What to do???

Hello Everyone!
Ok so I just stared out on my weightloss journey about a month ago. To be honest for the whole month I have been on and off the exercise plan. I still am eating right, but lack the motivation to exercise? My biggest problem is the energy? After my long 12hr day of working and the travelling to and from work I am so freaking tired. When I get home I eat and then just don't seem to have the energy to work out. Like right now i'm thinking I have to go home and start the 30 Day shred, but I know once I get home it will not get done? Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do to boost your energy up for when you get home?


  • Oleva
    Oleva Posts: 12
    I have found that I do better getting up earlier and exercising. If I wait until I get home, it never gets done. I have 2 kids and too many responsibilities and exercising gets pushed to the back of everything. So I get up and do it before the kids get up and then when I get home, I have time for them.
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    honestly, the only thing that can get me going if im reallyyy tired after work is caffeine. if youre going to the gym and will spend at least an hour or two really sweating it out, id say five hour energy. anything less it would be too jittery for, just drink a cup of coffee or tea.
  • lgwhizz
    lgwhizz Posts: 65
    I am afraid i dont have a definae answer for you but i also have problems with energy levels. I think mine has something to do with sugar highs and lows (hence the weight gain and now on here!) but i have started taking some vitamins to see it it helps.
    Im on Coenzyme Q10 100mg, vitamin b complex and magnesium. These are all supposed to help with energy but have not been taking them long enough to give proper feedback on it.
    Hope things even out for you soon and please feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    For me it was just a case of getting on with it. The first week I found it really tough, after getting home from work, putting my daughter to bed, all I wanted to do was curl up on the sofa. But I made myself do it, after a week I noticed my general energy levels were much better, by 10 days into my plan I was looking forward to exercising as soon as my daughter was in bed. Its all about getting into a routine.

    Edited to add:
    Also try and find someting you really enjoy doing. On my days off I do some of Jillian Michaels longer dvds, but the thought of going home to that would be enough to put me straight to bed. So instead on work days I do Leslies Sansone's walk away the pounds dvds. Either 3 or 5 miles depending on time etc. They arn't as intense as Jillians workouts but they burn as many or more calories. (Around 600 for 45 mins of the 3 mile abs dvd and 1000 for 65 mins of the 5 miles fat burning one)
  • Lucky79z28
    Lucky79z28 Posts: 31
    Its hard to get started you just have to set your mind and doit! Once you get started it will be easier to keep it up! (It is for me). I have to get going as soon as I get off work or I do the same thing! If I seat down when I get home I am done! So I try to hit the gym before I go home! Or if I work out at home I get started as soon as I walk in the door! After a week or so of pushing my self I get where I can not wait to get started!
  • lesliefoste
    lesliefoste Posts: 137 Member
    Here are a couple of ideas that work pretty well for me:

    -consider working out before work. No matter how hard it is to roll out of bed in the morning, it's ALWAYS easier for me than working out after I get home from work. You might even sleep in your workout clothes; I find it helpful.

    -eat a healthy snack on the way home from work, so that your energy level is up when you're ready to work out. Piece of fresh fruit is easy and convenient.

    -you're just going to have to gut through it at first. Once you get into the habit, you'll find that you have more energy after work, but until you get there you just have to do the tough part and do what you don't feel like doing.

    -find some accountability. Even if you can't work out with someone, ask someone to keep you accountable. Ask them to call you and ask if you've worked out. Tell them at the beginning of the week what your goal is, and they can check in with you to make sure you're following through. At first, you might need a daily call, but eventually you should be able to work your way to a once-a-week check in. Accountability is really helpful.

    Good luck!
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    The only way I can get my workouts in after a long day at office, is to NOT go home. I go straight to the gym. If I do go home, it's just to get out my bike and go out for a 60-90 minute ride. But I make it a point to go NOWHERE near the living room (tv is there). Closest I get is the kitchen, where I grab a frozen water bottle for my bike explorations. Once I get back from the gym (or biking), then I start with dinner. But since I've already exercised, I can relax for the night.

    Also, to keep my energy up, I have an afternoon snack about an hour before I leave work. My fav is beef jerky... the protein keeps me going.
  • 1luckygal
    1luckygal Posts: 111 Member
    I don't know if you take any vitamins but B12 supplement (liquid preferably) does WONDERS for energy! I was working a 60 hour week, working out and going to school full time for 38 hours and it honestly made such a difference the days I took it versus the days I didn't! It's at least worth a try!
    Another thing - call up a friend or get on webcam,.. or find someone local... make dates and set times to be accountable. If I have someone else ... it's like pushing each other!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You are making a lot of changes in your schedule and habits when you change your diet and exercise routine. The diet change alone can cause you to be tired and sluggish for a short time while your body adjusts to its quick pick me ups of processed sugars and oils (assuming you had these in your diet before if you are trying to lose weight). Each person has to deal with getting the exercise routine started. Maybe starting off by getting some walking in during your lunches/breaks at work can help to get you started. What about starting a weekend exercise routine to get your body started? Try some different exercises/programs on the weekend to find what you enjoy, and you may even begin looking forward to the next time you can do that workout, and then all of a sudden you will find yourself with the energy and excitement to do it after work. Getting started is the hardest part, and you probably have to get over the dread of what the workouts will feel like.
  • rwd5046
    rwd5046 Posts: 302
    Its a habit you have to get in to and you must allow yourself time in your day to excerise, just like time in your day to work. Try giving yourself time in the morning to gradually work in some excerise. You may have more energy then after getting a good nights sleep. Start slow and build up, say 15 minutes the first time then twenty the next. If you do nothing more than walk in the morning its a start. the idea is to raise the heart rate above resting rate for the time period your working on. Eventually you will get stronger and have more energy. Just start somehwere and build on it. Jumping into a program right away may not be the best thing to do until you build up your energy and work out a time schedule to exercise that works for you. GOOD LUCK.
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    I am sorry you are struggling.. those are some long days! My suggestion is if you can get it done before work - that will help you with your energy through out the day and you won't have to stress about it later. Also, are you doing something you enjoy? I found Turbojam and that is my most favorite workout. I love to do it! Maybe you need to try some other workouts. I do workout to other things now that it is a habit but if I ever don't feel ike it or need a kick I pull out my favorite workout! Helps every time!!
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    this may sound stupid, but i found standing infront of a mirror naked was enough to give me a boost, if you want change then your the only one that can make it happen. Good luck xx
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    The truth is when you start doing exercise regularly it will make you feel more tired. But in no time at all, you'll find you have bags more energy and will even miss it on your off-days! Plan ahead and put down exactly what you plan to do on what days in your diary, and give yourself a day off a week.
  • PuzzleGirl65
    PuzzleGirl65 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm brand new to MFP and to exercising regularly, but I've found that even if I get out and walk for 20 minutes during my lunch break, it feels really good. I've also been doing the 10-Minute Solutions workouts (instant streaming on Netflix!). I just started them, but my plan is to do one or two of those *before* work on days where I'm running late or the weather doesn't allow me to get outside. Good luck!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Loads of great replies already. I work 8.30 - 16.30 but have a long commute so I often don't get home until closer to 7pm. The things I do to make sure I work out are:

    1. plan exercise I enjoy - if I hate it it's much easier to rationalise not doing it
    2. have a snack on the way home so I've got energy for the workout. I'll usually have some fruit
    3. do it right away when I get in. No sitting on the sofa "just 5 minutes", no turning on the TV. It's the first thing I do when I get in - change and work out. That way it's done and I've got the rest of the evening to sit on my ar$e
  • luna88
    luna88 Posts: 28 Member
    WOW so many great ideas! Thank you so much everyone for all the support and help! When I was going to the gym I used to go straight from work, and then home to eat dinner. The only thing was i wasn't eating till 8:30ish which i didn't think was too good on the system. I changed my hours to start earlier (meaning i get home earlier) so i'm going to try and do a dvd before dinner and see what happens. I know once i get a good routine going I will have more energy it's just getting started that's so hard.
    Thanks everyone for the motivation! Take care!