Starting all over again

I lost 25kg and I have gained all the weight back...I feel so terrible


  • 1fat11961
    1fat11961 Posts: 4 Member
    I've been there..for me it was 30kg and over 19 years I've gained it all back and more. I'm so pissed at myself....but only for today....tomorrow will be filled with determination....You can do it to....just keep saying to yourself "slow and steady"....the weight didn't come on won't come off overnight either.. I know its a long journey but feel terrible tonight....tmmw is a new day!!!!
  • cc_atlants
    cc_atlants Posts: 4 Member
    I'm just coming back from this! Was 150 pounds 2 years ago and got down to 130. Kept it off for almost a year and felt sooo good about myself. Got with a man who was a bit of a "chubby chaser" and so I've just been like, "*kitten* it, he'll love me anyway!" And ate my heart out for about the last year... was back to 150 as of two weeks ago and I felt terrible about myself! I didn't like the way I looked, and all that hard work... gone!

    Now both me and you are on the road to do it again! It took 8 months the last time, and if it takes 8 months again, so be it! We'll do it! It's worth it! I'm just doing my best to be 100% honest with my food logs, keep my weight loss slow so I can eat enough to keep feeling good about myself, and log every single day.

    Best wishes! We're going to do this!
  • mandee201023
    mandee201023 Posts: 42 Member
    You can do it! Just don't give up. And picking up cardio (jump roping, interval training, or running) will help you shred those pounds faster! I always take off weight and gain it back :(but this time I'm determined to make it stick with a community to help support me
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    These things happen - move on and start fresh :)
    You've got this.