Danny's Story, Manchester UK

danny7305 Posts: 24 Member
edited September 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hey Guys, I'm Danny from Manchester, UK.

Ive been lurking on this app/website for a few weeks and thought it was about time I posted something.

I'm 25, 5ft 10" and I started off at 16st 3lb (228.2lb), as of Monday just gone (26/09/16) ive lost 8lb and currently weight 15st 9lb, which took 2 weeks to do.... some how gained 2lb during that two weeks also.

I dont know what my goal weight should be, but 12 stone (168lb) sounded good to me
I know in my head what i want but, ive no idea what that looks like in figures.

The lb's dropping is a massive motivation right now, but i'm trying to switch that to measurements instead as i hear many people say dont focus on weight.

People are always surprised when i tell them my weight and say i hide it well, but i think ive always been overweight and ive slowly gained more weight over the years, but i only really saw for myself how fat i look when taking my before picture a few weeks ago, i was surprised, ive tried a few times to be healthier but its never worked. I would only drink pop, eat chocolate and cakes every few days, large meal portions, skip breakfast or eat left overs, eating out at work every dinner break and the office always had sweets or junk food going around... literally every day.

I finally found the motivation to do something about my lifestyle.... i think it come from my lack of confidence and loneliness but thats another story, Other than the obvious feeling healthier and slimming down to a size I feel comfortable with... I hope it brings me some self confidence, its something ive lacked my whole life, its also in my head that if i dont do it now my skin wont go back the same.... not sure if it even will now? I have a few stretch marks on my sides and a few on my inner thighs.

as of 12/09/2016 when i started my new life style, ive cut out all the sweets, chocolate...general sweet stuff, I started of drink "zero sugar pop" as an alternative but quit that after the first week also, now i only drink water, ive started having a healthy breakfast, I now make my own pasta for dinner, I dont worry about my tea time meal too much, but i am conscious of the meal size, also ive cut out bread and cheese unless its cooked into something. The only thing i truly miss is the pop, hard to shift that craving but I'm sticking at it.

Ive not really done any calorie counting but i'm very aware of what i shouldnt be eating or eating alot of, the only bad thing ive not really given up is a pizza i get one weekly with my brother, but i have reduced the size from 14" to 10".

exercise wise, I walk 1.5 - 2 miles in my dinner break and also use the treadmill before my tea time meal, I tend to do 30mins and average 3 miles total, I do a mix of fast paced walking on difference levels for 5 mins then sprint on a high speed for 1mins - 1.30mins and then repeat, i'm trying to better my self each day.

I'm looking at introducing weights soon, not sure when, i was kinda hoping to see a physical difference in myself before starting weights.

I really dont have much clue what i'm doing but i think i'm doing well so far, i do have my brother who knows bit about it all, but for me I'm just kinda doing it and seeing what happens and I feel highly motivated to get to where i want to be.

Sorry its abit long =)

any tips or friends welcome

Thanks for reading


  • N0703989
    N0703989 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Danny!

    I wish you well!

    Manchester was good, but once I new you were a)male b) seriously younger than me...... I wish you well. You seem like a really great kid but I'm looking for people that don't sprint!

    Good luck I have every confidence that you have it within yourself to accomplish what you want.
  • Big_Steezy
    Big_Steezy Posts: 68 Member
    Hey Danny, nice to see another macunian on here.

    I think I've got similar goals as you myself, I want to hit 11st though, but I'm slightly shorter. I've dropped from 15st6 to currently weighing 12st4

    Keep at it mate, you'll get where you want to in the end
  • davekirkby
    davekirkby Posts: 5 Member
    Well done Danny.... you made a really good start. I am no expert but you sound like you are doing the right thing by trying to cut out bad foods and eating more sensible foods. Definitely having breakfast will help.

    I set myself goals so for example i jog 4 miles but by the end of october i want that to be jogging 6 miles. Try and pick goals that are realistic.

    I will send you a friend request hopefully we can support and motivate each other

  • helenrenee007
    helenrenee007 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Danny! My husband and i live between Manchester, England and Minneapolis, MN! Welcome to myfitnesspal. Let's connect. I lost 40 lbs by changing my diet, lifting weights and performing isometric exercises using the Iso-Bow. Great to see you motivated, looks like you are on the right track!
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    goodluck on your journey! nice to see other people from the uk :)
  • danny7305
    danny7305 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you for the comments guys
    Really appreciate it :smile:
  • Lisajhartshorn
    Lisajhartshorn Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in Manchester too!