Crossfit and Running balance

I currently do crossfit 3 days a week and run on weekends (sometimes both saturday and sunday).
I want to run more but don't want to sacrifice my crossfit sessions as they really help me run longer distances (5 or 6 miles) on the weekend.
I need my rest days I know how important those are.
How do you all balance both exercises?


  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Don't crush yourself in the wods every time. Scale such that you are maintaining a constant moving pace. Push hard, maybe only 1 of the wods per week, sometimes 2. You could also go for an easy run after xfit, if your schedule allows. The key is balancing intensity & volume.
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    ^^ This for sure!!
  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    I used to Crossfit and run. Can you fit a run in during the days you don't do Crossfit so you are doing 3 x run and 3 x Crossfit, one run can be a bit shorter, alternatively do a different cardio workout (I used to 3x Crossfit a week, 2 x run a week, 1 x cardio class). 6 workouts seems a lot but since 1 workout was lighter, I never had problems.

    NB: I don't do any of this anymore, kind of dropped off the exercise wagon.
  • hoofingchick
    hoofingchick Posts: 10 Member
    Great thread to find. Just started xfit but miss running so reintroducing it. Really useful info on what others do and how to manage it. I'm finding my legs are like lead after some xfit workouts. Running for me is a mental boost of outside quiet peace me time so I guess if I do gentle slow or short runs that's OK on xfit off days?
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    I don't do xfit, but I do strength 3x per week and run 5 to 6x per week. During the week, I typically run 3 to 5 miles before work and do strength training after work. I do 1 long run on the weekend of over 10 miles, gradually working my way up to 20. Right now, I'm up to running 30 to 35 miles per week.

    Just be careful not to increase your weekly mileage more than 10% per week.

    You might want to think about signing up for a 5K so you have a goal to strive for. There are some great running plans such as Hal Higdon out there.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Rybo is right. And the opposite is also true. Long runs will effect your WODs the next day, so maybe run a little shorter if you are going to Crossfit tomorrow.
    If you want to run more, I suggest switching things up week to week. Run three days and do Crossfit two days one week. Then do Crossfit three days and run two days the next week. Keep the longer run to one day a week.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited September 2016
    Great thread to find. Just started xfit but miss running so reintroducing it. Really useful info on what others do and how to manage it. I'm finding my legs are like lead after some xfit workouts. Running for me is a mental boost of outside quiet peace me time so I guess if I do gentle slow or short runs that's OK on xfit off days?

    It should be and it'll depend on your goals.

    I get the same thing on the days after I lift, especially if I hit legs really hard. Since running is my main focus I simply don't work my legs in the gym to the point of exhaustion. I knew once I started lifting legs again that it would be that way and that it would help me in the long run. So I've just been sucking it up during the summer when it's hot and there are no races so my runs are short. Once race season gets into full swing in mid-November, my short weekday runs reach 8 miles and I'm running 30+ miles per week I'll probably stop doing legs until after my last half marathon in March. Starting an 8+ mile run with legs that already feel like lead is more than I can mentally bear. :lol:

    @pnicola91, you've already gotten similar advice. To balance you need to take it a bit easier than you likely do now most days. You need to leave a little in the gas tank today to get you through tomorrow's workout. You already know how important the rest day is to help reset. If you feel constantly sore or are always feeling tired it might be time to reevaluate your schedule so listen to what your body is telling you.
  • julie_broadhead
    julie_broadhead Posts: 347 Member
    I run and do CF too:-) I think it all comes down to priorities. Could you add a run onto one of your CF days? One of my MFP buddies runs on all of her CF days. I don't know how she does it:-)

    For me, right now, I'm making running outside a priority. I live in Fairbanks, AK. The seriously cold weather + snow and ice are coming. I want to run outdoors as much as I can:-)
  • dreaming13000
    dreaming13000 Posts: 68 Member
    I don't do large volume runs these days. I do crossfit 6 days a week, and run 2 of those (am run pm WOD) yes, my legs are like lead weights, mostly my calves seem to take the brunt. It gets easier though. I do 1 tempo 3.3 distance and then sprints at the track the other day. The hardest part of those days is re fueling enough. I started this in august with a few 2 days of recovery. You'll likely be zapped on thise first weeks, but push through, run a little slower and re fuel properly!