can't gain my weight back

Hello I'm looking for some help trying to gain my weight back. I know I need to eat around 3000 calories a day but I'm finding this difficult with gerd. I can only eat small portions other wise my guts hurt. I've added more almonds to my diet but it's still not enough. Right now it seems I'm only getting 1500 to 2300 calories. If anyone has any ideas please let me know I'm desperate at this point. I'm losing to much weight, I've currently lost 12 lbs in the last month and a half.


  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Are you seeing a doctor for your GERD, on any medication? Even over-the-counter ranitidine can work wonders for some people.
  • dreamsignals
    dreamsignals Posts: 39 Member
    A calorie range of 1500-2300 is really wide.

    First, I'd suggest you look at your nutrition and figure out where that big gap in coming from. If you can eat 2300 daily calories half of the time, you can probably eat them all of the time. What calories-dense foods are you leaving out on the days you only hit 1500?

    If you're having a really hard time, and can take dairy, consider the GOMAD approach - Gallon of milk a day.

    One gallon of whole milk clocks at 2400cal, ~200g carbs, ~120g fat, ~120g protein and lots of micronutrients, all that for a relatively low price.

    Make sure you have a good lifting regimen, or you'll just get fat.

    Check "GOMAD" on google to read some of people's experience with it, as well as suggestions on how to incorporate the extra milk into your day.

    You can take some make some simple modifications to what you already eat, adding almost no volume of food, while beefing up the calories and making everything taste even better:

    1) Add two tablespoons of almond butter and two tablespoons of maple syrup to your yogurt (extra 300cal);
    2) Add two tablespoons of olive oil to your pasta, fish, tuna salad, avocado, etc (extra 250cal);
    3) Replace a couple of your water drinks with coconut water (extra 45cal a glass);
    4) So on a so forth....

    Make three or four of those modifications a day and you have your extra 700 calories.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I also suffer from Gerd and know that high fat foods can aggravate it. I'd suggest eating little and often as bigger meals might set it off. Full fat dairy is great and I can eat bananas which don't seem to affect it.
    Are you seeing a doctor or taking any medication? I'm on lanzoprazole and zantac which help. But if you're losing that much weight it might be worth getting it checked.
  • nicciw86
    nicciw86 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm taking prilosec for the gerd that my doctor prescribed but it has now caused sibo so I'm also taking digestive enzymes and probiotics.
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    Try things like adding coconut oil to your coffee
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    Have you tried carrot juice or aloe juice for the gerd? If you get a flare up either of these are very good for calming it down.