Any words of encouragement?



  • LAC73167
    LAC73167 Posts: 114 Member
    I was totally in your situation a year ago. Until I changed my mindset and I decided I wanted to be healthy. I didn't concentrate so much on the numbers the weight did start coming off.

    You're a beautiful girl don't be so hard on yourself❤️ once you give yourself a break and strive towards health and watch what you eat - weigh and LOG EVERYTHING you put in you eat. do a little exercise (maybe Walk A little every day adding more distance over time) and I promise you you'll see the weight come off but love yourself first honey. You are amazing ❤️
  • LAC73167
    LAC73167 Posts: 114 Member
    Also, if you feel you really do have depression and or anxiety see a doctor or maybe consider going to therapy to work on your anxiety. You have to work on that as well because that's going to be a hindrance for you trying to get your mindset right. Maybe you could try meditation! there are many YouTube videos (if you don't know how) that can walk you through a guided meditation session. Just an after thought
  • jadefitnow
    jadefitnow Posts: 47 Member
    You're in the right place- we've all felt down, frustrated and self-defeated, and that's what got us here. Give yourself credit for taking a giant first step and reaching out- that's a great start! Now, just keep doing that- one healthy step at a time... they'll add up:-)
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    1. You're not disgusting.
    2. You can do this. Baby steps. You got it :)
    3. Feel free to add!
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    I'm sorry you've always had to deal with this problem, this should not have been the case in an ideal world.

    What you need to go towards, is being the best version of yourself, that you can be. That's it.

    Small steps. You CAN do it. It IS possible.