Really need help and motivation !

I was on the right track working out 4 times a week for at least 30 mins and eating right. Then!!!! i lost motivation and now not only have i gained back all my weight but also gained 10lbs!!!! I need help getting back into it and having someone to really be motivating. I am a college student and my roomies are always eating bad and are so tempting with their delicious food hahaha. I am going to start again and start Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and when I am bored with that do Zumba on my wii. If you have fallen off or are just starting your weight lose journey lets help each other :D


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    There's nothing wrong with eating everything in moderation. The key is to learn what a serving size is and STICK WITH IT. Don't go back for seconds or thirds. Eat what you have and that's it. If they're indulging in a lot of fast food and you want to eat with them - try and find healthier alternatives on their menu (salads are good - but watch out -- sometimes the things they add to them and dressing makes them worse for you than hamburgers!).

    As for snacks and stuff - try and find healthier alternatives to snacks you love. If you love chips, buy baked ones. If you love cookies, buy 100 calorie packs.

    You can do this!
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    I'm just starting! One week in. Does your school have a gym on campus you can use? When I was going to college, I loved going to the gym, even if it was just to walk on the treadmill or ride the bike. Bring your books along and study while you do it!! :) Kill two birds with one stone :):)
    Right now I'm just trying to lose baby weight. I've only been at it one week, but I have been trying to at least walk every day. You would be surprised at just how far walking 30 minutes a day goes!!
  • arieltheincredible
    arieltheincredible Posts: 114 Member
    I was but after a few weeks of going away from portioning and picking healthier alternatives my portions got larger and the food got greasier D: But I am getting better and getting back into decreasing my portions.
  • arieltheincredible
    arieltheincredible Posts: 114 Member
    yea we do but I don't live on campus so I do cardio dvds and just go to the mini gym I have at my apartment complex.
  • skinnyminimoni
    When you wake up in the morning, are you as happy as you could possibly be with yourself?
    When you eat burgers, fries, and other processed fast food, do you feel good about the things you're putting into your body?

    Or do you want to wake up and look in the mirror and be proud? Do you want to feel good about what you eat, and not feel heavy or bloated afterward?

    Do it for the feeling of satisfaction. Do it for your self-esteem. But most of all, do it for your health.

    We'll all be here cheering you on as you succeed. And remember--it's a marathon, not a sprint. You've just tripped momentarily, and we're here to help you up.
  • kaprice12
    kaprice12 Posts: 7
    I started MFP a week ago and love it. I have roller coastered all my life and my biggest weight gain was when I was in college so I feel your pain. I would love it if we could help each other.
  • d_llopez
    d_llopez Posts: 167 Member
    Don't try cutting out all the bad stuff. Even now i have it once a day.but i don't have much of it. Whether it's chocolate or even a burger as long as it's small it will be fine. I stick to at least 1200 calories and make sure i have snacks in there. I have a smaller breakfast so i can eat more throughout the day. Having the foods you still love can still happen just incorporate here and there. If you don't you'll end up going back again. I've been there and done that. You can do it. Take it day by day.

    For Instance the other day i went to eat out all day because i wasn't home
    Mc donalds i had some nuggets and salad w/a little dressing
    Taco bell i had a fresco taco
    Subway i had a flatbread chicken sandwich and half soup
    Then i indulged in some icecream at Baskin Robbins. Not all but atleast half.
    That was a day i couldn't eat at home and still lost a pound the next day. Better choices and all in moderation.
  • arieltheincredible
    arieltheincredible Posts: 114 Member
    No i look into the mirror and I am disgusted :( and thank you for your support I really want to feel better about myself !!! and look in the mirror and be proud.
  • TurnOnToLife
    TurnOnToLife Posts: 10 Member
    Were you still tracking your food in MyFitnessPal even when you started eating "unhealthy" again? I think the biggest thing that's helped me is making a rule that NO MATTER WHAT I EAT, I'm going to log it. It's the unconscious eating that becomes the biggest threat for me. So my first suggestion is to log everything so you always know what's going on.

    Second, in response to the "eat everything in moderation" comment, that is good advice as long as "everything" includes healthy food too. Some people use the idea of "moderation" simply as a justification for eating desserts and snacks and stuff. It also means that you eat kale in moderation, spinach in moderation, beets in moderation, etc. which means eating those things in the first place. Just because a person's portions of desserts and snacks are "moderate" doesn't mean they can get away with skipping their veggies!

    Finally, make sure you have a good support team. If your friends on this site are flaky (they don't log in every day, they always go over their calorie budget, etc.) you won't be inspired and you'll be tempted to behave accordingly. Find friends here who are kicking butt and cheer them on. They will cheer you on too.

    Oh, and for asking for help, YOU ROCK!!!!!

    Peace & Passion,
  • arieltheincredible
    arieltheincredible Posts: 114 Member
    I started MFP a week ago and love it. I have roller coastered all my life and my biggest weight gain was when I was in college so I feel your pain. I would love it if we could help each other.

    let's do this !!! lol kick weight loss in the *kitten* lol
  • arieltheincredible
    arieltheincredible Posts: 114 Member
    Don't try cutting out all the bad stuff. Even now i have it once a day.but i don't have much of it. Whether it's chocolate or even a burger as long as it's small it will be fine. I stick to at least 1200 calories and make sure i have snacks in there. I have a smaller breakfast so i can eat more throughout the day. Having the foods you still love can still happen just incorporate here and there. If you don't you'll end up going back again. I've been there and done that. You can do it. Take it day by day.

    For Instance the other day i went to eat out all day because i wasn't home
    Mc donalds i had some nuggets and salad w/a little dressing
    Taco bell i had a fresco taco
    Subway i had a flatbread chicken sandwich and half soup
    Then i indulged in some icecream at Baskin Robbins. Not all but atleast half.
    That was a day i couldn't eat at home and still lost a pound the next day. Better choices and all in moderation.

    I never thought about it in that way. especially because i always looked at it that i had to cut all my favorite things out :/
  • arieltheincredible
    arieltheincredible Posts: 114 Member
    Were you still tracking your food in MyFitnessPal even when you started eating "unhealthy" again? I think the biggest thing that's helped me is making a rule that NO MATTER WHAT I EAT, I'm going to log it. It's the unconscious eating that becomes the biggest threat for me. So my first suggestion is to log everything so you always know what's going on.

    Second, in response to the "eat everything in moderation" comment, that is good advice as long as "everything" includes healthy food too. Some people use the idea of "moderation" simply as a justification for eating desserts and snacks and stuff. It also means that you eat kale in moderation, spinach in moderation, beets in moderation, etc. which means eating those things in the first place. Just because a person's portions of desserts and snacks are "moderate" doesn't mean they can get away with skipping their veggies!

    Finally, make sure you have a good support team. If your friends on this site are flaky (they don't log in every day, they always go over their calorie budget, etc.) you won't be inspired and you'll be tempted to behave accordingly. Find friends here who are kicking butt and cheer them on. They will cheer you on too.

    Oh, and for asking for help, YOU ROCK!!!!!

    Peace & Passion,

    Yea I didn't log it because I know it sounds stupid but i felt that if i didn't log it I wouldn't worry about it :/ but even though i didn't log it i still gained weight!!! and yea I actually like my veggies but I also love fast food but you are all right I need to moderate it . And that's just it I didn't have a support team at all during my weight loss except myself so i fell off real quick.