Work Lunches



  • cass0314
    cass0314 Posts: 39 Member
    I do all my cooking on Sunday. I cook all my lunches for the whole week. By meal prepping, I am forced to eat whatever healthy lunch I have packed for that day :)

    Ahh, I used to be so great at this! I was a meal prepper and a gym rat and I loved life. I quit, though, and that was stupid and now I'm fat! Haha. I'm excited to get back there again. :)
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I pack my breakfast, lunch and snacks for the week on Sunday. Here's today: quest bar, fage yogurt, cherry tomatoes, black beans, salad, nuts, grilled chicken, hard boiled egg, fruit cup, Apple, cheese stick, cottage cheese. Then grilled a piece of salmon, green beans, zoodles and a Yasso bar for dinner. About 1700 calories.
  • Megansonthemoon
    Megansonthemoon Posts: 13 Member
    Packing lunches is so difficult for me too! Right now, I've just been taking a lean cuisine to work and I'll add a side salad with some fresh veggies and that keeps me full and satisfied. I also like doing just big salads with nuts and fruit or an avocado with some salsa and a few chips.
  • flagrantavidity
    flagrantavidity Posts: 218 Member
    I eat Soylent 1.6 powder for Breakfast and Lunch, if I do get hungry at breaks I will munch on an Apple or Banana.
  • jayeless
    jayeless Posts: 30 Member
    I'm another one who usually takes leftovers. Veggie curries and pasta are my usual fare. In the past, if leftovers weren't available I'd usually take a Sunrice microwave meal, but those usually have a huge number of kilojoules in them (2,200-2,400 if you trust the packaging...) and if I want to stay under goal they don't leave me much room for dinner. So... I started to make sure I always have leftovers!

    When I'm going to uni and don't have access to a microwave (at least not without a massive queue) it's a different question! I've taken lots of bagels with cream cheese and bananas. There was one day I was really organised and was able to take a lemon chicken and salad wrap - I got lots of compliments on my lunch that day :tongue: But usually I don't have pre-cooked chicken on hand to do that. I've started to stock up on cans of tuna though, so tuna and salad wraps might be a worthy substitute.
  • Danika
    Danika Posts: 11 Member
    Right now, I'm doing well with salads: chopped spinach, raw vegetables, mixed beans, maybe some cheese or cous cous or a meat, and a light dressing. All measured of course!

    In a pinch, I'll just do a can of vegetable soup - cheap and filling. Granted, it's lots of sodium, but it's also got 2 servings of veg and is cheaper/better than the alternatives for me. I always keep a couple of cans at work just in case.
  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    Some things my partner and I do (we have very different calorie and dietary limits):

    - make a double or triple batch of dinner, often in the slow-cooker so that our active cooking time is minimal, and take the leftovers for lunches
    - batch-cook meals at the weekend and portion them out for lunches (good examples: stew, chilli, enchiladas, pasta or pasta bake, macaroni and cheese, soup, frittata, risotto)
    - salads (lettuce, crunchy vegetables, proteins like egg or chicken or tuna or chopped deli meat, nuts, seeds, dressing or crispy toppings like croutons or onion straws in a separate container if you want them); you can also make mason jar salads with the dressing at the bottom and the ingredients layered through
    - overnight oats with Greek yoghurt, fruit, and you can supplement with chia seeds and protein powders and so on
    - jacket potatoes with toppings (chopped steamed vegetables, baked beans, cheese, turkey bacon, Greek yoghurt)
    - sandwiches (chicken, tuna, deli meat, cheese, roasted vegetables, hummus, egg, peanut butter, jam, Marmite); you can make them on sandwich thins or bagel thins if you want fewer calories
    - wraps (just like sandwiches, but you can usually cram in more vegetables and sometimes sauce or dressing)
    - snack foods (either to supplement, or take several as a full lunch: cut fruit, cut vegetables, dip if you want, yoghurt pots, cereal bars, small baked goods, hardboiled eggs, jerky, chicken snack packs)
  • MaybeLed
    MaybeLed Posts: 250 Member
    edited September 2016
    Yep another one who vouches for leftovers, We make extra portions of dinner to have the same/similar thing for lunch the next day.

    Also every time we have meat on the bone I make a stock. Every few weeks I make a soup of about 6-8 portions, and freeze them individually, so if we eat out/fail to have leftovers. We can just grab a portion out of the freezer and it's defrosted by lunch time, lentil and bacon is a good combo.

    ETA: We get big pots of yoghurt and individually portion them with honey and nuts so we have breakfast on the go too, (what can I say we need our sleep)
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    While I prefer the weekly meal prep idea, my life is just insane right now and out of my control. So I have had to compromise to avoid eating out of the vending machine every day. I brought a loaf of light bread, a pack of lunch meat, a pack of cheese, a jar of PB, a box of crackers, individual hummus containers, and a small jar of mayo and jelly to work and leave it there. Every day I go make myself a ham sandwich or a PBJ sandwich or crackers and hummus. Its not the most nutritious but healthier than the ho-hos I was eating every day out of the vending machine and way cheaper. Someday I hope to be able to get back to actually prepping at home and just bringing in one day at a time, but this is working for now at least.
  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    daniip_la wrote: »
    Leftovers. Tuna sandwich if leftovers aren't available.

    To add to this, I don't mean like "I happened to have this extra" leftovers. I make extra servings specifically to bring for lunches.
  • MaybeLed
    MaybeLed Posts: 250 Member
    So many people have leftovers! I barely have enough time in the day to cook dinner. I mean how does everyone that works, work all day, I get home at 6pm- then workout by 6:30-8 - by then its too late to cook a meal so i usually just eat something like a baked potato or a fruit cup. My main eating is at lunch. Its hard to come home-workout-then cook dinner-and get ready for work the next day. I usually pack my lunch in the morning before work, apples, yogurt, and some baked chicken that i make batches of on Sunday.

    Honestly we just eat really late, I quite often won't get in till 19:30, sometimes we won't eat till 9 or 10, We have one period of time where we cook dinner, portion for lunch the next day and package for breakfast. I'm not saying it's the right way but it's the way that works for me and my husband. I find if I beat myself up about having dinner by a certain time I make less sensible choices. Also I'm more likely to snack late at night. We tried week batching and it wasn't for us. Just trying to plod on with what's sustainable (thus far at least!)
  • sharkey5899
    sharkey5899 Posts: 7 Member
    We usually do leftovers as well or I will make a big pot of turkey chili or beef barley soup freeze them and it's just easy to grab it and go. A pc of cheese and 25 grams of almonds, yogurt and some veggies keep me going throughout the day. Planning is definitely what keeps me on track. I have lost 31 lbs in 11 weeks so I feel what I am doing is working for me.
  • blueeyetea
    blueeyetea Posts: 44 Member
    Jeyradan wrote: »
    - you can also make mason jar salads with the dressing at the bottom and the ingredients layered through

    I came across a few videos on YouTube that show you recipes for these that look fabulous and could be prepared ahead and left in the fridge for a few days.
  • nitromaniac
    nitromaniac Posts: 2,479 Member
    I hate prepping meals for work also, but what I have started doing is to pick one day and prep for the entire week. I'll figure out what I want to eat throughout the week and get the ingredients together and just do it. I usually marinate some chicken in different varieties of marinade and then grill them. I'll also steam a lot of veggies, marinate and grill shrimp, corn on the cob, just whatever I am hungering for. Then after I do all that I pack them in bento boxes and take them all to work and put them in the fridge. I also will take snacks like carrots, yogurt, etc. to eat during the day.
  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    Ham and swiss lunchables, actually, with a protein bar as a snack.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    cass0314 wrote: »
    Gena575 wrote: »
    I do sandwiches with fruit and baked chips. Sometimes I swap the chips for a yogurt and pickles. Just depends. Or leftovers...often just the meat as a salad topping. I also keep a couple lean cuisine on hand for "emergency" situations. I try to keep lunch around 400 calories because I'm more hungry of an evening than through the day.

    I do the same, I often just have a coffee in the morning, a light lunch, and then a more robust dinner. But I try to eat my carbs earlier in the day and not as much at night. I'm just toying with different things to see what's most doable and most beneficial for me. :)

    Whatever works for you :)

    But since some carbs make me sleepy, I have a high carb snack before bed.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    cass0314 wrote: »
    I suck at packing a lunch for work each day. What do you take to work for lunch? I need as many ideas as possible! Eating fast food daily for lunch helped me gain 60lbs over the last 18 months and I'm over it. I've lost 11.5lbs in September and I have a long way to go, so nutritious and somewhat easy to prepare lunches for work are going to be key. Suggestions? Thanks for your input!

    I used to do big batches of cooking on Sundays and make lunches and dinners for Mon-Thurs. For snacks, I'd also make hard boiled eggs, and leave carrots and cheese in the frig at work, and nuts at my desk.

    Now that I work from home I just make myself a sandwich, which would be easy enough to do before work or the night before.

    You can also gets lots of lunch ideas from the MFP blog:
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I do the meal prep on Sunday for lunch, this week I was lazy and bought a rotisserie chicken breast at the grocery store and have made wraps with that, spinach and tomato along with either Greek yogurt or an apple.

    For dinner, I cooked on Monday night and made enough for the rest of the week. So basically I eat the same thing daily for a week and then switch it up. Well, the weekends vary more, but this seems to work best for me.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Soup! A big pot lasts all week. I usually add some crackers, an apple and a Babybel.
    Sandwiches - usually wheat toast, roast beef, spinach, and grainy mustard.
    Lean Cuisine + fruit or raw vegetables and a Babybel
    Chopped salad, add egg or chicken and some dressing when I'm ready to eat. (The Dole prepackaged kits are good if you're short on time)
    Freezer breakfast sandwiches, you can make them in advance. I love breakfast sandwiches, and they're delicious any time of the day (especially when my first meal is usually at 1:00)
  • lisalewis7588
    lisalewis7588 Posts: 76 Member
    I cannot eat sandwiches (it's a texture thing... super weird, I know) so I struggled with lunches for a long time. Now, I specifically make dinners to ensure there are leftovers for me to eat for lunches. In the event there is a dinner "fail" or other crisis, I keep tuna pouches around which I usually eat with a few crackers. And I always pack finger food such as veggies with hummus or light dip, or fruit, or roasted chickpeas, or Kind bars, or mini cheeses. Luckily (unluckily?) I am ridiculously busy at work and never have time to think about getting anything other than what is right in front of me, and sometimes I don't even have time to eat my whole lunch in one sitting (I get about 5, maybe 10, minutes to shovel food in my face) most days. So I keep the little snacks that are finger food so I can munch on them when I get 30 seconds.