Happy, yet still slightly dissapointed

In just over a month of being on here and strictly logging every single thing and picking up my exercise from virtually nada to about 3-4 times a week of 30-40 min of cardio and some strength (ie JM 30 DS). My very obese body has only let go of 5.5 measly pounds. I know i should be happy with that, that averages to about 1 lb a week but i was hoping for more like 2 lbs a week. UGH!


  • myurk
    myurk Posts: 108
    Don't give up! 5.5 lbs is still great progress! So what if it takes more time, it will definitely be worth it in the end for your health
  • AngelaKaylani
    AngelaKaylani Posts: 44 Member
    Hang in there. Your body is just getting use to the change and building muscle. A friend of mine that was quite heavy said it took her about 2 months of little weight loss but after that it just melted off. So, keep up the good work you will see your results soon. Don't give up!! :flowerforyou:
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far! Around 1lb a week and regular exercise is EXACTLY the way to go for sustainable weight loss.
  • lustyrusty
    lustyrusty Posts: 46
    I sympathise with ya! I've only lost two pounds but I'm pretty chuffed cause I'm diabetic and it's hard for me to lose weight. Still I guess the weight didn't go on quick....
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Keep it simple honey. The faster you lose it the easier it is to gain it back. I think one pound a week is exceptional. You are doing a great job. You keep up the good work and you will no longer be dissapointed. You are losing weight at a very very healthy rate. Don't freak your body out by trying to over do it. You didn't gain all that weight in a week, and you shouldn't expect to lose it in a week either.
  • ymechelle22
    I understand about being disappointed. I had gone from a size 18 to a size 6 in about 4 months. That was almost 7 years ago. I kept to off for about a year, then moved to a new city and practically gained it all back! Now I'm starting all over at a size 16! I'm very disappointed in myself, but I'm determined to do it again. This my fitness pal is really helping me get and stay motivated!
  • hexkitten
    hexkitten Posts: 5
    That's an excellent point about building muscle. In high school, I had a friend who was 120 pounds while I was 137, but we wore the same size clothing because my weight was mostly muscle (oh, the days of having the motivation to run 5+ miles per day...) Even now, the number on the scale isn't budging as much as I'd like BUT my measurements have gone down quite a lot.
  • shootoutx3
    shootoutx3 Posts: 24
    Congratulations on what you've already lost! I'm sure more will be coming off soon. And remember that since you're doing some weight training you may not be losing pounds but inches!
  • katyalaniz
    katyalaniz Posts: 24
    It's hard to know exactly why our bodies don't do what we wish......BUT, I'll recommend to you what people recommended to me when I was in a plateau and not losing anything:

    1. Add in at least one more workout a week. Whether it just be an extra 30 minute walk, 20 jumping jacks every day.....whatever works for your schedule. PUSH THROUGH and make yourself work off a few more calories.

    2. Make sure you're eating enough calories. I've heard of so many people who upped their calorie intake (with GOOD foods), and started losing again. Perhaps try an online calculator to see how many calories you should be eating today. Your current calorie goal might be too low (or too high - yikes!).

    3. BE HAPPY with the weight you've already lost! It's a major accomplishment just to get started. Trust me: I had almost hit 300 pounds, and decided to do something about it......it's so hard to start exercising and making healthy choices. You're doing great! Keep telling yourself that.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    It's possible that you're still eating too much (especially if you're depending on MFP to tell you how many calories you burned, you could be eating 100s of extra calories), or that you're not eating enough, or the quality of the foods is negatively impacting weight loss. Definitely don't give up, though, because you are moving in the right direction and making healthy changes. You might want to consider unlocking your diary for at least a short time to let other people give food suggestions....but that's always a risk! Good luck and keep up your hard work!
  • Sklug22
    Sklug22 Posts: 19
    Keep going! Something just isn't clicking, but a little tweaking to your program & before you knew it you notice the difference.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First off, 1 pound a week is excellent so you should be very happy and not dissappointed at all!! This isn't a race and it's not a competition (Biggest Loser). Everyone loses at different rates... Just be happy that you're losing!

    The slow rate of loss could actually be due to the increase in exercise. As part of the natural repair process, your muscles will retain some water. (Most people will try to tell you it's muscle gain but it takes some serious training to gain that much musle in a month or so). Keep at it and make sure you're getting at least 8 cups of water per day and things will even out.

    Besides that, it's hard to say without looking at your diary so here are some questions...
    Are you sticking to your calorie alottment every day? It's not a big deal to go over, even a few hundred calories, now and then but if you're donig it consistently, even exercise won't help.
    Are you using the exercise calories that MFP gives you or using a heart rate monitor (HRM)? MFP numbers tend to be a bit high so if you're eating those earned calories back, you may be eating a bit too much. Try usnig only half to 2/3rd of them.
    Are you tracking your sodium? High sodium intake (usually from processed/fast foods) can hold back the weight loss.
    Lastly, what is your weekly goal? I assume 2 pounds since that's what you're expecting to lose but check that to make sure your calorie goal is where you want it to be.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    You have to think that every pound is amazing!
  • jennthyer
    jennthyer Posts: 2 Member
    Celebrate the fact that the scale is going down! And congratulations! It's hard work and you should be very proud of yourself. I know how you feel. I've been doing the same program for the past 2 and a half months, and for 2 of those months my body wouldn't let go of a single pound! In fact, the first couple weeks I gained 3 pounds!!! But, finally, after 2 months of working at it and keeping track of every bite I've put in my mouth, it's starting to come off a little at a time. It's working for you at a healthy rate of loss and that's what really counts!! Good for you!! Yay!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Maybe you're eating too much sodium for your body. I try to keep mine near 1500 as possible.

    if you aren't tracking sodium, then start to track it... you will be surprised how much sodium is in pre-prepared food, including sandwiches.
  • triciawebb78
    triciawebb78 Posts: 142 Member
    Thank you all for your responses, I appreciate it!

    First, I am usually always under cal intake cept maybe on saturdays when we head to inlaws for dinner...Mother In Law is Italian, need i say more?!?! :) And we dont go over too much even then.

    Second just 2 weeks ago I started tracking sugar and sodium and usually am pretty steady with at least staying under the guide.

    third, MFP cal burned, I usually manually enter half the cals that it comes up with because it does feel high. IE for Jillian it said i burned 400 something, so i put in 250. and eating back calories just depends on the day, if im not hungry i dont eat.

    and yeah i am thrilled truly that the scale is going down, just wish it was a bit closer to 2 lbs a week.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    It took me about 3 weeks or more to lose weight, but I lost lots of inches in that time, as I had lost fat, but gained muscle. I nearly gave up! Hopefully you will hit that soon. The first week I lost real weight, I lost 4lbs, and I am now doing about 1.5lbs per week :smile:
  • holcat3244
    Girl hang in there... it takes a while to get were we want. Just remember at least your doing. I know I get depressed and just want to eat anything and not worry about calories...But I stay motivated adn realize that I'm doing all I can. :bigsmile:
  • triciawebb78
    triciawebb78 Posts: 142 Member
    It took me about 3 weeks or more to lose weight, but I lost lots of inches in that time, as I had lost fat, but gained muscle. I nearly gave up! Hopefully you will hit that soon. The first week I lost real weight, I lost 4lbs, and I am now doing about 1.5lbs per week :smile:

    I hope mine kicks in soon too!