I gained 4 lbs in a week - how?

And no I did not over indulge. I will admit that I ate below 1200 calories a day an did not eat back any exercise calories but 4 lbs? I am really trying to up my calories but being a vegetarian it is so easy to eat a ton of food and not be hungry and stay low in calories. The one thing I have really changed is upping my protein. I know I needed to b/c I run every day plus do weights. I am really pushing for protein at every meal - lots of egg whites with my salads and cooked veggies. I know eating below 1200 is not good so i am working on that but i have never had such a weight fluctuation in one week. I got off the scale shaking. I am working so hard and now I feel so sad inside. Thanks for reading and letting me share my feeelings. have a great day.


  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    is it water weight? are u drinking enough water? It also could be muscle gain.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    With the high heat and humidity, it could very well be water retention. I normally don't have much in the way of fluctuations in weight, and I had a 15 pound change overnight this weekend. I will be drinking extra water, but I am quite certain that I could not possibly have eaten enough to gain that weight in the true sense weight gain.
  • JenayMichele1982
    I had the same problem, I cant seem to hit my calorie goal (ever) and I get a bunch of people on my butt about it too, Ive been maintaining the same weight and cant seem to lose no matter how much I work out, eat or dont eat.....I started using protien shakes and changed my regular workouts to HIIT workouts and its working! Try getting some protien powder from a GNC or Walmart usually carries it as well, have 2 or 3 of them a day and you will be reaching your calorie goals as well as getting tons of protien. Good luck!
  • Bunnzye
    Bunnzye Posts: 39
    The same thing recently happened to me. Followed this thing to the T, exercised every day and gained 3 pounds. I wasnt eating all of my exercise calories cause its just too much food to me. I was on 1800 calories a day. I lowered my calories to 1200 and now i eat my exercise calories. Have not weighed in again yet as I dont want to be disgusted just yet if those pounds plus one have not disappeared. Keep trucking, we'll get there.
  • kellymarie619
    Yesterday was my weigh in and I also gained 4 lbs. I was very upset, but I had also made some poor choices in the previous week. I went to a funeral of a close family member and ate at the luncheon afterward, I went to a music festival and ate too much, and I started my TOM. I didn't get in much exercise either....and this morning I woke up and weighed again just to see...and I'm back down 2.8lbs. So don't be discouraged, just check again tomorrow.

    I know you say its hard, but the only thing I can think of that is causing this is not netting 1200 calories a day. I'm not a doctor or a scientist, but I've heard from plenty of good sources that you shouldn't consistently net below 1200. So I would really try to up the cals this next week.

    I feel for you because I was there yesterday, and it was an awful feeling. Good luck to you!
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    Eating under 1200 calories, running, and lifting weights? You're starving yourself. You'll eventually start losing weight, but it will be mostly muscle.
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    The body works in mysterious ways. I notice if I go below 1200 calories a day, I stop losing weight and start gaining weight also. In reality, for me, my weight loss zone is actually 1400-1600 calories a day. It is the range where I am eating less; however, my body hasn't caught on that I am dieting. When you eat below 1200 calories a day, your body believes it is going into a famine stage and works hard to save you by storing calories. Just think of when a bear is starting to hibernate, the body of the bear works hard to use only a few calories so the bear can last all winter. If you starve yourself, your body will think, "it's time to store up calories, winter is coming". Increase your calorie intake and find your happy calorie range. When you convince your body that you are on its side and not working against it, and you will lose the weight.
    In addition, weight fluctuation is completely normal. I have seen 3-5 lb fluctuations in a day sometimes, so don't worry. You may have eaten too much sodium or something.
    * Aim for a weight range. Many celebrity trainers have their clients eat different calorie amounts everyday to prevent plateaus. For example: 1400 calories on Monday, 1600 on Tuesday, 1300 on Wednesday.
    * Do muscle building activities at least once or twice a week. If you lose muscle, your body needs less calories; which is not good.
    * Have a day where you treat yourself. This serves two purposes. First, your body will respond better to your regular exercise and diet regimen because it believes that you are not on a diet. In addition, it will teach you to pace yourself and understand that this journey is part of a life that should be enjoyed.
    * MOST IMPORTANT TIP: Your goals should be things you can control, for example, daily calorie goals or exercise goals. You CAN'T CONTROL YOUR WEIGHT LOSS. Trying to control your weight loss will only lead to defeating thoughts everyday. Weight loss is a VERY slow process... if it is done correctly. Just work on being healthy everyday and you will always feel like you have accomplished something.

    Good luck,

  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    The only way you gain 4 pounds is by eating 3500 calories per pound over your maintainence. that would be 14,000 calories. Unless you ate this it is most likely waterweight/ bathroom weight (i.e. bowel movement) etc...

    you don't gain 4 pounds of muscle over night either... soooo its not that..

    The most likely guess is water weight.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I vote for water weight. Increased humidity paired with running is likely forcing your body to hold on to excess water. Finish your runs by replenishing with a Gatorade or other electrolyte sports drink and a high protein/carb snack within 30 min. If you're in a calorie-reduced diet, it's probably not muscle, but you're definitely strengthening what you have.

    In warmer weather, your body is working extra hard to stay cool, so drink extra water, replenish with 8-12 oz. of a sports drink after vigorous exercise, and eat a high protein/carb snack (around 200 cals.) after working out. The water weight should disappear within a few days.

    Good luck!
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    You must eat back your calories or your body is going to go into starvation mode and make you store fat. Plus you will have a harder time toning up, because your body will be stealing your muscle.

    Try adding tofu into your diet. It is a good source of protien and you can cook it ten thousand ways. Also make sure that you are getting plenty of fats. Not getting enough healthy fats, olive oil, avacado, fish which I'm sure you don't eat are all good sources of good healthy fat. It you don't get them in your diet, it will cause you to gain weight. I don't know the science behind it, but it's there.

    Good luck to you.
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    To JenayMichele1982 - Is there a specific HIIT workout you would recommend?
  • westbrja
    westbrja Posts: 111 Member
    I feel your pain. This same exact thing happened to me last week. I had a 3 lb gain when I had been staying under my calories and exercising :mad: . I knew it wasn't possible that I had ate that many calories over my maintenance, so I wasn't too worried about it. Plus it's been in the 90's and super humid here so I'm sure I was retaining water. It will come back off, but I know it can be frustrating. Good Luck!
  • dancam1
    dancam1 Posts: 7
    I know I thanked you once but thanks again. Your positive thoughts and insights have helped. i'm glad i joined MFP.:smile:
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    It could be a lot of things! Have you been going to the toilet regularly? (Sorry if it's gross, but constipation can make the scale read a lot higher). Could be related to TOM or just general water retention from the changes. I wouldn't think you've gained any actual weight! Don't feel too badly about the scale. Try to eat your calories, maybe increase your water a bit to compensate for that added protein and stay with it. You're doing great!
  • mbgalarneau

    * MOST IMPORTANT TIP: Your goals should be things you can control, for example, daily calorie goals or exercise goals. You CAN'T CONTROL YOUR WEIGHT LOSS. Trying to control your weight loss will only lead to defeating thoughts everyday. Weight loss is a VERY slow process... if it is done correctly. Just work on being healthy everyday and you will always feel like you have accomplished something.

    Sage advice... I hadn't thought of it that way before. Thanks.
  • almeria1
    almeria1 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks!! This answer is very informative and it has helped my understand my frustration!

    The body works in mysterious ways. I notice if I go below 1200 calories a day, I stop losing weight and start gaining weight also. In reality, for me, my weight loss zone is actually 1400-1600 calories a day. It is the range where I am eating less; however, my body hasn't caught on that I am dieting. When you eat below 1200 calories a day, your body believes it is going into a famine stage and works hard to save you by storing calories. Just think of when a bear is starting to hibernate, the body of the bear works hard to use only a few calories so the bear can last all winter. If you starve yourself, your body will think, "it's time to store up calories, winter is coming". Increase your calorie intake and find your happy calorie range. When you convince your body that you are on its side and not working against it, and you will lose the weight.
    In addition, weight fluctuation is completely normal. I have seen 3-5 lb fluctuations in a day sometimes, so don't worry. You may have eaten too much sodium or something.
    * Aim for a weight range. Many celebrity trainers have their clients eat different calorie amounts everyday to prevent plateaus. For example: 1400 calories on Monday, 1600 on Tuesday, 1300 on Wednesday.
    * Do muscle building activities at least once or twice a week. If you lose muscle, your body needs less calories; which is not good.
    * Have a day where you treat yourself. This serves two purposes. First, your body will respond better to your regular exercise and diet regimen because it believes that you are not on a diet. In addition, it will teach you to pace yourself and understand that this journey is part of a life that should be enjoyed.
    * MOST IMPORTANT TIP: Your goals should be things you can control, for example, daily calorie goals or exercise goals. You CAN'T CONTROL YOUR WEIGHT LOSS. Trying to control your weight loss will only lead to defeating thoughts everyday. Weight loss is a VERY slow process... if it is done correctly. Just work on being healthy everyday and you will always feel like you have accomplished something.

    Good luck,
