5'9, weigh 164...goal is 140 in 68 days is this possible?

Any helpful tips and advice is welcomed! I have a beach vacation coming up in 68 days and would love to lose 20-25 lbs, is this realistic? TIA


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    jemhh wrote: »

    9.5 weeks for 24 pounds = 2.52 pounds per week.

    Not realistic. Not even 20 pounds is realistic at your starting stats.

    10lbs sounds about doable
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    No, sorry, it's isn't.

    Enter your stats into MFP and choose a reasonable goal (.5lbs-1lb a week, at your starting weight any higher will be too agressive and can cause muscle loss and binging). Stick to the calorie it gives you. You won't lose as much as you want, but you will be closer to your goal than you be if you did nothing.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    How about 10? :)
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Nope. You're already in a healthy BMI range, so it's going to take some time to lose that much.
  • lunaticdrummer4life
    Since you're alright not weigh in mich it'll take longer to lose weight so you're asking if you can lose 24 pounds in two months that's over 10 pounds a month you will probably only lose about if not under five a month without starving or working off quite a bit of what you've eaten. Sorry.
  • alienws1998
    alienws1998 Posts: 88 Member
    God I wish I knew how to post a pic of my progress chart. I'm down 21 pounds in like 65 days without any exercise. So yes it is possible, best of luck and feel free to message me directly if you have any questions.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    God I wish I knew how to post a pic of my progress chart. I'm down 21 pounds in like 65 days without any exercise. So yes it is possible, best of luck and feel free to message me directly if you have any questions.

    And did you start with the same stats as OP? or are you significantly overweight?
  • 220Dani
    220Dani Posts: 198 Member
    You're probably looking to tone up more and not lose weight. Hit the weights, get in some squats, work the muscles and get a beach body.
  • PennWalker
    PennWalker Posts: 554 Member
    edited September 2016
    I am a 5'4" female, over 50, started July 15 at 177 pounds and 9 weeks later weigh 157. I plan to lose another 20 or so.

    My doctor told me in July that I have killer high cholesterol and was at high risk of a heart attack or stroke, plus had developed high blood pressure, so those were my motivations to get healthier. My blood pressure now is normal from losing weight and exercise (like 102/74). I don't know my cholesterol numbers. He put me on meds for that and I will be tested in 2 months.

    I am not starving myself. I eat about 1200 calories a day. I drink a lot of Slimfast shakes (20 G protein and 1 G sugar) or Atkins shakes (15 G protein and 1 G sugar) because I don't like to cook. I also eat a lot of salads, vegetables, and bean protein like lentils (1 cup has the protein of 3 eggs).

    I usually walk 2x a day on a treadmill about 3-6 miles. Sometimes I take earplugs and a textbook and read while I walk (I went back to college).

    Yes, you can lose the weight. I didn't have a goal weight or time frame. I started eating healthier meals and exercising more. I stopped eating junk food, candy, etc. because I can't control how much I eat. I also chew sugarless gum or eat an apple instead of snacking at night.

    I use the MFP chart and eat the exercise calories back if I'm hungry, otherwise I don't eat them. I think a lot of them are too high is another reason I don't eat them all back.

    Anyway, I am much healthier and am not starving.
  • forevermaryb
    forevermaryb Posts: 108 Member
    I'm 5'9" as well. My starting weight was 210. It took me almost 6 months to lose 45 pounds, then about 1 year to lose the remaining 25 pounds to get to my goal weight of 140. Most of that year was trying to lose those last 10 pounds. The leaner you are, the harder it is to lose. Also, the older you are, the harder it is. You didn't give your age, but I'm in my late 40's. I maintained my loss for over a year, but the scale has slowly crept up to my current weight of 152, which I'm having a really hard time getting that number to go back down (mostly because I need to be "perfect" in my logging, but I'm not in the mindset to do that again yet). To be honest, when I was 140, people were telling me I was too thin. At my current weight, people are telling me I look fit. I felt great at 140, but my focus now is toning.

    Keep your focus on being healthy, not an arbitrary number on the scale.

  • alienws1998
    alienws1998 Posts: 88 Member
    In the words of Taylor Swift "Haters gonna hate hate hate hate"...no I didn't no start morbidly obese. Yes I'm a dude, I started at 6 ft 193, down 21 pounds in a lil over 2 months. And since I didn't describe how I did it, the person who suggested I did it unhealthy does know that one way or the other. So again OP it can be done and don't let anyone tell you it cant.