Birth Control Advice?

cskalaj Posts: 94 Member
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, ladies! (Guys, you're welcome to read, but you may not be all that interested in what I'm about to ask). I am going for my yearly death march (aka gyno visit) this week and am thinking about going on birth control. I know it seems odd that I'm 32 and only just doing this for the first time, but, well...I never had a reason to be on it before now, but it looks like I'll probably be getting married before my NEXT yearly, so now seems like a good time to start. ANYWAY...I've heard horror stories about the pill causing weight gain, and then I've read from reputible sources (webMD, mayoclinic etc.) that the weight gain of being on the pill is a myth and that it's really uncommon (though DOES happen to some). Can anyone offer suggestions/advice? I'll obviously talk to the doctor about it, but I figured I'd get real women's opinions and not the textbook answer from the male gyno who's never been through it :tongue: Thanks!


  • cskalaj
    cskalaj Posts: 94 Member
    Also, any stories about how birth control has affected future pregnancy would be great, too. Thanks!
  • ive been on yasmin for about a year and havent noticed any weight gain but i did try other before and had awful side effects... i would talk to your dr and see what they recommend for you. and try not to let what you here on those law suit commercials scare you or affect your decision my dr say their bs and i honestly dont believe a dr would put me or anyone else on something that they thought would hurt them.
  • cisensee
    cisensee Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on the pill for over 5 years. I did not notice any weight gain. I know every person is different but I personally do not know anyone who gained weight from being on the pill. Even if you do gain weight, it will not be substantial. And if your diet and exercise is right you should be fine :)
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I have been on Depo for 2 years. No weight gain and no TOM!!! I love being on Depo because no TOM.
  • bethany_22
    bethany_22 Posts: 203 Member
    Over the past few years I have been on many different kinds of birth control pills and I have NEVER gained weight from the pill. I also haven't known anyone who has gained weight from it. I don't know what kind of pill you will be put on, but I don't think you will gain any weight. (:
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    It all depends on how your body reacts to it. Everyone is different. Some gain weight, others don't. I was on the Nuva Ring for 5-6 years and I loved it...I didn't gain weight from it; I gained weight from being lazy. I'm no longer on it (I had a blood clot; not from the birth control, from genetics.) and actually use no BC at all anymore because it's too risky for me. The only way you will know how something works is to try it yourself because your response will be different than everyone elses.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I put on a bit of weight when I went on my pill - but it coincided with me getting my first job, getting a bit of my own money and going out drinking and eating a lot so I don't know that the pill was actually to blame for my weight gain. I did, however, recently change the pill that I was on (have been on the same one for 4 years) because someone told me I was being a massive b***** all the time, so I've recently gone on one with a lower hormone dose. It seems to be doing the trick!

    It doesn't seem to be hindering the weight loss either...
  • moriaht
    moriaht Posts: 251 Member
    It doesnt actually make you gain weight my Dr said. It just releases some chemical that makes you think your hungry when your not, which obviously causes weight gain. If you are able to recognize that and only eat when your actually hungry and you will be fine! It's harder than it sounds though ha ha I just went off my pill for that reason and that it makes me a crazy depressed b*tch :)
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    iv been on different pills. the first one was called Loistrin and i turned into the biggest moodiest psyco ever but lost loads of weight! then i moved to Dianette which was great but its one that your not supposed to be on for ages - no side afftects for me on that one, then from that i moved to yasmin but i found that i gained a lot of weight on that. so i moved onto a new one called Qlaira which hasnt made me gain or lose....just made me emotional.

    I went to my gp again 2 weeks ago and he took me off the pill all together to see if having time off it will help me with my weight loss.

    Its not the pill itself that makes you gain weight, its the hormones that give you cravings and increase your apetite. Its a case of trial and error im afraid. if you keep ontop of it then you shouldnt have any weight gain. :o)
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    I have been on Depo for 2 years. No weight gain and no TOM!!! I love being on Depo because no TOM.

    great example of how it effects everyone differently. I cried my eyes out and was injured a lot more on depo. I would be doing something and just burst into tears for no reason. Me and another girl on my ship (In the Navy) would do the same thing. I quit that stuff as soon as I could.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I've been on Nuvaring for years, with no side effects and excellent birth control.

    It's a vaginal ring that you insert yourself once a month (just like you would a tampon) and for me, it makes the most since because I always forgot to take the pills! Good luck with whatever BC you choose.
  • bishopwanda
    bishopwanda Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a health care professional. When birth control pills first came out they did cause alot of weight gain, but hormones in them these days are alot lower them back then. Weight gain can happen but its rare. I asked my OB-GYN birth control pills do not affect chances of getting pregnant in the future. Personally I was on the pill for 15 years and got pregnant within 1 month of being off the pill. Talk to your dr about your concerns and he'll advise you on the best one, there are so many types and combinations of birth control pills.
  • mgravy
    mgravy Posts: 47
    I've been on BC pills for 10 years and have never experienced weight gain because of it, but everyone's body reacts differently. For me, the most noticeable side effect is mood swings (especially when starting or changing pills/other BC). I would talk to your doctor about it, he/she should be able to prescribe the right form of BC for you.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I have been on Depo for 2 years. No weight gain and no TOM!!! I love being on Depo because no TOM.
    Me too! It's a good way to live. :happy:
  • I was on the pill for a long time, 12 years!! Now, I did gain weight in these years but I can't prove that it was due to the pill versus my poor (well, ****ty) eating habits and non existent exercise. I recently (December) stopped taking the pill and there has been no fluctuation in weight. I am leaning towards it's a myth tho I know everyone's different.
  • sorrelduncan
    sorrelduncan Posts: 69 Member
    Many women take the pill without any problems at all for all kinds of reasons. I was on it for several years for treatment of endometriosis, and off of it for several years during which I had 3 children. It did not have any effect on my ability to get pregnant - conceived about 3 months after discontinuing. My weight does seem to be higher when on it, maybe about 10 lb or so. It also seems to make me more emotional. I feel better when I am not taking the pill, but I am thankful to have had it when I needed it.
  • bluemist248
    bluemist248 Posts: 207 Member
    I've had a year of the combined pill, followed by a year of the mini pill, and now I've had the contraceptive implant for nearly 2 years. I don't think for one second any of these causes my weight gain, what caused that was going out for meals with my boyfriend and trying to eat the same size portions as him plus sitting around watching films rather than getting up and working out! I did have numerous side effects though, however many of my friends getting along just fine with the Pill.

    With the combined (the traditional Pill, if you like), my blood pressure was raised and I had serious headaches, in hindsight that may have had something to do with dehydration as I never used to drink much water. What I did like about the combined pill was how regular my periods were! I could literally time them down to the hour. The mini pill not so much, my periods were all over the place much like they are now on the implant (little plastic rod inserted in the arm), the mini pill however appeared to have caused a strange crackling sound in my head so my doctor took me off that and advised I get the implant.

    I like the implant, there's no having to remember or think about taking a Pill. my periods are messed up though, some months no period, other's I'll have a period for an entire month.

    I should stress that this doesn't happen to everyone! It's more about testing a method for at least 3 months to let your body settle into a cycle with it, you can always come off the Pill or have an implant taken out of your arm easily if you have any negative side effects. I was concerned I wouldn't be able to lose weight with my contraceptive implant, yet it seems to be coming off at a steady pace so personally I don't see it as a threat to weight loss. :smile:
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I was on the pill for many years and I don't think it affected my weight one way or the other. Since I had my daughter I've had a plain copper coil inserted. Its so much easier than having to remember to take the pill, and other than a heavier period for the first 2 months (which is normal) I've no problems at all. It lasts for 10 years and best of all you arn't putting any hormones into your body.
  • _Jessica_
    _Jessica_ Posts: 216 Member
    Ive been on many different BC over the years... I did the pills but you need to take them at about the same time EVERY day to make them effective... I had issues with that. I tried depo for a year and a half... it was nice at first, but then it went from not having my period at all to spotting constantly (also if you want to get preg inthe future they say you need o be off the depo for at least a year because you may have trouble concieving)

    Currently for the last 5 years I have been on the Nuva Ring... LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I dont' have to remember to take a pill every day, I just have to change it once a month... very simple to insert or remove. Price is not to bad either. It more spendy then the pill but you always pay more for convience! I have not gained wieght from the ring, I did gain with the depo though.

    Good luck with what ever you decide! Congrats on the engagement!!!!!!
  • saydee3
    saydee3 Posts: 34 Member
    I've been on several kinds, and each I reacted differently on my weight. Some gained a lot, some less. After talking with my doctor, I'll never go back to generic though.
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