Caffeine addiction

Kmj102 Posts: 57 Member
I am trying to lose weight, I don't eat all that bad. My problem is, I am addicted to Diet soda and Energy drinks. Any advice how to stop or at least cut way down. Let me know.....


  • TypingToaster
    TypingToaster Posts: 4,110 Member
    Don't go cold turkey as that will cause additional problems. Go with the weaning method.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Caffeine is the best addiction ever. Coffee, black.
  • Kmj102
    Kmj102 Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you everyone for the advice. I truly appreciate it.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    drink water ?

  • _SummerGirl_
    _SummerGirl_ Posts: 3,791 Member
    Kmj102 wrote: »
    I am trying to lose weight, I don't eat all that bad. My problem is, I am addicted to Diet soda and Energy drinks. Any advice how to stop or at least cut way down. Let me know.....

    Years ago, I drank like 4-6 diet sodas a day. About 5 years ago, I drank two rock stars a day and soda...

    Now? I haven't had a soda in years. Once in awhile I'll have a Yerba mate energy drink, but I can usually go without it.

    I switched over to iced tea. In the beginning, the only one that could match the caffeine was mate tea....chai is also good. And I drank a ton still...with stevia.

    It was a slower sort of process....but I was able to get to the point I didn't need it. Normally i just drink water now. Sometimes infused water. Maybe busy weeks I'll drink chai mate blends... I also enjoy Jasmine or green teas once in awhile.

    But I don't feel like i have to have it...not like I had years ago.

    Good luck.
  • Kmj102
    Kmj102 Posts: 57 Member
    I find myself drinking more energy/diet soda on my days at work. I am also up 21 hours for 4 days in a row because of my schedule. I notice on my days off I don't drink as much, but would like to cut it out almost completely.
  • Kmj102
    Kmj102 Posts: 57 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    drink water ?


    I do drink water, but addicted to caffeine.
  • Tyler_978
    Tyler_978 Posts: 145 Member
    Cut the soda and energy drinks and start drinking black coffee! To much crap in those drinks
  • amcalmond768
    amcalmond768 Posts: 289 Member
    The caffeine shouldn't impede your weight loss but it is hard to quit. Try cutting down what you drink now by half to start. Find other replacements, like sparkling water, for that fizzy taste.

    I went caffeine free cold turkey for about a week and quit smoking at the same time and I was a raging *kitten*

    Wow your brave lol.. I am a big coffee addict .. During my pregnancies I was a massive *kitten* Bc I could only have one cup a day!
  • interva
    interva Posts: 5 Member
    Second the advice to wean rather than cold turkey. In addition find some drink you can look forward to in its place so you're not tempted to slide back later. Tell family and friends so there's support. Remember not to eat chocolate because you may get cravings as your body seeks to lead you to caffeine. Also avoid drinking decaf coffee, tea, green tea _ they all have some caffeine and once you have some you'll want more. Good luck.
  • Karb_Kween
    Karb_Kween Posts: 2,681 Member
    I have the opposite problem
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Diet soda doesn't cause you not to lose weight.....
  • cbusnightowl
    cbusnightowl Posts: 132 Member
    The way I managed to lay off the caffeine was to cold turkey it while I was sick with strep....I was already miserable with severe body aches so what was a withdrawal headache on top of it.
  • Kmj102
    Kmj102 Posts: 57 Member
    The way I managed to lay off the caffeine was to cold turkey it while I was sick with strep....I was already miserable with severe body aches so what was a withdrawal headache on top of it.

    Thats one way to stop with caffeine...
  • KerrieMac10
    KerrieMac10 Posts: 54 Member
    I loooooove coffee!!! Coffee isn't so bad.... It's the half and half I put in it... But that is what makes it delish!
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    The way I managed to lay off the caffeine was to cold turkey it while I was sick with strep....I was already miserable with severe body aches so what was a withdrawal headache on top of it.

    That's how I quit smoking, was being held hostage in the hospital (rash of tests that could have been done on an out patient basis), figured if I hadn't smoked in three days, I should just give it up. It also helped when I calculated how much money I would save.
  • ScottyBeBop
    ScottyBeBop Posts: 174 Member
    If i quit coffee i am 97% sure my body would shut down after a day and i would die.