
So I have been doing !200-!500 calories for weeks now and NOT loosing! Exercising every day from jogging 3miles to p90x....with some lifting. YOU would think I would at least be loosing inches....NOPE!!! 1/2 inch on calves, 1 inch on thighs, 1/2 inch really not anything significant. I have been thinking about adding a thermogenic to my diet to see if that helps but dont really like the side affects. I took phentermine years ago but not even sure that would help. I dont need something to curb appetite...just burn fat! Any suggestions would be great!


  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    It's hard to tell, I thought maybe it would be how you're eating but I can't tell from your diary.
  • ceschwartz
    ceschwartz Posts: 240 Member
    Maybe switch up the exercises. Try something harder or new to challenge those muscles.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I took a look at you're diary but since you haven't been logging lately, I can't really help you much.

    Are you drinking enough water/tracking you're salt intake? If not, I suggest you start.. a lot of the time that does it.

    For a lot of people at first they don't LOSE(not LOOSE) at all hardly. It can take a good month or two before you actually start seeing some results.

    Also, when you do you're exercise do you track you're calories burned with an HRM or do you just use MFP numbers? MFP tends to over estimate those calories a lot, and if you tend to eat all of them back depending on how much you have to lose you could actually be overeating.. which could be a cause of this.

    Please what ever you do, don't go taking crazy diet supplements. They won't help and may just screw up you're metabolism.

    Also try taking a few days off from exercise and see if that helps.. sometimes your body just needs to rest so that it can re-adjust and figure out that it needs to let the weight go and not hold on to it.
  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    Find out your BMR from your current weight and age and along with your normal routine consume about 500 calories below your BMR each day. 1200-1500 is not a baseline that fits everyone we all differ depending on where we are physically. I lost about 37 lbs doing it this way.
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    You've been doing it for a couple of weeks and seen a loss of "1/2 inch on calves, 1 inch on thighs, 1/2 inch waist"...yet you say you haven't lost anything? I'd say just stick with it, you're clearly losing...just have to have some patience. ;D
  • Schrieebee
    Schrieebee Posts: 13
    sorry.... havent been real consistent w/ my diary. My mornings consist of coffee w/ creamer...sometimes almond milk, a piece of fruit, and oatmeal. lunch is usually a bagal thin sandwhich w/ meat, lw fat or veggie cheese,tomato, lettuce and a few baked chips; dinner is all over the place... sometimes meat and salad or steamed veggies, sometimes lean cuisine meal, sometimes cereal. I always stay under or at my calories and usually dont eat my workout calories.
  • Schrieebee
    Schrieebee Posts: 13
    my BMR based on my activity is 2400.... so I suppose I could increase my calorie intake a bit. Also, increase water! I know I lack in this area big time! Thanks for the info!