LOL I found the GREATEST scale ever

When you stand on it, it says "Good morning, gorgeous, how is your fabulous self today?" in addition to several other similar phrases tailored to the time set while it records your weight/body fat (has those silver plates where your feet go). The top of the readout was embellished with a crown speckled with "gems" and yes of course the whole thing was pink. :wink:

It's killing me I can't find the link for it to share :sad:


  • nitashagarcia
    OMG THATS AWESOME! i want it! im gonna help you search! LOL
  • maria1993
    maria1993 Posts: 112
    Let me know if you find it! I have a friend that it would be PERFECT for
  • nitashagarcia
    LOL i typed in "pink scale with crown that says good morning" under google and it comes up with this post a few links down LOL FAIL!
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    sounds great!!
  • ladyrhees
    ladyrhees Posts: 26
    I'm soooo mad and worse, I did a scan last night that wiped my search/browser history, so I'm screwwwwwwwwed :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

  • KAT1892
    KAT1892 Posts: 54 Member
    "LOL i typed in "pink scale with crown that says good morning" under google and it comes up with this post a few links down LOL FAIL!"

    Haha, this made me LOL!

    Sounds like an awesome scale though!
  • jpowell3976
    jpowell3976 Posts: 144 Member
    I SO need one of these scales!!! :laugh:
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    Here is one that similar though it doesnt talk.
  • blackrose80
    blackrose80 Posts: 134
    LOL i typed in "pink scale with crown that says good morning" under google and it comes up with this post a few links down LOL FAIL!

  • ladyrhees
    ladyrhees Posts: 26
    "LOL i typed in "pink scale with crown that says good morning" under google and it comes up with this post a few links down LOL FAIL!"

    Lawl, failure of epic proportions indeed :laugh:
  • nitashagarcia
    LOL. im still failing! hahaha im glad you all enjoyed that quote from me! LOL