New Moms...breastfeeding & trying to lose weight

chrissiegaddis Posts: 5
edited 11:36AM in Introduce Yourself
Looking for new moms to join me in my "get rid of all this baby weight" journey. My son is 10 months and we are happily breastfeeding. The only "unhappy" side of bfdg is that I am ALWAYS hungry...can anyone relate? Advice?


  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    Definitely!! At first it was really hard to not binge on all the junk I had been eating, as it made me feel full faster. As my body got used to eating healthier stuff though (and more frequently throughout the day) I found that I didn't feel so darn hungry all of the time, just some of it. Drinking more water also helps with that feeling and ironically made my milk produce more for a while. Guess I wasn't drinking enough water before. After almost 7 weeks of eating better I can feel a major difference in my energy level and overall I feel great!! Changing my diet to be healthy and eating more often has even reduced my hypoglycemic attacks by a great deal. Feel free to friend me if you like. I am always looking for yummy food ideas and inspirational people in the same boat as I am!
  • rachymoo
    rachymoo Posts: 6 Member
    I am so with you on this one. My son is four months old and I have decided it is time to shift some of the fat! I have about 2st to leave. I'm awful at diets, I have got into a bad habit of eating whatever I like whenever I like and thinking the extra calories are OK because I am breastfeeding.
  • Hello, ladies! I would love to join you all. My daughter is 5wks today, and I have about 5lbs of baby weight left. However, these last few pounds are being so stubborn! I think because a lot of my weight during pregnancy was water, and now I'm finally down to burning the real fat. Anyways, I also want to lose additional weight. I was just ok with my body before pregnancy, but now I want to be the healthiest and happiest I can be for my LO.

    So I have a question, do any of you exercise? I take occasional walks, but I kind of use breastfeeding as an excuse not to because of the burned calories. And are any of you using anything for stretch marks? I've been using Palmers here and there, but I'm thinking I'll become more serious about getting rid of them once I get to the weight I want. I'm hoping some of them fade along the way. =/
  • Mother4Jesus
    Mother4Jesus Posts: 38 Member
    I'm with you. I just joined. My son is 4 months old and it's time to start losing.
    How Do I join the group?
  • I am with you ladies! Although, I am a little further along with the baby weight no longer being baby weight, since my boy just turned 7 months....Still have 23 pounds to loose though.

    I am hungry all the time. I also feel entitled to eat whatever I want (as I did when I was pregnant). I'm sure it is just a normal craving, but I feel like my cravings are worse now than they were when I was pregnant. I also have no will-power.

    I've been walking a lot, and I am starting to jog. I have the baby with me all the time, so I don't get to the gym, but I do what I can with the baby with me.
  • TerribleTeaGuzzler
    TerribleTeaGuzzler Posts: 3 Member
    I'm with you, too! My daughter is six weeks old, and I put on a good 47 lbs with her. I've lost 7, but there's still a long way to go! With my oldest, it took me over a year to get the weight of, and I really don't want a repeat of that. :)

    I had also been feeling entitled to eat anything because of breastfeeding ... until I stepped on the scales and found that since giving birth I had actually put on another 10 lbs! I rarely exercise, and have definitely been using breastfeeding as a substitute for that.

    I am really watching my calories now, and have broken my day down into 3 small meals and 3 snacks, since that seems to help with my being hungry all through the day. White chocolate Kit-Kats are a wonderful snack at 220 calories. :) Seriously though, I am finally starting to eat more healthy foods - oatmeal, cereal bars, pasta, etc. - and feeling better, but I'm also still eating a lot of junk like the chocolate and Cheeto puffs.

    Looking forward to losing some weight with you ladies!
  • TGen44
    TGen44 Posts: 2
    I'm also a nursing mommy to my 7-month-old sweetie. After a lot of hard work(diligently watching what I eat, some excercise(mostly Wii Zumba and walking pushing a double stroller), I gradually was able to lose those extra pounds, and now weigh less than before my babies! I think the key for me is eating high fiber, high protein, whole foods, and staying away from those evil refined and processed foods, combined with the excercise, but also nursing! Remember, nursing requires an extra 300-500 calories/day, so make sure you are accounting for it, you and your baby need that! And drink lots of water. Be patient with yourself, your body just built a baby, and you brought a new life into the world--nothing is more beautiful than that! :)
  • I'm also a nursing mommy to my 7-month-old sweetie. After a lot of hard work(diligently watching what I eat, some excercise(mostly Wii Zumba and walking pushing a double stroller), I gradually was able to lose those extra pounds, and now weigh less than before my babies! I think the key for me is eating high fiber, high protein, whole foods, and staying away from those evil refined and processed foods, combined with the excercise, but also nursing! Remember, nursing requires an extra 300-500 calories/day, so make sure you are accounting for it, you and your baby need that! And drink lots of water. Be patient with yourself, your body just built a baby, and you brought a new life into the world--nothing is more beautiful than that! :)

    Thanks for the advice! It is encouraging to see someone who is lighter than when they got pregnant. That is eventually my goal.
    I am with you ladies! Although, I am a little further along with the baby weight no longer being baby weight, since my boy just turned 7 months....Still have 23 pounds to loose though.

    I am hungry all the time. I also feel entitled to eat whatever I want (as I did when I was pregnant). I'm sure it is just a normal craving, but I feel like my cravings are worse now than they were when I was pregnant. I also have no will-power.

    I've been walking a lot, and I am starting to jog. I have the baby with me all the time, so I don't get to the gym, but I do what I can with the baby with me.

    I know what you mean about cravings! Ugh it is so bad. I really let myself go and eat almost anything without thinking when I was pregnant. I think my body is used to midnight fast food runs, and I'm used to giving in! There are times when I really struggle with that.

    I also have the child care problem. I would LOVE to go to a gym regularly, but my husband is is deployed for the next few months. I know some gyms have child care, but I think my LO is too young just yet... At least we have strollers for walking!
    I'm with you. I just joined. My son is 4 months old and it's time to start losing.
    How Do I join the group?

    If you go to "Community" and then click "My Topics" it will show all your recent posts so you can come back to here and continue following this thread. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    Anybody that wants to add me as a friend is more than welcome to. I think it is great to have friends who are in the same type of situation and understand those random urges to binge on less than healthy food for no particular reason lol. As far as exercise I am loving the Crunch videos on Netflix (which I am very disappointed to see leaving on August 1st), some Zumba, walking periodically, The Biggest Loser for Xbox Kinect, and random swimming. Really I just try to do something at least 5-6 days a week. I am thinking about trying the 30DS but haven't decided yet.
  • terri0804
    terri0804 Posts: 20 looking to get my body back into shape and lose pounds..i had my baby girl 9mos ago and it is time for a change..good luck to all

    anyone can add me

  • KetoLovingMama
    KetoLovingMama Posts: 69 Member
    I have a 7 Month old daughter that i breast feed :) How do all of you breast feeding mom's adjust your calorie intake in order to produce?
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    not new mom but started doing the healthy/fit thing when my son was 12months (now 21), im still full time breastfeeding also. I blamed my max weight gain on breastfeeding, i was doing a lot of sitting and eating whatever i could to take to sofa...
    I guess I have trained myself to just eat better, plan meals, and have no junk around.
    good luck!
  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    I have a 7 Month old daughter that i breast feed :) How do all of you breast feeding mom's adjust your calorie intake in order to produce?

    I am still counting it as -500 calories on my daily intake. If you look at my diary you can see how I log it every day =)
  • weesmallmamma
    weesmallmamma Posts: 45 Member
    Hey all,

    i'm new to site. I've a 4 month little girl and still breast feeding. I've put on weight while breastfeeding. eating junk food on sofa while lo attached. the pregnancy baby weight and over eating weight means I've 3stone to lose. only starting to excercise. I've twin girls who keep me on my toes. so my time is precious!
  • hanika8
    hanika8 Posts: 5
    Im due this sunday and cant wait to start my diet to get back to pre-pregnancy weight of 8.5 stone. Ive put on 2.5 stone since being pregnant and im missing my old clothes! I plan to breastfeed so wont be going on a strict low calorie diet just want to stay about from junk food and exercise which will hopefully bring my weight down! Cant wait for next summer - been stuck in trousers due to horrid stretch marks - anyone else got these? I think its going to be a few months before they fade but looking forward to when they do!
  • looking to get my body back into shape and lose pounds..i had my baby girl 9mos ago and it is time for a change..good luck to all

    anyone can add me

    Search the food database for "breastfeeding". There are a couple options you can play around with. For some you can total up your calories by how many ounces of milk you produce if you pump and keep track that way. Or what I do is the "breastfeeding - exclusive" and it subtracts 500 calories from my food diary.
    Im due this sunday and cant wait to start my diet to get back to pre-pregnancy weight of 8.5 stone. Ive put on 2.5 stone since being pregnant and im missing my old clothes! I plan to breastfeed so wont be going on a strict low calorie diet just want to stay about from junk food and exercise which will hopefully bring my weight down! Cant wait for next summer - been stuck in trousers due to horrid stretch marks - anyone else got these? I think its going to be a few months before they fade but looking forward to when they do!
    I have stretch marks bad on my tummy. They haven't improved yet, but I still have a lot of fat left in that area. I heard taking vitamin e helps. I also heard you can break open the capsuls of vitamin e pills and put the gel directly on your marks. Husband lost 100lbs and did this, and there's not a single stretch mark to show for it! I will be trying it once I reach my goal weight
  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    I have stretch marks bad on my tummy. They haven't improved yet, but I still have a lot of fat left in that area. I heard taking vitamin e helps. I also heard you can break open the capsules of vitamin e pills and put the gel directly on your marks. Husband lost 100lbs and did this, and there's not a single stretch mark to show for it! I will be trying it once I reach my goal weight

    I have heard about the vitamin E thing but haven't tried it, due to a doctor saying it really doesn't work. I am now thinking I should... couldn't hurt right Lol? Why wait until you reach your goal weight? Maybe starting now would help to get rid of them as you go?
  • Mother4Jesus
    Mother4Jesus Posts: 38 Member
    I guess I dont' have to worry about my milk supply...lost 4lbs and woke up with a clogged milk duct. OUCH!!
  • Amyjessee
    Amyjessee Posts: 1
    My daughter is 3 months old today and I am just starting to try to lose weight for the 1st time in my life. How many extra calories should I be eating since I am exclusively breastfeeding her? Also does anyone have any tips on how to lose weight and not feel like you are going crazy with the whole thing? Thanks a lot for any help :) And anyone who is encouraging is more than welcome to add me as a friend.
  • slhaamid
    slhaamid Posts: 11
    Hi Yes I can RELATE! My daughter is 3 months now and I stay hungry myself!!! My husband and I just started working out at the gym and I'm seeing results...wooohooo!
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