What do you think of my food diary?

fitandfunblonde Posts: 20 Member
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
Any advice would be great, quite interested to see it from someone elses view. Thankyou


  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    A couple of suggestions (hope you don't mind!)

    1: cut the sesame biscuits for breakfast and the cheese. Swap the oatmeal for brekkie, not lunch. I have porridge and 1 hard boiled egg every morning and it's only 251 calories in total.

    2: don't have the protein shake for lunch. When do you workout, is it after lunch? Try and have some carbs here like brown rice/pasta. I have my carbs here at this time of the day. It fills my up til well into the afternoon.

    3: swap the chicken burger for a real chicken fillet cooked with some flavourings on it. Or fish, turkey.

    Everything else seems fine. I snack on sugar free jelly and grapefruit/strawberries during the day. My diary for today is more typical of what I have. Weekends are sometimes a no-go as I tend to blow out a small bit but if you want, you can check out one of my weekday food log and see what I have?
  • imcsqrd
    imcsqrd Posts: 32
    May be repeating first attempt at reply, it disappeared on me :0

    Agree with wedjul05 on switching lunch porridge to breakfast as it's more filling and less calories. However, protein shake at lunch is ok as long as you add fiber to it. There are good ones that dissolve nicely and you will feel fuller longer.

    My main suggestions:
    1. Eat your fruit before a meal not as a snack. You will get more of the fruits benefit and feel fuller after each meal.
    2. Try not to snack - around 4 hours after eating, the body is burning fat for energy and snacking shuts this down.
    3. You are eating alot of sugary foods (lots of candy & ice cream) on a regular basis, try and make those treats after a meal when you crave them and see if you a smaller serving will satisfy.
  • clair3jane
    clair3jane Posts: 45 Member
    Oh dear! I looked at it and you eat a lot of lollies and not much real food at all! And you don't get nearly enough nutrients. I didn't see fruit or vegetables.
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    Tend to agree with the peeps above. Not enough veggies and to much processes meat .................
  • fitandfunblonde
    fitandfunblonde Posts: 20 Member
    I work odd hours, so the vitaweat isnt actually really a proper breakfast, i jut eat them all throughout a few hours while im at work.

    Thats really intereting how yous say i eat a lot of junk! Because I have been really good lately, i used to eat a block of chocolate every day lol! And I have been looking at other peoples diarys, and think, o wow, thats a rubbish diet. So really interesting to get other peoples opinions on mine.

  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Overall I think it's pretty good.
    There are some sweets in there, but it seems to be an occasional thing so I don't think that's so bad (better to just keep it to one or two lollies and toss the rest or give them away, easier said than done, I know!).
    I'd watch your serving sizes for the crackers - I think one serving is about 4 or 6 crackers so 16 is about 4 serves - maybe throw in some cherry tomotoes or snow peas to snack on as an alternative. And perhaps some tzatziki or hommus as an alternative to the marmite - less salt and a nice change.
    If you can get actual, unprocessed chicken and beef in there instead of the chicken burger and sausages you will probably be getting better nutrition. I know this is more expensive though, but try to limit the processed meats if you can - it might be bettter to look at beans or lentils if the budget is tight and just have real meat a few times a week.
    Personally I don't like meal replacement/protein shakes - I think they are overpriced and overprocessed but I know a lot of people like them, so if they are working for you, go for it.
    More fruit and veg is always a good thing... but overall, I'd give you a pretty good score!
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