Hello From Sunny South Florida!

CurvyFallon Posts: 4 Member
edited September 2016 in Introduce Yourself
I have been content staying at the same weight for a long time. I've had plenty of "reasons" to not try and make the change. Looking at my parents and seeing my future; looking at my three beautiful children and wanting to give the best example, I am finally ready. My fiancee and are starting this journey together. I don't expect sunshine and roses and I am going to take this a day at a time. Wish me luck! I would love to make some fitness friends all around the world, every shape and size. I look forward to our brighter futures. Good luck to you too friends!☆ ♡ Starting weight of 245lbs 5'7.


  • JimmyBoombats
    JimmyBoombats Posts: 5 Member
    Good luck to you, I am also in Florida on the west coast. I lived in SOFL for many years. My starting weight is 286. I would like to get to 215 no matter how long it takes. Take care, Jimmy