September (2016) Running Challenge



  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    I don't think I've posted my last couple runs/total mileage. I've been swamped at work, so have missed several workouts. Also, there are lots of protests going on in the area right now (see news stories re: Terence Crutcher), so I've been a little hesitant to run around downtown. Everything has been peaceful so far, and has always stayed that way around here in the past, but I still don't want to risk getting caught in the middle of anything. We've been getting warnings from the security folks at work because some out of state protesters have started coming into town and they're worried the out-of-towners will stir up trouble. All the protests are being staged outside of either the courthouse or city hall. City hall happens to be in the building right next door to mine (actually attached to each other).

    I did try out a new running route yesterday and managed to get in 4.75 miles. I did, however, end up walking quite a bit in the last couple of miles, as it was very hot and humid and uphill and I ran out of water. Plus, I'm super overweight right now (stress, slacking off, crappy eating). Trying to get it all under control now that we're pretty well settled at the new house. We finally went out and bought groceries for the first time in months, so we can eat more normally.

    Anyway, total mileage for the month is only at 19.75. My goal was originally 75 miles, but there's just no way that's happening. I'll try again next month and will hopefully be a little more consistent.
  • johnnylloyd0618
    johnnylloyd0618 Posts: 303 Member
    @ceciliaslater keep digging! Finish strong!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Haha @kristinegift Your officially our poster girl for the group. @AdrianChr92 needs to photo shopped in there too! Dem legs and Kristen's calves the world will run!

    @skippygirlsmom Hilarious story!

    @MNLittleFinn I'm getting excited for you! I'm sure this will be a strong race for you! Have you adopted a mantra? I need something to keep the doubt out. The night before a race I'm always "why do I think I can do this? Your crazy"... I always fall back on breathing and a mantra " I'm strong I'm trained I can do this." Or something of the sort.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Awesome photo @Azercord hahaha
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 I usually just start chanting cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes.....

    Hahaha! Righteous!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Does anyone here wear shoes with GoreTex uppers for running in wet or slushy conditions? I'm considering getting a pair of Saucony Ride GTX for this winter when I'm running in slush. Looking for any feedback on if the GoreTex upper is useful.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    edited September 2016
    So I've once again changed my taper run plans. Felt like crap yesterday (being a girl is fun sometimes!) so moved my 2 mi run to today. Will also be doing a super short run tomorrow, the day before my HM, since I'll have been driving for 3 hours, and I've been reading about the importance of running the day before a race. It's been nice seeing a consistently below 10:00/mile pace on my recent short runs!


    For my HM, I'm mainly focusing on not letting the 13th mile psych me out. The furthest I've ever actually run is 12 miles. My race on Sunday will be a distance PR for me. Trying not to let my nerves get to me too much, I know I can do it, I've done the training, and I'm gonna crush that final mile! Lol.

    South Nyack 10 Miler – 9/11 – 1:43:24
    Adirondacks Distance Festival ½ Marathon – 9/25
    Sleepy Hollow 10k – 10/22
    Bay of Fundy ½ Marathon – 6/25/17
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @KatieJane83 My first HM was a distance PR as well. you really won't notice the last mile as being any different than Mile 12. For me, I actually hit the wall about mile 11, it was a hot and sunny day. You'll do great at your HM.
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    9/01 ..... 3.2
    9/02 ........... Rest
    9/03 ..... 3.3
    9/04 ........... Rest
    9/05 ........... Hiked 6 miles
    9/06 ........... Walked 6 miles with a friend
    9/07 ..... 2.3 Easy run then walked, DOMS was a little much to ignore
    9/08 ........... Rest
    9/09 ........... Rest
    9/10 ..... 3.2 With DD. She walked a little more than last time but I am still happy with what she put in.
    9/11 ..... 5.0 With DH. I was a little surprised with the pace: felt easy at ~10:30 min/mile, it was usually 11-12 for me
    9/12 ........... Rest
    9/13 ..... 3.1 With DH again. It was later at night and we wanted to get it done. We ended up running more like a tempo speed. I threw in a fast (for me) finish thinking, I probably wouldn't be able to run fast for next few weeks after the blood donation...
    9/14 ........... Rest - donated blood today. Will focus on having more iron rich food and hope the run tomorrow would not be too much of a suffering...
    9/15 ..... 3.1 Ran too fast in the beginning. I need to work on slowing down again...
    9/16 ........... Rest from running. Did some bodyweight strength training again, finally :sweat_smile:
    9/17 ..... 3.3 Family/Group run
    9/18 ..... 2.4 Wanted to run 5~6 miles but my legs (mostly left leg) felt really tight which I assumed was from the strength training on Friday and possibly a lot of standing the day before. Half way through, DH wanted to stop and I gladly agreed...
    9/19 ........... Rest
    9/20 ........... Walked 5 miles
    9/21 ........... Rest
    9/22 ..... 3.2
    9/23 ........... Probably bodyweight exercise

    Total Miles: 32

    Feeling a bit like a slug lately. Perhaps, I watch too much tv at night :sweat_smile: Only 12 weeks left to my next half...

    Finally did my first run after Sunday last night with DH. He went faster than my easy pace. I tried to stay together in the beginning but decided to find my easy pace again. It was a struggle. Given how little I ran in these past few weeks, I am a little surprised to find my legs and glutes so tight right from the start. My left leg cramped up when I stretched after shower... The run was just 3 miles! :confused: Perhaps, it's time for me to ask my doctor about magnesium...


  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    I just realized something. There are 8 aid/water stations on the course of my HM. at miles 2,4,6,8,9,10,11,12
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I just realized something. There are 8 aid/water stations on the course of my HM. at miles 2,4,6,8,9,10,11,12

    I had to go look at mine now, lol. My HM is the 2nd half of the full marathon course. Seems to be roughly the same amount as yours (roughly every two miles until mile 20 [mile 7 for half-marathon runners], then every mile from 20-25, according to the website).

    On another random, taper-brain thought, it's gonna be right around 50 degrees when I start my race. I feel like I've almost forgotten how to dress for those temps! Lolz. I'm contemplating bringing a layer but kinda thinking I might just suck it up and start out a little chilly, cause I'll warm up quick and don't want to be stuck carrying something. Any thoughts?
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    On another random, taper-brain thought, it's gonna be right around 50 degrees when I start my race. I feel like I've almost forgotten how to dress for those temps! Lolz. I'm contemplating bringing a layer but kinda thinking I might just suck it up and start out a little chilly, cause I'll warm up quick and don't want to be stuck carrying something. Any thoughts?

    That would definitely be shorts & singlet weather for me.

    What I've done in the past is have a cheap long sleeve shirt to wear before the race, then at the gun, take it off and toss it to the side. I was able to find a clearance on cheap long sleeve shirts for $1 each so I bought a half dozen just for that purpose. Thrift stores or garage sales also work.

    I also have cheap jersey gloves that I can wear and toss as I get warm.
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    @KatieJane83 Do you use arm sleeves? If it is not too cold, that is probably what I would go for. I can tie them to my hydration belt when I don't need them. In my first HM in March, I had a zip-up long sleeves over my regular running clothes and I just tied the long sleeves around my waist when it got warm. It worked for me and having something around my waist never bothers me. Also, I saw runners wear some garbage-bag-looking-thing pre-race to get them through the long wait time and they just threw those away before the race starts.