Why do i feel this way?

lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been changing my lifestyle since 3/31 this year. So it's been not even 4 months yet. I am down 47lbs which my doctor and nutritionist says is too fast. I feel all my clothes looser, my jewelry, etc yet when i see myself in pics i am still disgusted like why did i even bother i look so gross still and for me in my own pictures it's so hard to see any progress i have made at all.. it discourages me a lot. Sometimes i seriously have those days where i am so discouraged but i pick myself up and get through it. I always have to say my life is worth it. I am still very overweight at 354 lbs but i am down from 401 which was in March. Why am i being so hard on myself.. even though my clothes are loose why is it so hard to see my weight loss in myself especially in pics? Does anyone else feel this way?


  • lozf85
    lozf85 Posts: 62 Member
    Oh hunnie =(

    Firstly, congratulations on your amazing loss – you are doing so well.

    Let me just say – we are our own worst critics. We never notice the weight loss as fast as everyone else, because we see ourselves every day. Just remember that you have lost a wonderful amount and you will reach your goal before you know it.

    I suggest making smaller, more attainable mini goals, that way you will feel a sense of accomplishment and success sooner and you will be more wiling to stay on track.

    Congratulations on embarking on this fabulous and life changing (not to mention extending) choice.
  • PST0622
    PST0622 Posts: 115
    You have done an amazing job so far!!!! Please don't be so hard on yourself! Remember it takes time...and that you have a lot of people on here to support you!!! You are worth it and your lifetime with your kids are worth it!!!! Stay strong!
  • You are doing an AMAZING job! 47 lbs since March is remarkable! That's almost 5 sacks of potatoes! Next time you are at the grocery, look at the sacks of potatoes, and lay 5 of them out. Think about that much weight that was once on you,is now off. Now you no longer have to carry it around! lol..My aunt told me once that fat comes off in layers...like a roll of paper towels! the key is to be consistant! When you feel discouraged just remember that it takes time and commitment. The goal is to be healthier so you can live longer :) Keep up the hard work! you're an inspiration!
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    Negative emotions serve no place in weight loss. The more you get discouraged, frustrated the worse it will get. If someone weighs 500lbs and lost 50lbs and another person weighs 250lbs and lost 50lbs. It will show a lot more on the person who started out weigh 250lbs. What helps me sometimes is to look at things in the long term for example 10yrs from now. I stretch out my goals. I don’t believe in a “deadline” for your goal, you can’t control how much weight you will lose, so I just set a goal and work at it.
  • tamsrule
    tamsrule Posts: 9
    WOW!! thats fantastic!!!
    I feel the same way, but just think of how you will look a year from now! A friend sugested that for every ten pounds i loose i take a pic to see the diff?
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    First off - GOOD job on that 47lb loss!! I'm so super impressed by that - in such a short time too!!

    Secondly, yes, I have issues seeing any changes in myself. I am down 34+ pounds - down from a 22/24 to a 16/18 and can squeeze into some 14s. When I look in the mirror I do not see ANY difference. NONE. I see the same face as I saw when I was size 22/24, the same stomach, same upper arms, same thighs etc. I know they can't be the same but seriously I do not see a change. Sometimes, in photo's I can see it and those are the ones I look at when I'm feeling very discouraged.

    Just keep doing what you are doing, some day are minds will have to adjust to the new reality right?

    Amazing job again - yeah YOU!!
  • 1973Tara
    1973Tara Posts: 3
    Because it's always easier to believe the negative then the positive. I know exactly what you are talking about. Quite honestly...I put away all photos and stopped looking at them. My husband took 'during' photos of me but I never looked. I started to focus only on my clothes. I hung the biggest , ugliest thing I owned and hung it up on my bedroom. When I had doubts about myself...I put those pants on....as they got bigger and bigger - well...it was an amazing feeling! It's only now (15 pnds away from my goal) that I can look at them. I still find it hard to see the changes with my own eyes but...the ugly pants....they don't lie.
  • midwesthiker
    midwesthiker Posts: 144
    Are you still wearing your same clothes? I had this same problem until I broke down and got some clothes in the right size. I notice it now. My loss has been very slow, so it is hard to notice. I wore a right-size shirt to work a few weeks ago and everyone noticed (finally!) and asked me when I lost my weight.

    You may not feel that you are doing great, but you are. Keep pushing on. :)
  • You are not alone!! I am the same way. Last year I started out at 337, I still don't notice a huge difference. I lost 40lbs last year, gained back 10 and now I am losing again. I have lost close to 20 lbs since starting on here, but I don't notice changes at all. I had a coworker ask me if I was losing weight and that was the first I thought that maybe I do look different. My clothes
    Still fit the same, and even though 40lbs is a lot of weight, we don't think about it because we don't see it.
    You are doing an amazing job, so don't give up! I agree with a previous poster, set some smaller goals, but without the timeline. Goals are great to have because you get to celebrate the even the smallest of victories, but if you put a time limit on when you are supposed to meet those goals, even the smallest victory makes you feel bad because you didn't hit it by that time frame. It's not a race it get healthy, getting healthy is the reward in and of itself.
    You are an awesome woman doing an awesome job, keep it up!!!
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