To snack or not to snack... that is the question

jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
Hello MFP World! I have fallen off of the wagon :( I haven't even weighed myself in probably a month... (and am afraid I've probably put about 10 lbs back on :/) I refuse to weigh myself again until the end of the month so I will hopefully have time to take it off... so I won't be depressed, say what the heck, I can't win anyways and eat again... I CAN do this :)

So I have decided to lug my out of shape and heavier body back on the wagon... I've decided to do fruit and either fiber one or Kashi for both breakfast and lunch. and then a reasonable dinner. I think this will help a lot since when I don't have time or am too tired to cook I'll just grab fast food, which is why I'm overweight in the first place... this is quick and easy, and tastes good enough I can stick with it...

But I have a feeling I might be getting hungry... I have never really been a snacker... but maybe snacking will help me from caving and eating bigger meals...

What is your take on snacking? any snackers out there? does it help you eat less at meal times? How many snacks do you allow yourself a day? What is the max calories that you will allow yourself per snack?

Thanks for your help!


  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    You need to make sure you are getting your total allotted calories in per day. If you throw snacks in to meet that goal just make sure they are reasonable choices.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    I snack on cherries, grapes, bananas and I eat them by the pack when I feel peckish, helps me

  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    I eat quite a few snacks during the day. The only reason I can do that is because I only snack on fruits, veggies, and nuts. I'm big on real homemade fruit smoothies and homemade vegetable juices. It doesn't really take up a lot of calories, either.
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    I do not snack. I have big eyes and I require big meals to keep me happy every man has to find his own way. two to three big meals keep me happy. snacks only piss me off then I gain weight bc I'm still looking around to see what else I can eat.
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    I usually eat 2 snacks a day, each around 100 calories each (or less if I can find something) I eat one between breakfast and lunch (or between lunch and dinner if I get full enough at breakfast) then again at night after dinner.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I just... eat when I'm hungry and try to plan available calories around meals.
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    I don't actually log meals as such. I've divided up my diary in time slots - Midnight - 6 AM, 6 - 10, 10 - 2, 2 - 6, and 6 - bed. Which means that I eat an average of 300 - 350 calories per time slot. More or less depending on where I can fit in a workout. Not eating between 12 - 6. Which basically means that I "snack" all day. Balanced fuelings, to keep my blood sugar steady.

    The only higher calorie meal I eat is dinner with my family, and then I skip the heavy carb sides (rice, pasta, potatoes, etc.)
  • randomartisrgirl
    I usually don't allow my snacks to exceed 200 calories, and it's usually fruit. If I'm going put and I know I might get hungry and tempted to cheat, I cut up some fruit and put it in a little baggie for healthy munchin' later.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I just... eat when I'm hungry and try to plan available calories around meals.

    I do really love fiber one bars though
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    I'm definitely a snacker, a sweet tooth, crazy for candy...whatever you want to call it. I've adopted a healthy eating style for over a year and a half now, and this part has still never changed about me! Sometimes my snack calories add up to more than a meal that I've had in a day, haha! I'm really not sure if that's a good thing, but I still lose weight :) For snacks I usually stick to things like nuts and fruit (if I'm trying to curb hunger), but if I'm looking for something sweet or salty I go for a little square of dark chocolate or some veggie chips (not just the plain old potato chips). I really don't put a calorie limit on any of my snacks, but I guess if I had to I'd try and stay around 150 calories.

    Anyway, great job trying to get back on track. Stick to making your own food! It's the best thing that I have ever done for myself. Sometimes it takes a long time to prepare something, or sometimes I'm rushing to prepare my lunch and I set off late for work, but I'd much rather go through the hastle of making my own food than eat fast food these days! I am sure that stopping all the fast food I used to eat has helped me lose tons of the weight.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I use to be against snacking because I wanted larger meals but now thats changed and I have my 3 meals a day but also 2-3 snacks times between. It just depends if my body is hungry or not, I wont eat anymore just to eat...instead I listen and make sure I'm hydrated as well.
  • vvillalo83
    vvillalo83 Posts: 15 Member
    Snack for sure! Just make sure the snack is included in your daily calorie intake. Snacking will help make sure you don't binge eat or cave into fast food because you are too hungry to think straight (at least in my case). I try to include some protein in each snack (Women's Health Recommendation)... this helps keep you fuller longer. I snack on the following:

    1. small amounts of almonds, cashews and dried cranberries mixed up (1 tbls of each)
    2. carrots and string cheese
    3. celery and peanut butter
    4. fruit
    5. yogurt

    I like to stay and fresh and healthy as possible, so i try to eat as much unprocessed foods as possible. I find this helps me stay energized and feel less sluggish. Hope this helps! :)
  • cscoggins
    cscoggins Posts: 17
    I think pre-logging certain healthy snacks in the beginning of the day helps. I am a serial-snacker (lol) and I deal with my weakness by allowing myself to snack- but on healthy things. I will cut up an apple ahead of time into nice thin wedges, so when I get the munchies, I can crunch,crunch, crunch nervously on something good for me! Grapes are also good for this. Many studies have shown that small meals throughout the day is actually better for your metabolism... so snacking can be GOOD for you- if you do it right! :)
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    I eat every 2-3 hours, so Yes, I snack. I usually use ohyeah! protein bars because they are easy to carry with me and lots of varieties to choose from and my trainer approves.
  • vvillalo83
    vvillalo83 Posts: 15 Member
    Stick to making your own food! It's the best thing that I have ever done for myself. Sometimes it takes a long time to prepare something, or sometimes I'm rushing to prepare my lunch and I set off late for work, but I'd much rather go through the hastle of making my own food than eat fast food these days! I am sure that stopping all the fast food I used to eat has helped me lose tons of the weight.

    I agree! It is so much healthier and less calories which means you actually get to eat more! I pack my lunch and a bunch of healthy snacks the night before and take them with me a in a lunch box.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    You definitely want to eat to lose, so make sure you are getting your daily caloric allotment. I generally try to grab a small handful of nuts at mid-morning (approx 60 calories), and after work I will have 8 shrimp. Both of these small snacks take the edge off my hunger so that when it comes time for lunch or dinner I am not ravenous. Wish you lots of luck/success in your journey!
  • EdensMummy
    EdensMummy Posts: 106 Member
    You're actually meant to eat every few hours to prevent extreme hunger and keep your metabolism working effectively, which is why a lot of people have adopted the habit of eating five small meals a day rather than three big ones.

    As everyone has said, two snacks a day at around 100 cals each are ideal - so perhaps a couple of bits of fruit, some yoghurt, some crackers, low fat crisps (my particular snack of choice!), or even something like a glass of milk, some cottage cheese, boiled egg...the list goes on!

    PS I am only at the beginning of my weight loss journey, but my mother in law lost 4 stone (56lbs roughly) and this is one of her tips!!
  • stephicook
    I love yoplait light yogurt, only a 100 calories. Also, Wasa crackers with hummus. I would never make it through the day without a couple of snacks!
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    I eat every 2 -3 hours also. Keeps me from getting too hungry throughout the day. I love Emerald almonds -they have cocoa covered and cinnimon covered almonds so I really feel like I'm getting a treat. Just package them up in snack size zip lock bags (about 1/4th cup in each) as soon as you bring them home from the store and then they're easy to grab on the way out. Low fat string cheese is another easy snack to pack. I also like the EAS AdvantEDGE protein shakes - they've got lots of protein (17 grams), are quick and easy, portable and keep me full for a while. Carbmaster yougurts are another quick easy snack.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I snack but while preparing breakfast I pre portion whatever snacks I might have during the day.Then I enter them in my diary for the day even before I eat them so I know what I am having, what calories its taking etc etc. Pre planning is key :) It has done wonders on my snacking and cut it down while letting me make healthier choices. Good luck!