100lbs +?? = I'm standing on the edge (well, probably leaning)

Hello MFP folks. Congrats to those who have lost weight. Good luck to all! I see mostly people who need to lose about 20 pounds... a daunting task for sure. But... I'm so faaarrrr from that and was wondering if anyone else is as close to an impossible case???

I hurt all of the time (bad back), I'm fatigued, I get winded walking to the car, and I need to lose at least 160 pounds. (yes, that's a "1" in front of the "60"!!). So... just going on my 30 minute walk that I did today was pretty much like most people on here strapping a potato sack to their back and running a half-marathon. It's intense. It seems a little futile at times... like it would be easier to just fall off that edge completely.

But I don't want to - so here I am. If there are others who think that there is an impossible road ahead... know you are not alone and I'll be thinking of you and praying for you, wherever you are, as I fight and scratch my way one step, one ice pack, and one pound at a time. :)


  • Welcome! There are many here who have lost a fair amount of weight (I'm down 65 lbs so far) and it is far from impossible. Keep moving (you'll feel a lot better, at least I did) and plug your info into the MFP app and log your food. Best of success to you, you can do this!
  • vplants570
    vplants570 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi KingsMama23!
    I have to lose over 100 pounds too. You are not alone. Good job on taking the 30 minute walks, small changes = big success. Prayers for you! Add me if you want :)
  • roamingtiger
    roamingtiger Posts: 747 Member
    My ultimate goal is to lose 125 pounds. I am done 43 so far. I haven't weighed myself in over a week, so maybe more! Add if you want!
  • eeede
    eeede Posts: 88 Member
    I have 120lbs to loose, you can add me if you like!
  • larryc251
    larryc251 Posts: 143 Member
    Just keep at it and you can do it! I started at 341 with 116 lbs to lose to reach my goal of 225. I've lost 33 lbs so far and i am feeling so much better already!
  • Cambridge727
    Cambridge727 Posts: 50 Member
    I started at 330 and current weight is 300.8 I still have long way go . My short term goal is 5 pounds per month feel free add and join me on my journey
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hi :]
    It may seem daunting - but you've taken the first step and sometimes that is the hardest part of this whole process. I would strongly suggest breaking the 160 pounds in to smaller increments (Example: 7 pounds a month or whatever works for you and your lifestyle)! Make sure you celebrate each individual goal with something you enjoy - maybe a day out or a new book or DVD! You'll start to enjoy the 'journey' and it'll make it a lot less intimidating. I absolutely promise you can do this. We'll be here cheering you on along the way.
  • jvcjim
    jvcjim Posts: 812 Member
    Yes when you look at the issue and think "I need to lose more 'normal' people weigh (or in my case more than 3 of them). Grid willing it cam be done. i like to think in 30 pound blocks, much easier to digest "i want to lose 30 pounds, rather than i need to lose 300lbs.
    Smaller goals help because they just seem so much easier. the brain is easily fooled, or maybe that is just my brain.
    that all said i am 98lbs less than my highest weight, 34lbs down since August 1st and my next goal is only 14.2 lbs away!
    For the walking, good, well fitting walking shoes help, buy a couple pair and alternate. when i was finally able to walk past the end of my driveway, i started adding a few minutes to my walk every 3 or 4 days. my morning walk is now 2.15 miles and takes an hour. i still stop a few times to stand and rest so i can catch my breath, it is a hilly walk.
    As i have told a few doctors, "i did not go to bed last night 180lbs of sculpted muscle and wake up this morning so fat my joints do not want to support me, it took me decades of overeating so it is only reasonable to take several years to get back in shape"
    enjoy the smaller wins as they come.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Keep walking too, it gets easier if you don't give up. I too started out of breath and panting going to my car and now I can walk a 5k. If weather is bad go to the mall, most open early. One of my mantras is make up your mind and your body follows.
  • KingsMama23
    KingsMama23 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys! Wow, you are all so awesome! I mean ... your stories give me such hope! I'll be cheering all of you on as well. One tiny note of hope and joy--- I have a (rather new) friend who is a cross fit enthusiast (so.. you know.. HEALTHY and fit). She is going to get up early with me every morning and come to my house to walk with me. We did it this morning.. I only last 20 minutes and am sore (wow) -- but one step at a time. God Bless her. And -- all of you too. Have a great week!!
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    You are not alone.

    I've lost 96lbs and still have a ways to go. The first few weeks are tough, but if you get in the mindset of making this part of your life, you WILL do it. I hurt all the time too, and now I feel terrific and decades younger. I am satisfied with my calorie intake and I absolutely LOVE to exercise. You can get there, I promise. Be patient and determined!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I have a good friend on here that is has lost over 130 pounds and is one of the most positive people I have ever met. I think if you get your head wrapped around this and start making positive changes you can do this. This takes time and dedication so don't expect weeks or months, I talking years or a lifetime but you will feel so fantastic. The health benefits will reward you as well, do it!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    OP: One step at a time - literally!

    You've got the right attitude to make this happen for you.
  • goingtobefit2015
    goingtobefit2015 Posts: 408 Member
    edited September 2016
    You can do this...you can look under the "community" and "search" for over 100 lbs to lose and you will find others like you on this journey and that have also succeeded over 100lbs loss. I have a few MFP friends that have lost over 100lbs and they are maintaining the loss! I have lost 61lbs and want to lose at least 40lbs more. Just take it day by day and never give up. You may slip now and then but NEVER GIVE UP!!
  • MsRuffBuffNStuff
    MsRuffBuffNStuff Posts: 363 Member
    Lose 10 pounds. Do it 15 more times. That is all. You can do it
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    Make your goals smaller and less daunting. Make your first goal to lose 15 pounds. After you accomplish this, set a new goal. Good luck, and get away from that edge!
  • jmack1234
    jmack1234 Posts: 2 Member
    KingsMama23 - I lost over 100 lbs... gained a little back but for the most part kept off about 80-90 lbs... you can do it.. it takes dedication and lots of effort... but you can do it. add me if you want to, i will be here if you need support.
  • rynshermy
    rynshermy Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! I completely understand what you're going through! I've lost 110lbs so far and I want to lose about 100 more. Really. I've been overweight for my whole life. I got all depressed a few years ago and gained even more. That took me up to 380lbs. I've lost the 110lbs in the last 16 months and I feel great (most of the time).
    I started looking for friends on here who are trying to lose about as much as I am..friends who are kind of going through the same journey. I love that you started this thread. Would make it so much easier for people to find others who are at this stage. To everyone, feel free to add me for motivation and support. I'm here if anyone needs me!
    Btw, I'm starting an October Fitness Challenge for my friends on here. If anyone is interested in joining, please let me know. Stay strong and keep pushing! :)