2 Months of IF & HIIT

Hi everyone ,would just like to show you my progress so far,
i practise IF & do Strenghth stamina (Freeletics) + HIIT 4 times a week first thing in the morning on an empy stomache, hard work but it is starting to show

this is my belly end of July 2016


after 2 months of hard work took htis pic this week (end Sept 2016)



  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    ha... that's unbelievable.. you should take a photo from the side to compare the first picture with a second. That's amazing!
  • misscagal
    misscagal Posts: 195 Member
    edited September 2016
    I love my HIIT class but can only go 1x week :|
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    what is HIIT?
  • mmmmaidservice
    mmmmaidservice Posts: 85 Member
    High intensity interval training. I think?

    Well done!
  • misscagal
    misscagal Posts: 195 Member
    ^^correct. My class uses the power sled. Tough but awesome. Instructor was an Olympic gold medalist in Barcelona!
  • Ahsim24
    Ahsim24 Posts: 11 Member
  • stephenmoralee
    stephenmoralee Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for all your comments, HIIT is High intensity Intervall Training, i do it on the epilipse Trainer 25 seconds full power 40 seconds slow recovery Phase i get 8 Intervalls in when i do HIIT sessions.
    My HIIT days are Monday Wednesday and thursday, i do Strength & Stamina every day Mo- Fr using bodyweigt excercises and some light weights.
    IF (intermittant Fasting) i only eat from 12.30 -18.30 every day so i Train at 6 in the morning on an empty stomache :)
    Will be doing some more pics in 2 Months so Keep an eye out for me.

    Add me as i will be loading up Training and diet tips on a regular Basis to motivate People - any myself along the way

    Take care

  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    You should post pictures from the same angle though ;)
  • stephenmoralee
    stephenmoralee Posts: 75 Member
    i will be posting some soon
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    What am I doing wrong?!

    That is FANTASTIC progress!
  • c50blvdbabe
    c50blvdbabe Posts: 213 Member
    That's awesome. I too find working out on an empty stomach first thing in the morning provide my best results.
  • normalicia11
    normalicia11 Posts: 474 Member
  • stephenmoralee
    stephenmoralee Posts: 75 Member
    What am I doing wrong?!

    That is FANTASTIC progress!

    Hi, there is no "wrong" when it Comes to fitnes, try and do something evrey day to better your Nutrition and Training, never stop working in it.

    I am lucky that i have good genetics & have done Sport for most of my life, the first results come fast.
    However i still have to work as hard as everyone else to get the results.
    Up at 5:30 every morning & Train hard, 100% (absolouteley 100% Nutrition - no excuses just plain discipline) and you will get there.

    Add me & message me if you Need a helping Hand or Motivation

    Take care

  • Habiteer
    Habiteer Posts: 190 Member
    Great work!
  • stephenmoralee
    stephenmoralee Posts: 75 Member
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