What is your reward?



  • alaskagal
    My reward is to not have to go shopping - have tons of jeans that are too small.

    I have a reward if I do a month long challenge - this month it is putting the fork down between bites - it's damn hard! - last month was having half the plate be veggies (for lunch and/or dinner). I get a book I want each month.

    Getting stronger and smaller is it's own reward as well.

    Great idea to have a month long challenge! I may steal this idea for myself. Great inspiration!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Sophialittle ... that isn't weird that's what I'm doing ... haha! Well actually ... I haven't decided on that or a tattoo on my lower right hand hip but ... one or the other. I'm actually really excited about it... why I'm rewarding myself with pain I do not know.
  • cjsm1cat
    I want to finally get a tattoo. I've been so selfconsious about it because if I lose weight after i get it I'm afraid it will look funny. Still not decided on what or where I'm going to get it, but I'll definitely get some new clothes to fit my curvy form better and maybe show it off.
  • delightedin
    Getting married is quite good motivation though not really a reward because it'll go ahead whether I lose the weight or not. My dress is being made so there's no pressure to "fit" into the dress since it's resized all along the way, BUT it will be the greatest reward to look at pictures of my wedding day and think how BEAUTIFUL I looked, and not trying to find all the fat bits!!! This requires a change of attitude on my part just as much as a change in weight.

    Beyond that, I am determined that any daughters I might be priviledged to have may NEVER ever have cause to say "mummy thinks she's fat", but only "my mummy is beautiful"! It's amazing how easily the mentality obsessed with weight and food can be passed on, and I am so determined to break the cycle of low self esteem and self depreciation.

    For the time being, my wonderful fiance is the greatest reward. :smooched:
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    My reward is why I started here in the first place. I wanted lower blood pressure and it has happened. I wanted more energy and it has happened. Everything else is just gravy on top. New clothes,smaller sizes, and I even found nice people on the journey:bigsmile:
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Hey ICandoit! What is your tattoo going to be?
    Good morning Cowboy and Donna,
    It is going to be a geisha with cherry blossoms. I can't wait.:love:
  • kckat96
    :smile: Rewards.....Rewards....where do I start "I have so many". Reward for adding more minutes to my exercises each week "painting a new piece of pottery". Reward for eatting my cals all week....."gold star in my journal". Reward for drinking all my water each day for a week (this one is hard as I like to drink coffee better not water) "a thirty minute bubble bath"....oh yea! Guess it sounds crazy to have a reward for everything....but it helps me stay on the program. I like the idea of a tatoo... maybe I'll add that to my list for one of my really big goal rewards...thanks for the idea. Hugs from kckat96
  • amylousgar
    I like this idea. I think I'll have to set a goal with a reward. 4 years ago when I did weight watchers, I was going to get a tattoo when I reached goal. I got off track and never made goal. I finally got tired of waiting and got the tattoo I had in mind just a few weeks ago. I'll put some thought into it. I think I might set some small goals w/small rewards instead of one big goal w/a big reward.
  • jdonahue
    jdonahue Posts: 41 Member
    My husband promised me that I can buy a NICE pair of jeans. I'm so excited. Right now I have a closet full of pre pregnancy close that are too small but I am hoping that once I'm finished even those will be a little big!! I've been on track with food--I need to work out more though...
  • RunningRatty
    For every pound I lose I treat myself to a new song on my IPOD for my running playlist.

    My treat to myself to myself when I have got to my goal will be to enter a 1/2 marathon this time next year. :)

  • RunningRatty
    I treat myself to a new song on IPOD for my running playlist with every pound lost.

    When I get to my goal weight I will enter myslef for a half marathon this time next year.

    Running Ratty
  • RunningRatty
  • babyhippo
    Great ideas! I was only thinking of a reward at the end. But, I like the idea of small rewards along the way for little milestones reached. I better start making a list.....Hey this whole diet thing could turn out to be just as good as Christmas!!! (without the milk and cookies)
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    I am all about the little rewards along the way. In no particular order (except the tattoo) they are as follows...

    Hair cut and color (at the expensive place)
    Rock Climbing classes
    Bare Minerals starter set (that's the really nice mineral make-up)
    New workout clothes
    Tattoo ( which I will get on the anniverary of my back surgery, but I will have to had lost 48lbs to get it)
    Cooking classes (ones that focus on healthy cooking)

    That's it so far but I'm sure I'll think of more things to reward myself with! I love the idea of a new song on my iPod for every pound lost! I think I'll have to start using that one!
  • moidyn
    moidyn Posts: 112
    I'm going to get a boob job and a trip to Italy!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    I am all about the little rewards along the way. In no particular order (except the tattoo) they are as follows...

    Hair cut and color (at the expensive place)
    Rock Climbing classes
    Bare Minerals starter set (that's the really nice mineral make-up)
    New workout clothes
    Tattoo ( which I will get on the anniverary of my back surgery, but I will have to had lost 48lbs to get it)
    Cooking classes (ones that focus on healthy cooking)

    That's it so far but I'm sure I'll think of more things to reward myself with! I love the idea of a new song on my iPod for every pound lost! I think I'll have to start using that one!
    I'm with you on the Bare Minerals!
    Is Sheer Cover cheaper or about the same?

  • hackney3
    One thing I'm going to reward myself with is a shopping trip with my daughter where I try things on and I don't think or say that I am fat! We can look at clothes together and just have fun.

    The other reward will be bragging rights on how strong I am because of my workouts - I'll be able to make it through that soccer game with our youth group this summer without being unable to walk for 3 days - because I was so out of shape :tongue: I can't wait to actually see the muscle definition!
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    I am all about the little rewards along the way. In no particular order (except the tattoo) they are as follows...

    Hair cut and color (at the expensive place)
    Rock Climbing classes
    Bare Minerals starter set (that's the really nice mineral make-up)
    New workout clothes
    Tattoo ( which I will get on the anniverary of my back surgery, but I will have to had lost 48lbs to get it)
    Cooking classes (ones that focus on healthy cooking)

    That's it so far but I'm sure I'll think of more things to reward myself with! I love the idea of a new song on my iPod for every pound lost! I think I'll have to start using that one!
    I'm with you on the Bare Minerals!
    Is Sheer Cover cheaper or about the same?


    I think they run about the same on cost. I haven't heard much about it though. I know the Bare Minerals starter set is aroun $85. I think that might be my first 20lb lost reward:happy:
  • beanyspoon
    I bought a size 10 pair of jeans. I don't know what that is in US sizes, I think it might be a 6...?

    My reward will be looking great in them!
  • jesusgrl14
    this might sound a little weird but i'm getting my belly button pierced if i make my goal! (oops, i guess i mean WHEN i make my goal) when i was in high school, i always wanted to get it done. and then i had some health problems when i turned 18 and could have gotten it done. since then i haven't been proud of my stomach and wanted to show it off. i'm hoping to get back to the place where i'm excited about looking at my belly again!

    This is TOTALLY my reward too! I am going to the Virgin Islands in July and want to get my belly button repierced. I had it once before and I was still a size 14 and let me tell you I just FELT sexy, even if no one saw it but me. I can't wait to actually show it off this summer!! :bigsmile: