic! i am thinking of you and hope it gets better soon. friend me if you want, we are here to help eachother.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    I think you might need some help. You show signs and symptoms of depression. It may not be the best idea to begin a diet in this condition but using it as a small reachables goals tool could help.

    I invite you tou go to this site to check out if it can help you:

    I know it is hard. Don't give up Someone needs you !
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