How long to raise your cals to lower them again to get over

kassandra1717 Posts: 82 Member
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
How long do you suggest raising your calories for before you lower them again to get over a plataue?


  • let me know when you find that out please :))
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    When you stop losing again, then adjust the calories again.
  • kassandra1717
    kassandra1717 Posts: 82 Member
    Well I wasn't losing for a few weeks before I raised my cals and then I raised y cals and gaine 3 pounds so that's not helpful!
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i just keep eating more... *shrugs*

    ie: to break my plateau i started eating back more of my exercise calories..and keep right on doing's working fine *S*
    if i hit another plateau i will up my calories by change the rate of loss down to 1 pound in order to up my calories.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Every time I upped mine - I saw a loss. So, I left them where they were because it was working. I've gone from 1700 a day to 1900 to 2000 to 2200 and now, I fluctuate between 2200-2500 a day.
  • cheddarboy
    cheddarboy Posts: 124 Member
    maybe alter your ratios: more protein, more fat, less carbs, same calories? Also, you look fairly fit based on your pic. Not knowing your fitness routine or diet, you might be putting on muscle / getting more fit, but weighing more or the same??
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Are you adjusting your workout as well by upping your cardio or switching purely to strength training? i would think this also plays a part in the equation. Perhaps start adding a few HIIT sessions to your week to get your metabolism out of the pace it's grown used to.

    I wish I could answer your original question. I tend to yo-yo my calories based on my workouts... heavy workouts are followed by higher caloric intake, and lower cal days if I didn't work as hard.

    I'm curious to see what others have found to work.
  • kassandra1717
    kassandra1717 Posts: 82 Member
    maybe alter your ratios: more protein, more fat, less carbs, same calories? Also, you look fairly fit based on your pic. Not knowing your fitness routine or diet, you might be putting on muscle / getting more fit, but weighing more or the same??

    No I'm definitely getting some chub on me. I have back fat from my bra AGAIN and it was almost gone. Sigh
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459

    But I did just alter my ratios and manually upped my calories.
  • Well I wasn't losing for a few weeks before I raised my cals and then I raised y cals and gaine 3 pounds so that's not helpful!
    The last couple weeks i had hit a plateau i guess cause i was just wasnt eating enough...i know everybody is not the same but i decided i was gonna have a big splurge dinner i made homemade chicken and dumplings mashed potatoes and homemade green beans and i ate a HUGE plate...when i woke up the next morning i was down 2 lbs...then 2 days later i was down another im back down to my normal cals...i normally can just do one day of really eating alot and then get back to losing but i also still have quite a bit to lose...i dont know if that was much help but that is just my experience...
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    maybe alter your ratios: more protein, more fat, less carbs, same calories? Also, you look fairly fit based on your pic. Not knowing your fitness routine or diet, you might be putting on muscle / getting more fit, but weighing more or the same??

    No I'm definitely getting some chub on me. I have back fat from my bra AGAIN and it was almost gone. Sigh

    What is your workout routine like?

    Perhaps you need to do more of a circuit training vs just cardio. I saw a HUGE difference in my body when I backed off straight cardio and started doing a circuit training kind of workout instead.
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    I have tried doing the Zig Zag calories and it works, but you have to discipline yourself to keep doing it. Then go back on your normal calorie counting after a week or two. During the zig zag try to just eat lean meats and veggies and low sodium soups and not much bread at all. No sugar or fruit drinks... just water or tea...
  • kassandra1717
    kassandra1717 Posts: 82 Member
    Are you adjusting your workout as well by upping your cardio or switching purely to strength training? i would think this also plays a part in the equation. Perhaps start adding a few HIIT sessions to your week to get your metabolism out of the pace it's grown used to.

    I wish I could answer your original question. I tend to yo-yo my calories based on my workouts... heavy workouts are followed by higher caloric intake, and lower cal days if I didn't work as hard.

    I'm curious to see what others have found to work.

    Ya I doubled my cardio for a week and burned 4800 cals not including my strength training cals but still my weight didn't budge. I don't want to eat all those exercise calories so I've slowed down with my cardio again. I could try and just strength train for a week I guess. I definitely will find it hard feeling good when I'm cuttin back on my cardio.
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Are you adjusting your workout as well by upping your cardio or switching purely to strength training? i would think this also plays a part in the equation. Perhaps start adding a few HIIT sessions to your week to get your metabolism out of the pace it's grown used to.

    I wish I could answer your original question. I tend to yo-yo my calories based on my workouts... heavy workouts are followed by higher caloric intake, and lower cal days if I didn't work as hard.

    I'm curious to see what others have found to work.

    Ya I doubled my cardio for a week and burned 4800 cals not including my strength training cals but still my weight didn't budge. I don't want to eat all those exercise calories so I've slowed down with my cardio again. I could try and just strength train for a week I guess. I definitely will find it hard feeling good when I'm cuttin back on my cardio.

    That just may be the jolt your system needs to get the motor burning hot again. Throw in a little Tabata 3x a week, just for the fun of it. :wink:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I never lowered mine again. I was at 2 lbs loss per week and to get over my plateau I upped my calories to the setting of 1lbs per week loss and the weight kept coming off so I kept going with it and as I lose weight I get less and less calories so I kept losing but I'm still at 1lbs per week setting.

    Now I'm in a bit of a rut/plateau (aka cheating too much due to summer bbq's / camping????) but I'm trying to get rid of the last 15 and I can't lower any more since I'm already around the 1200 mark with 1lbs a week and I don't think upping will help this time, so I dunno what to do.
  • bigislandgrrl
    bigislandgrrl Posts: 196 Member
    Every time I upped mine - I saw a loss. So, I left them where they were because it was working. I've gone from 1700 a day to 1900 to 2000 to 2200 and now, I fluctuate between 2200-2500 a day.

    Now, when you were eating 1700 - 1900 a day (I assume you mean when you started) was this your regular calories as well as your exercise calories combined? I believe I remember you saying that you eat your exercise back mostly. So is that what this was? A gradual increase of calories as you reached your goal weight, or, did you up your exercise, or?
  • ROX805
    ROX805 Posts: 2
    The same thing happened to me. i just have to be careful not to eat foods high in sodium because from all the water i'm drinking i retain major water weight. i just try to splurge on celery/carrot sticks with plain yogurt dip mixed with a lil powder ranch dip mix. or unsalted walnuts/almonds. or even air popped popcorn. although the popcorn made me retain water weight. so i try to stick to my daily calories but allow myself to snack once in a while and i usually start loosing weight faster for a while after.
  • ROX805
    ROX805 Posts: 2
    i was talking about this quote by FruitLoop

    The last couple weeks i had hit a plateau i guess cause i was just wasnt eating enough...i know everybody is not the same but i decided i was gonna have a big splurge dinner i made homemade chicken and dumplings mashed potatoes and homemade green beans and i ate a HUGE plate...when i woke up the next morning i was down 2 lbs...then 2 days later i was down another im back down to my normal cals...i normally can just do one day of really eating alot and then get back to losing but i also still have quite a bit to lose...i dont know if that was much help but that is just my experience...
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Tom Venuto (Burn the fat, feed the muscle) recommends 2 days low, 1 day high for calorie or carb shifting. I have good luck with that method.
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